Dinesh D’Souza Podcast Ep638: The Mafia Playbook Revealed

by | Aug 20, 2023 | Inherited IRA | 26 comments

Dinesh D’Souza Podcast Ep638: The Mafia Playbook Revealed

In this episode, Dinesh discusses yet another looming indictment for Trump, this one in Georgia. Dinesh considers the applicability of RICO statutes enacted to go after the mafia and asks, who’s the real mafia boss here? Dinesh celebrates the world swimming body limiting female competition to biological females. Author Harry Crocker joins Dinesh to make the case for the greatness of the much-maligned Robert E. Lee.

Dinesh D’Souza is an author and filmmaker. A graduate of Dartmouth College, he was a senior domestic policy analyst in the Reagan administration. He also served as a research fellow at the American Enterprise Institute and the Hoover Institution at Stanford University.

He is the author of many bestselling books, including “Illiberal Education,” “What’s So Great About Christianity,” “America: Imagine a World Without Her,” “The Roots of Obama’s Rage,” “Death of a Nation,” and “United States of Socialism.”

His documentary films “2016: Obama’s America,” “America,” “Hillary’s America,” “Death of a Nation,” and “Trump Card” are among the highest-grossing political documentaries of all time. He and his wife Debbie are also executive producers of the acclaimed feature film “Infidel.”

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In the world of politics, corruption and manipulation often run rampant. It is a constant battle between those who seek power and those who seek justice. In his podcast episode 638, titled “Mafia Playbook,” Dinesh D’Souza sheds light on the tactics employed by politicians and individuals in power reminiscent of organized crime syndicates.

D’Souza, a political commentator and best-selling author, begins the episode by comparing the tactics used by the mafia with those used by politicians. He delves into the intricate web of power plays, bribes, and deception that can often be found in the political landscape.

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One of the main points D’Souza makes in his podcast episode is the idea that politicians often create a sense of fear and dependence among their constituents. This is akin to the mafia’s strategy of extorting and manipulating people through fear. Just as the mafia uses violence and intimidation to control their territories, politicians use policies and regulations to exert power over their citizens.

Moreover, D’Souza highlights the importance of cultivating loyalty in both realms. He explains how the mafia places great emphasis on loyalty within their ranks, rewarding those who are dedicated and punishing those who betray them. Similarly, politicians often rely on loyalty from their supporters and colleagues to maintain their power and influence.

Another striking parallel drawn by D’Souza is the idea of protection and favors. In the mafia, protection is offered in exchange for money and loyalty. In politics, politicians often promise protection in the form of policies and regulations to secure the support of certain interest groups or constituencies. This exchange of favors and the expectation of reciprocity play a significant role in both worlds.

Throughout the episode, D’Souza provides numerous examples from both historical and contemporary contexts to illustrate these points. He examines cases where politicians have employed tactics ranging from manipulation of the media to outright criminal acts, mirroring the strategies employed by mafia bosses.

While the comparison may seem jarring, it is designed to highlight the pervasive corruption that exists within the political system. By analyzing the tactics and strategies utilized by the mafia, D’Souza prompts listeners to question the integrity of those in power and the methods they use to maintain their positions.

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Ultimately, Dinesh D’Souza’s podcast episode “Mafia Playbook” serves as a call to action. It urges individuals to remain vigilant and to hold those in power accountable. By shedding light on the dark underbelly of politics, D’Souza reminds us of the importance of an engaged and informed citizenry in ensuring the integrity of our democratic systems.

Whether you agree with his views or not, D’Souza’s thought-provoking insights into the parallels between organized crime and politics offer a fresh perspective on the world of power and corruption. From the tactics employed to the manipulation of loyalty and favors, “Mafia Playbook” forces us to confront the uncomfortable reality of politics and encourages us to fight for a more transparent and accountable system.

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  1. Michael Williams

    Just a thought. Does everything Obama thinks he knows about his father come from what his mom told him? Maybe his dad was escaping a living hell. Not saying that running away is right. Just offering another perspective.

  2. Leann Wilson

    I love Trump. ❤

  3. marci

    Also Victoria Nabula!

  4. Scott Hullinger

    Righteous indignation is SO imminently satisfying!

  5. Nine Inch Magic



    Robert E. Lee may not be demonic, but he is unarguably a traitor. His military genious is undeniable, but he chose to fight for dirt over decency. For the ignoramuses who refuse to admit that the Civil War was primarily about slavery, 1) read the Confederate constitution and compare it to the U.S. Constitution, and 2) read the Cornerstone Speech (unless, you think you know more about the Confederacy than the vice president of the Confederacy did LOL). The comparison of Lee to Beijing Biden is despicably dishonest and inapplicable. Anybody who might want to secede from traitor Biden wants to leave evil and return to decency, while seceding from tghe Union was to leave superior decency to preserve their evil.

  7. Alan Block

    All to deflect from the corrupt bidens

  8. Alan Block

    The Supreme Court needs to stop the dems from these bs lawsuites against Trump converting the laws interpretation.

  9. I. Charles

    Dinesh Podcast such a refreshing channel, somehow transform Saints into Sinners, Sinners into Saints.

  10. Mary Buford

    Someone might be Shiva…I think he's Malaysian and found a photo of his supposed mother and thought he looked like her. I think he's a total fiction and profoundly ill. He was able to construct photos and documents to fool people and wasn't in Hawaii with grandparents at all. Most likely his name is false. He's probably a little boy named Barry Soltero from Malaysia and orphaned. You don't go far enough. The talented Mr. Ripley. I'm pretty sure everyone knows it. It's not funny. He's driven people insane. Children and parents are removing genitals. I'm planting flowers. Thanks Dinesh

    Lee? This wasn't a political war. It was an economic war. People don't understand the economy changed after the war. The constitution is political theory having nothing to do with the war. Lincoln could constitutionally attack states after they declared a new nation. Endentured servants contracts were sold as well. JFK made that same mistake by attacking states unconstitutionally. .

  11. The Stoned Sailor

    The RICO Act. Show me the man, and I'll show you the crime.

  12. pbm8264

    “Secession was a check against the federal government.” Really? Leaving the US because you lost an election because you were afraid of losing your slavery is not a check on a government. You can’t do something for the wrong reason and then try to justify it as righteous.

    Everyone knows that the real divide in our nation was over slavery and not tariffs. Tariffs were the lowest they have been in decades before the War.

    Harry Jaffa pointed out that in the nearly 1 million words spoken in the Lincoln/Douglass debates just 2 years before the War, not one time was tariffs discussed. The main discussion was with what had been dividing the nation for decades – slavery.

  13. pbm8264

    I grew up in a south Louisiana predominantly Catholic town, and I’ve never heard terms like “The South Will Rise Again,” “Southern Pride,” or saw any Rebel flags. It wasn’t until I got older and began working and mingling with people from more rural areas that I heard and saw these things. Is it ironic that the more rural and “Southern Baptist” people are, the more stuck in their old racist ways they are? In fact, it was the Southern Baptist Church, who just rather recently, had to publicly and officially apologize for them justifying slavery biblically back in the 1800’s. In fact, the CSA’s slogan during the War was “Deo Vindice” which means, “With God, our Defender.” I think the Germans had a Latin slogan too claiming God was on their side. (Gott mit uns – God with us) But no, God is not with and doesn’t defend tyrants. To paraphrase the great Lincoln and Reagan, “Instead of claiming God is on our side, we need to make sure we are on His side.”

    I was arguing with a lady from another southern state about the CSA a few years ago, and she told me I was a disgrace to my southern heritage. Ha. Really? Even though my ancestors came to America in 1898, I was supposed to support the CSA because I was from the South. Really? That woman and many like her know nothing about our founding American principles.

    And it wouldn’t matter if I had 1000 ancestry relatives who fought for the South and whistled Dixie, they all would be wrong. They fought on the wrong side of America and on the wrong side of history. And if they were shamed back then (especially the leaders) and if we were taught the truth of how the CSA leaders disagreed with our Founders about the God given natural rights of all men, they wouldn’t have people today still taking up for the CSA and saying “The South Shall Rise Again.”

  14. Thomas Wehrmeyer

    The two big changes that where a result of the Civil War where the diminished power of states' rights and the change of the fabric of American society, Lincoln said that the country entered the war as a nation of farmers and shop keepers and exited as a nation of wage earners.

  15. pbm8264

    Nathan Bedford Forest? You mean the former CSA general who never repented and helped start the KKK?

  16. Mark Enge

    As to Obama calculating what type of character he wants to portray to his subjects, he must have been a student of Machiavelli.

  17. bonajab

    Why couldn't Lee do the math of the effect of a Southern victory on Slavery?

  18. R VO

    Dinesh you are amazing. It is a pity most people are asleep.

  19. L T

    I would be interested in hearing more about the 2016 Obama White House conference regarding “Innovation in Prosecution”. Is that the basis for these indictments we are seeing?

  20. Margaret Davis

    Those around Oboma are either sadistically evil ,corrupted or missing too many grey cells. Either way they are too dangerous to occupy positions of power.

  21. pbm8264

    “There are but two parties now: traitors and patriots.”
    Ulysses S Grant
    He wrote that in a letter to his dad at the start of the War. He understood. But today in 2023 somehow we forgot. The Democrat apologists did their job well where even Republican “conservatives” take up for the CSA some 160 years later.

    They should have been shamed after the War like the traitors they were. Maybe then they would have had a space for repentance and would not have continued their evil with the Lost Cause, glorifying Lee into a saint, the KKK, lynchings and Jim Crow.

    Isn’t that what we are to do with history? – Learn from it so it is not repeated instead of making excuses for it.

    It would be a great lesson for all to know that the CSA denied the natural rights of all men, denied our nations founding principles and that they were not conservative but un-American. Also to know that even though some who fought on the wrong side who were some people’s great great great grandfather, still made the wrong decision.

    Maybe if we would have learned that lesson they would not have been a Lost Cause, the KKK, Jim Crow, lynchings, statues of enemy defeated Generals. And today we would not have people saying “The South Will Rise Again,” because they would have learned how shameful the CSA really was.

  22. pbm8264

    As far as CSA statues go, there shouldn’t be any on the streets of America. Instead, they should have been disgraced as the traitors they were. Maybe then, they would have found a place for repentance instead of inventing the Lost Cause, glorifying Lee as saintly, erecting statues of disgraced generals who fought for another country against the US, some of those same generals starting the KKK and Jim Crow.

    The South Carolina CSA flag that was flying on state grounds is the perfect example. It was down for decades. But a Democrat governor in 1961 put the CSA flag back up on top of the capitol building in protest of the coming civil rights movement. It was later moved from on top of the state capitol building to the grounds next to the capitol, but still displayed in a prominent position. Now I don’t agree with everything Nicky Haley says, but she was right in taking down that Democratic CSA flag. It was almost unanimously voted on by a Republican legislature and signed into law by Haley. But some in the south who have no idea what conservatism is, hate Haley for doing that. Why should a traitorous flag of a defeated foe be displayed in any state on any state grounds and why are “conservatives” defending that in now 2023?

    Now I don’t agree with what the rioters did in tearing down statues. That is lawlessness. But if a local community votes to take down a CSA anti-American statue, I applaud it. The statues were put up by Democrat apologist anyway.

    Is there any so called conservative leader who dares to tell the truth about the CSA besides Dr Carol Swain? Or are they more worried in offending and losing their followers? The CSA came against the very foundation of American principles by saying our founders were wrong about the natural rights of all men. They don’t deserve to be defended by “conservatives” but instead exposed. How can we rally and save our nation if we don’t even know the foundations of our nation?

    Harry Jaffa and David Barton and Hillsdale College have rightfully talked against the CSA. But the only conservative pundit that dares to talk about the CSA that I know of is Dr Carol Swain. Do these conservative pundits even understand what American conservatism is? Most probably don’t. Some just lack the courage. It’s easy to get applause lines when you are talking about Drag Queen Story Hour. But, how about mention the CSA was un-American?

    After all, the CSA did believe our founders were wrong about the natural rights of all men, they cried and left the nation because they lost an election, they codified African slavery into their constitution, and they fought the US to preserve their tyranny. You can’t get much more un-American than that.

  23. pbm8264

    After the War there were southern apologist, who never fully repented for fighting for slavery and causing the deaths of some say 800K people, who invented the Lost Cause. They glorified the southern aristocracy life, minimized slavery as a cause for the War, and gave the impression that they were just good ole Southern Christian folk who just wanted to be left alone. They glorified their southern generals with statues. They made Robert E Lee into a saintly figure. They said he was just fighting for his state even though he was the only Colonel in Virginia to leave the US and fight against it. They did not reflect and repent of their errors but instead the Democrats started the KKK whose stated goal was to terrorize the Republicans in order to gain control of Congress again. They started Jim Crow laws. And this is what “conservatives” are taking up for?

    There was nothing conservative about the Democratic CSA. They said our founders were wrong about the natural rights of all men. They believed in the subordinate position of the black man as a slave and codified that into their constitution. They were evil anti-American traitors. The poor man got caught up in the fight thinking he was protecting his land. They should not be codified or taken up for. There were 100K men who left southern states to fight for the United States during the War. So no one has an excuse. What is it with people? You defend what your great great great grandfather did 160 years ago? I don’t even defend my mistakes in my lifetime. Are you that caught up in your so called “southern pride” that you cannot see the truth? BTW. I am from Louisiana all my life. But I am an American first and I aim to support and preserve American principles, unlike what the leaders of the CSA did.

  24. pbm8264

    Lee put his state above his country. He was the only 1 of 11 Colonels in Virginia to do so. Also 1/3 of the Army of Virginia stayed with the US. Some of Lee’s cousins stayed with the US. 100K men left their southern states to fight for the US. There was also Jones County Mississippi that broke away from the CSA and declared themselves a free state. Some of those that did stay with the CSA may have thought they were fighting for their land, but they were wrong. They were fighting for their anti-American, natural rights denying Democrat leaders to preserve their aristocratic lifestyle and their slavery.

  25. pbm8264

    There was nothing conservative about the CSA. They said our founders were wrong about the natural rights of all men, they left the US and fought against it, and they codified in their constitution that the Negro was inferior to the white man and his rightful place was in subordination to the white man as a slave.

    I don’t understand why “conservatives” take up for the CSA. I’ve heard people say that the South were good family people. So you don’t believe people loved their families in the North? Not everyone in the North lives in big cities. There were plenty of rural areas.

  26. pbm8264

    There were 11 Colonels in Virginia at the time of the War and only 1, Robert E Lee, left his country and fought against it. Quit making excuses for Lee. “He didn’t want to fight against his state,” but he fights against his nation? The fact that he was offered the generalship of the US doesn’t support his side, it further condemns it. He had his chance and put his state above his country. And he did it to preserve slavery. Even though he supposedly was against slavery, he was ultimately fighting to preserve it. He was supporting the CSA whose leaders believed our Founders were wrong about the natural rights of all men. He was fighting for a people who codified African slavery in their constitution. He was fighting for a people whose Vice President bragged that theirs was the first country in history to do so and that African slavery was the “cornerstone” of their country. He was fighting on the un-American side.

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