Are We Heading Towards a Recession? New Gold and Silver Investors Warned!

by | Aug 25, 2023 | Recession News | 17 comments

Will there be no recession? My bullion dealer, Tim Marschner, gives some new gold and silver stackers an earful over what precious metal stackers are facing in the next two years! Stacking silver and gold is a MUST with the continued fiscal insanity by our US government and the monetary smoke-screan by the Federal Reserve and US Treasury. In this video I discuss with Tim the recent pronouncement by the FOMC and many economists that there will be no recession and that the economy and banking sectors are “strong”. I also chat with several precious metals stackers who are buying huge amounts of silver and gold from The Coin and Stamp Shop to protect their wealth from declining purchasing power. Stacking silver and Gold are absolutely essential in 2023 and an economic crisis is still coming! Watch as people buy silver rounds, silver bars, silver coins, or gold coins to protect ourselves from out-of-control central banks and governments, and economic collapse coming with our failing fiat dollar!

Tim Marschner
The Coin and Stamp Shop
300 Granite Street
Manchester, NH 03102
(603) 624-4400


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#Silver #Gold #Recession…(read more)

BREAKING: Recession News


REVEALED: Best Investment During Inflation


Will There Be No Recession? New Gold and Silver Stackers Get an Earful!

As the global economy remains uncertain and volatile, investors are turning to alternative assets such as gold and silver to safeguard their wealth. While some experts predict an impending recession due to the current geopolitical tensions and the impact of the ongoing pandemic, others argue that precious metals can act as a hedge against economic downturns. As new gold and silver stackers enter the market, they are receiving an earful of advice and opinions from both sides of the debate.

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The recent surge in interest surrounding gold and silver can be attributed to the unprecedented levels of government spending and the massive influx of liquidity into the financial system. With central banks around the world printing money at an alarming rate, many investors fear the potential consequences of inflation and a devaluation of fiat currencies. These concerns have fueled the demand for hard assets like gold and silver, which have historically retained their value during times of economic instability.

Proponents of gold and silver argue that the precious metals’ scarcity and intrinsic value make them a reliable store of wealth. They believe that in times of economic uncertainty, when traditional investments like stocks and bonds are facing risks, gold and silver shine as safe havens. Furthermore, they highlight the fact that these metals have been used as mediums of exchange for thousands of years, standing the test of time as trusted forms of currency.

However, those skeptical of gold and silver as recession-proof investments point to several factors that could potentially hinder their effectiveness. Critics argue that the recent rise in gold and silver prices is a result of speculative trading rather than genuine demand. They claim that as more new investors pour into the market, pushing up prices, a bubble may be forming that could eventually burst. Moreover, skeptics argue that gold and silver prices are highly influenced by investor sentiment and can be volatile, making them more risky than perceived.

The differing opinions on gold and silver create a bit of confusion for new stackers who are just starting their journey into the world of precious metals. Online forums and social media platforms are filled with conflicting advice and passionate debates between enthusiasts on both sides of the argument. The sheer amount of information available can be overwhelming for those trying to navigate the complex world of investing in gold and silver.

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To make an informed decision, new stackers must consider their own investment goals, risk tolerance, and time horizon. It is essential to thoroughly research and understand the dynamics of the precious metals market before committing any capital. Seeking advice from experienced investors, financial advisors, and industry experts can also provide valuable insights and guidance.

Ultimately, while no one can predict the future with certainty, investing in gold and silver can provide a certain level of reassurance in uncertain times. These metals have proven themselves as resilient assets throughout history, protecting investors’ wealth during periods of crisis. However, investors should remember that gold and silver should not be the sole component of their investment portfolios, but rather a diversification strategy to mitigate risks.

Whether there will be a recession or not, the decision to stack gold and silver should be based on careful analysis, personal circumstances, and the understanding that all investments carry inherent risks. As new stackers get an earful of advice from both sides of the debate, it is important for them to delve deeper into the topic and make an informed decision that aligns with their financial goals.

Truth about Gold
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  1. Yankee Stacking

    After some research I found ONE regional bank that actually sells gold and silver bullion (at ridiculously inflated prices) ➡️ LeaderBank of Massachusetts. What about YOUR bank?? EDIT: And I’m hearing RBC and TD Bank do it…however, I believe only in Canada.

  2. Unity Time Broadcast

    What's most important at this point; silver or food?

  3. Delna Carruthers

    I'm disappointed that indictments are driving the price of gold and silver. I appreciate you said everything is a lie. It is but thank you for sharing team Yankee!

  4. The General

    You hustled that last couple haha!

  5. Frank Z

    At LEAST 50% of the US population are MORONS! That’s why this country is SCREWED!

  6. Barry Allen

    Tim and Yank are incredibly intelligent but I disagree with the political points Tim brings up, and factually there really isn't much basis for his claims. Such as here "trump brings stability", can't really back that point.Some of it is just plain propaganda talking points. But as always, enjoyed the video and everyone is allowed their views

  7. Jordan Knorr

    Flew domestic in Canada and carried a tube of silver and an ounce of gold with me in my carry on. It always gets searched and the guy searching it said it was smart to do that these days. I figured, who knows, I may get stuck away from home.

  8. Timothy Turner

    First of all who are you going to sell silver and gold to and for what in return. When gold and silver becomes relevant for consumers so will weapons and bullets. We are talking about the end of functioning economies. Banks are going to collapse, they always have. Stack your silver and gold but without a proper defense it will be taken from you either through theft or with inflation of the stacks. For a simple example, a case of water now TODAY in some countries costs half an ounce of silver. So basically only the rich who can prepare for such an event may survive. In this scenario the average American even moderately informed doesn't stand a chance. You will need a conglomeration of people well armed with a lot of land who can grow the basics. There isn't any way you could defend your stacks by yourself. So, in realistic terms this is nonsense and unattainable for most. So stack on and hope for the best.

  9. Todd Smith

    We are and have been in a recession for a year look at consumer debt in that past year that cover’s it up for now

  10. John Goode

    Thanks for sharing

  11. Michelle Dubose

    Let’s see you eat your gold and silver

  12. Marc Hasara (Marc Hasara)

    Why travel anywhere when the price for a 6 ounce beer and some crappy pizza is $18?

  13. Marc Hasara (Marc Hasara)

    Kooks are an awful waste of money. They are typically priced way higher than you will ever get for them when you try to dump them. I don't buy them anymore. Buying pretty silver coins like Kooks and Phils is a trap.

  14. Kevin Lagos

    I call B.S. on the gloom and doom the supper rich know that they would be the first to go fact

  15. ernrok

    Hello Yankee, just wanted to thank you for sharing your knowledge. Tim mentioned that there are a few good coin shops in New Jersey and was wondering if you could point me in the right direction. Thanks again.

  16. Mike Gardner

    How can I contact Tim?

  17. Myron Gunnar

    We love Tim!! But his prices are 2x higher than average ..

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