What Causes the Universal Feeling of Financial Strain in 2023?

by | Aug 30, 2023 | Recession News | 32 comments

Feeling the pinch in your wallet in 2023? We know the struggle is real. In this video, We’ll dissect the impact of powerful economic forces including inflation and rising interest rates, providing you with a comprehensive understanding of why your money seems tighter than ever before. From the aftershocks of the global pandemic to the current financial landscape, we examine key economic events and their impact on your spending power. Decode the truth behind your shrinking spending power and the potential for a recession and arm yourself with knowledge to navigate the challenging financial landscape.

0:00 – Feeling Broke
1:03 – Inflation
4:16 – Higher Interest Rates
7:04 – End of Easy Money

#economy #economy2023 #financialsqueeze #interestrates #inflation #inflationrate #fed #federalreserve #moneymanagement #investingtips #personalfinance #recession

The entirety of the content on this channel is for informational purposes only. Under no circumstances should it be construed as professional financial advice or a recommendation to buy or sell any securities. Investing and trading stocks, bonds, options, ETFs, cryptocurrencies or other securities poses a considerable risk of loss. Neither the host nor guests nor any production team member can be held responsible for any direct or incidental loss incurred by applying any of the information offered in this video. The content of this video represents solely the opinions of the speaker. The speaker is not a registered investment advisor nor a licensed financial advisor. We highly recommend you consult a licensed financial or tax advisor when investing your money.

In today’s discussion, we’re going to examine how high interest rates and inflation are key factors contributing to why you always feel broke. Have you wondered why you always feel broke? One reason is the impact of inflation, which reduces your purchasing power over time. In this video, we’ll explore how high interest rates on loans and credit cards can leave you with less disposable income, leading to the feeling of always being broke. Today, we’ll discuss how inflation affects the cost of living, making everyday expenses more burdensome and causing you to wonder why you always feel broke. Join us as we delve into the ways that high interest rates on mortgages and other debts can strain your finances, making you question why you always feel broke. As we analyze the impacts of inflation, we’ll examine how rising prices can erode your savings and lead you to ask why you always feel broke. In this video, we’ll talk about the cycle of borrowing at high interest rates to make ends meet, and how this pattern contributes to the sensation of always feeling broke. We’ll discuss the ways that inflation and high interest rates can limit your financial flexibility, causing you to feel like you’re always broke. In today’s discussion, we’ll explore how the combination of high interest rates and inflation can lead to financial strain, making you wonder why you always feel broke. Join us as we analyze the effects of inflation on wage stagnation, and how this dynamic can contribute to the feeling of always being broke. In this video, we’ll discuss how current high interest rates and inflation have taken a toll on your finances, and explain why you feel broke right now. As we explore the effects of rising prices on your budget, we’ll shed light on why you feel broke right now. Today, we’ll investigate the impact of high interest rates on your loans and credit card debt, offering insights into why you feel broke right now. We’ll discuss the strain of managing debts at high interest rates and how it contributes to the feeling that you’re broke right now. Join us as we analyze how inflation affects your savings and investments, leading to the sensation of being broke right now. In this video, we’ll discuss the role of high interest rates in eroding your disposable income, helping you understand why you feel broke right now. As we examine the effects of inflation on the cost of living, we’ll explain how it contributes to the sentiment of feeling broke right now. . We’ll discuss how the combination of high interest rates and inflation have affected your financial flexibility, leading to the feeling of being broke right now. Join us as we delve into the ways that high interest rates and inflation have made it harder to save and invest, and explain why you feel broke right now….(read more)

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Why Does Everyone Feel Broke in 2023?

In recent years, the sentiment of feeling broke seems to have taken hold of society, making it a pervasive issue across various income groups and demographics. However, in 2023, this feeling appears to have intensified, leading many to wonder why everyone seems to be struggling financially. Several factors have contributed to this phenomenon, and they shed light on the economic challenges faced by individuals worldwide.

One significant reason for this prevailing sense of financial instability is the rising cost of living. Inflation rates have skyrocketed, causing prices to soar on essential goods and services. In 2023, the cost of food, housing, and healthcare has reached unprecedented levels, putting a strain on people’s budgets. This situation has made it increasingly difficult for individuals to cover their basic needs, resulting in the feeling of being constantly broke.

Furthermore, the global economic downturn has played a crucial role in exacerbating this predicament. The lingering effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, coupled with other global economic factors, have led to job losses, reduced wages, and weakened job security. As a result, many people find themselves working longer hours for less pay, struggling to make ends meet. This financial pressure leaves individuals feeling economically strained and perpetually broke.

Additionally, the rapid technological advancements have contributed to the feeling of being financially drained in 2023. While technology has brought numerous conveniences to our lives, it has also disrupted traditional industries and job markets. The rise of automation and artificial intelligence has led to a significant shift in the job landscape, rendering some professions obsolete. This rapid evolution requires individuals to constantly adapt, retrain, and acquire new skills to remain relevant in the job market. This continuous investment in learning and upskilling often comes at a financial cost, putting further strain on people’s financial resources.

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Moreover, the burden of debt has become a prevalent issue in 2023. Credit card debt, student loans, and mortgages can quickly accumulate, creating a long-term financial burden for many individuals. The mounting interest rates and increasing loan payments leave people feeling trapped in a seemingly never-ending cycle of debt. This financial stress adds to the feeling of being broke and unable to escape the burden of financial obligations.

Lastly, psychological factors also play a significant role in people’s perception of feeling broke. The constant exposure to social media and the internet often leads to the comparison of lifestyles, creating a sense of inadequacy. People may see their friends or acquaintances portraying a seemingly luxurious life on social media, which can make them feel inferior or unable to measure up. This psychological impact further contributes to the feeling of being broke, as individuals compare their financial situation to what they perceive as others’ success.

While the reasons for feeling broke in 2023 are varied and complex, it is vital to remember that this sentiment is not universal. Many individuals continue to thrive financially, despite the prevailing challenges. However, it is important to address the issues at hand promptly. Policymakers and institutions must strive to create an environment that fosters economic stability, reduces income inequality, and provides better support for those most affected by these challenges. Through collective efforts, it is possible to alleviate the sense of financial instability and create a more economically secure future for all.

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  1. Nsanda Emmanuel Jr

    Yes we are living in the world where things seemed to be changing every time.

  2. Ba Ba

    this information is really helpful to me at this pointing time really appreciate

  3. Tamirah De vos

    Very interesting video, well discribed and simple keep up this content

  4. Kajuya

    It is because the world is divided by boundaries

  5. Juan Gonzalez

    It is a great content, very interesting and relevant about the Recession?, it helps me a lot to understand things that I did not know, it seems to me a great contribution and I would like to continue seeing high quality content like this.

  6. Sayed Wali Ibrahimi

    "In 2023, we're witnessing a transformation in how we define wealth and success. People are valuing experiences, relationships, and personal growth over material possessions, which is a positive shift for our overall well-being."

  7. Crosser Peter

    This is a very difficult time for everyone, and affects every country. That's why you need to have plan B

  8. Rakanov Kalesinski

    This video explains in a very simple and easy to understand way for the layman the situation regarding inflation and interest rates. I recommend this video because in a short period of time it synthesizes a clear explanation of this topic that is so important and worrying for everyone.

  9. LokII

    This was exactly the information I was looking for, thanks for bringing us the video and explaining it very well, I understood every concept you describe in the video. I wish you success.

  10. Josué Wilkerson

    So worry the inflaction of th USA. Thee pandemic was a big disaster to the world's economies.

  11. Cenas Inesquecíveis - Filmes e Séries

    There have been difficult recession this year lot of people affected.hope the measures put in place will bring things down.

    thanks for this video

  12. Kushwaha Ji

    This is such a thought-provoking video! It's fascinating to see how even without a formal recession, many people are experiencing financial challenges in 2023. Factors like rising costs of living, changes in job markets, and inflation could definitely contribute to this phenomenon. Looking forward to gaining more insights from this video about the intricacies of the current financial landscape!

  13. lucia lopez

    This video explains in a very simple and easy to understand way for the layman the situation regarding inflation and interest rates. I recommend this video because in a short period of time it synthesizes a clear explanation of this topic that is so important and worrying for everyone.

  14. Anju Gurung

    This is the best contain to show how much did the money going down and things prices getting high its hard now in this years

  15. Oscar Gonzalez

    wow interesante la recession es un factor que siempre ectara latente en la economia y hay que saber apreciarle y estar preparado para tomar acciones a tiempo para contrarrestarle

  16. Er Chue

    These types of topics are the ones that should be trending, something as important as this information is. Excellent analysis on how the days can be for this type of people and very good information well explained

  17. Riaz

    A really well-researched and analytical video that is very well-described and discusses the obstacles and challenges of the market.

  18. Kelvin Chabu

    Every country is experiencing that

  19. Malik Ahsan Awan

    This video is very interesting and informative video and very helpful for me thanks for sharing this video ❤❤❤❤

  20. qwame Newton

    Best finance content on youtube

  21. Nabil_Mahdi

    Thank you so much for this video, it helped me a lot and motivated me I felt that truly, we hope recession end soon.

  22. Rare ♠️

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  23. Pakar

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  24. Brayan Walker

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  25. N5. JC

    Good video, and i need more knowledge tihs this..

  26. Soothing Music

    I concur that it's critical to always have a backup plan in place for handling monetary issues. Many people experienced hardship during the recession, so it's critical to be ready for anything that may arise in the future. The following advice can be used to draft a financial Plan B:

  27. Shani Mayakaduwa

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  28. suelen teixeira

    the problem is not always in the economy, but in our own finances and spending habits. It is important to reflect on how we manage our money and look for ways to improve our financial situation. for we must bear our own financial responsibility, whether it be little or much.

  29. Lady Claire

    These past year has been difficult especially for the jobless but we all managed to it, great video thank you for sharing it with us

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