White House Raises Alert on “Exceptionally High” Inflation: A Survival Guide for Inflation in 2022

by | Sep 7, 2023 | Invest During Inflation | 12 comments

White House Raises Alert on “Exceptionally High” Inflation: A Survival Guide for Inflation in 2022

The US economy is facing the highest inflation rates in 40 years. With supply chain issues and Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, it doesn’t appear that inflation and interest rates will be declining any time soon.

In this video, you’ll have inflation explained:

👉 What exactly does inflation mean?
👉 How is inflation measured?
👉 What’s causing inflation?
👉 What you need to know about inflation and the stock market.
👉 And most importantly – how will inflation 2022 affect YOU?

Right now, finance news, inflation rate, and economic outlook are looking grim. It’s essential to prepare now.


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White House Warns of “Extraordinarily” High Inflation: Inflation 2022 Survival Guide

The White House has recently issued a warning about the alarming rise in inflation rates, predicting that the United States may experience extraordinarily high inflation in the coming year. This news has left many Americans concerned about the potential impact on their finances and overall quality of life. As we enter 2022, it becomes increasingly crucial for individuals to arm themselves with knowledge and strategies to navigate these uncertain economic times. To help you prepare, we have compiled an inflation survival guide outlining key steps you can take to safeguard your financial well-being.

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Understand Inflation:

Firstly, it is vital to comprehend what inflation is and how it affects your everyday life. Inflation refers to the steady increase in the general price level of goods and services over time, resulting in reduced purchasing power for consumers. When prices rise, the value of each dollar you possess diminishes, making it essential to adapt your financial strategies accordingly.

Monitor Expenses:

Keeping a close eye on your expenses is crucial during inflationary periods. Regularly review your budget and identify items or services that have experienced significant price increases. This will help you better manage your spending and make informed decisions about reallocating funds to essential items, such as housing, food, and healthcare.

Diversify Investments:

In times of high inflation, it is important to reassess your investment portfolio. While inflation erodes the value of cash, certain investments have historically acted as hedges against rising prices. Consider allocating a portion of your portfolio to assets like stocks, real estate, or commodities, which tend to hold their value during inflationary periods.

Debt Management:

Inflation can impact your debt obligations, particularly if you have variable-rate loans or credit card debt. As interest rates tend to rise during inflationary periods, it becomes crucial to manage your debts effectively. Consider refinancing loans or negotiating more favorable terms with creditors to ensure you are not consumed by high interest payments.

Save and Invest Wisely:

Building an emergency fund is always an important financial strategy, and during periods of inflation, it becomes even more critical. Ensure you have a savings cushion that can cover unexpected expenses, job loss, or medical emergencies. Additionally, consider investing in assets like inflation-protected securities (TIPS) or gold, which can act as a safeguard against the erosion of purchasing power.

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Increase Earning Potential:

Inflation often leads to higher costs of living, which can be combated by increasing your earning potential. Evaluate opportunities for career advancement, upskilling, or even exploring alternative income streams such as freelance work or starting a side business. Enhancing your earning potential will provide greater financial resilience during times of inflation.

Inflation-Proof Purchases:

When shopping for goods and services, it is essential to be strategic. Prioritize purchases that retain their value over time or show resistance to inflation. Examples include durable goods, used vehicles, or even investing in energy-efficient appliances, which can reduce utility costs in the long run.

Stay Informed:

Keep yourself updated on the latest economic news and government policies related to inflation. News outlets, financial websites, and government resources are valuable sources of information. By staying informed, you can adapt your strategies promptly and make well-informed financial decisions.


As the White House warns of extraordinarily high inflation, it is crucial for individuals to be proactive in safeguarding their finances. By understanding inflation, monitoring expenses, diversifying investments, managing debts, saving wisely, increasing earning potential, prioritizing inflation-proof purchases, and staying informed, you can navigate the uncertain economic landscape successfully. While the future may bring challenges, taking these proactive steps will ensure you are better prepared to weather the storm and protect your financial well-being in 2022 and beyond.

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  1. Anna Reedy

    Love this! My brain is super distracted by the background music but appreciate the content

  2. Liz

    Been spending on gold jewelry every time I get a chance, now I don’t feel guilty of it! lol

  3. Kelli Magee

    Would you recommend Fundrise for REIT’s?

  4. Mary M

    A cold brew costs $4.50 not $1.59

  5. Liz Diaz

    First piece of advice should be to try to spend less; saves you money and helps the overall demand > supply issue.

  6. Candice Abraham

    Thanks for this. I was wondering, isn't inflation also caused by how much money the Federal Reserve is printing? I've read that 80% of all money in the US has been printed in the last two years. I'm not sure this number is true but I do know the FR has been printing quite a lot more money and this is one of the largest factors contributing to inflation. It makes me feel skeptical that the FR is actually doing real things to help curb inflation if they are also printing more money at the same time.

  7. R&R

    Great video!!

  8. Romfh-Girl

    All great info! Can you turn down the background music so we can hear your voice better?

  9. RT

    Excellent video!

  10. RT

    Excellent video! Explainers everything so well!

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