Backdoor Roth IRA Contributions – How to contribute regardless of income

by | Aug 19, 2022 | Backdoor Roth IRA | 1 comment

Backdoor Roth IRA Contributions – How to contribute regardless of income

Backdoor Roth IRA contributions

Roth IRAs are a great place to save for retirement. However, the IRS limits who is eligible to make contributions to Roth IRAs to only those who fall under a certain level of income.
Many people believe that if you earn more income than the level set by the IRS, that you are unable to contribute to Roths.

However, there is one special way that you are able to effectively make contributions to Roth IRAs regardless of your income, this trick is what is known as a Backdoor Roth contribution.

With this loophole, you are allowed to make a contribution to a traditional IRA in what is called a non-deductible IRA contribution. Anyone can do this regardless of the amount of income you have.
Then, the next step is to perform a Roth conversion of this new non-deductible IRA contribution. As long as there are no earnings or interest from your original contribution, no additional taxes will result from doing this conversion.

This process makes full Roth contributions available to anyone, regardless of income.
One important note though – This option is easiest for those without any balances in traditional, or pre-tax IRAs. Money in a 401(k) is fine, but if you have money in a traditional IRA it may result in some additional taxes you want to be aware of.

So, there are a few important caveats and fine print to this rule. And it also adds a little complexity when filing your taxes each year. So, if you are unsure of anything, be sure to reach out to a financial advisor to help walk you through the process and ensure it is the best option for you….(read more)

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1 Comment

  1. Aaron

    Can you comment on the step transaction doctrine? How long would you hold funds in traditional before Roth conversion? I’ve heard time spans from immediately to a month to a year.

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