What the Recent Massive Bank Failures Signify for Gold and Silver

by | Sep 13, 2023 | Bank Failures | 43 comments

What the Recent Massive Bank Failures Signify for Gold and Silver

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✅Grass Fed Ghee (Survival Cooking and Energy Source)➡
✅Cod Liver Wild Caught (Survival Cooking and Energy Source)➡
✅Organic White Rice (Survival Cooking and Energy Source) ➡
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Massive Bank Failures – What This Means For Gold And Silver

In times of economic turmoil, investors often turn to safe-haven assets like gold and silver. And in recent years, there has been growing concern over the stability of the global banking system, with several high-profile bank failures occurring. This raises the question – what does this mean for gold and silver?

Bank failures can have a significant impact on the global economy, and they often lead to market uncertainty and a loss of confidence in the financial system. This is where precious metals like gold and silver come into play. Historically, during times of crisis, investors have flocked to these metals as a safe store of value.

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One of the main reasons why gold and silver are considered safe-haven assets is their intrinsic value. Unlike fiat currencies, which depend on the trust and stability of the issuing government, gold and silver have been valued throughout human history. They are not subject to the same risks that banks and currencies face.

Massive bank failures can trigger a flight to safety, as investors seek to protect their wealth from potential losses. This flight to safety often results in increased demand for gold and silver, which drives up their prices. In fact, during the global financial crisis in 2008, the price of gold soared to record highs as investors sought refuge from the collapsing banking system.

Another important factor to consider is that bank failures often lead to increased government intervention and monetary policies that can have inflationary effects. When banks fail, governments typically step in to bail them out, which often involves injecting massive amounts of liquidity into the system. This influx of money can lead to inflation and a devaluation of fiat currencies.

Gold and silver, on the other hand, have been historically seen as a hedge against inflation. Their limited supply and tangible nature make them attractive in times when central banks are printing money and increasing the money supply.

Moreover, gold and silver have a long history of being recognized as a reliable store of wealth. Unlike paper assets such as stocks or bonds, they have maintained their value over time. This is particularly appealing when the banking sector is experiencing failures and uncertainty.

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However, it’s important to note that the relationship between bank failures and precious metals is not entirely straightforward. There are many other factors at play in the financial markets, and various economic and geopolitical developments can influence the prices of gold and silver.

In summary, massive bank failures can lead to market uncertainty and a loss of confidence in the financial system. In such times, investors often turn to safe-haven assets like gold and silver due to their intrinsic value, safe store of wealth, and protection against inflation. While the relationship between bank failures and precious metals is not always direct, their historical appeal during times of crisis is undeniable. Therefore, it is wise for investors to consider including gold and silver in their portfolio as a means of diversification and as a potential hedge against banking sector instability.

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  1. Anthony Alba

    I'm sure you have some silver stacked. Better than zippo

  2. ian Kingston

    I had a new home Thank God lots of overtime was available!

    Repairs and home improvements cost more than 10k. We ended up using a loan to help.

  3. ian Kingston

    I paid all contractors off when I had home one job at a time. I took a break then started another job then completed it. It was not easy!

  4. ian Kingston

    I eespext your position about debt as a former homeowner and spent money on home repairs. I hope when are ready to start home repairs you do not intend to pay off contractors all at once!

    You can still use cash but the rule is pay contractor a 3dd or 1/2 the amount the. the rest after job is complete

    Do one job at a time not all at once. In love my advice the real issue is getting quality work done not just you paying for repairs in cash

    Keep the contractors honest. Even if have a home repair and construction background one job at a time then vewakfune then start another job.

  5. Dissy556

    Do the home repairs yourself if possible. I hate paying others to do anything for me. I replaced our septic pump a few weeks ago ,and it cost 1/3 what a pro would have. Youtube videos are a blessing nowadays.

  6. 45-70 Guy

    I’d focus on debt free first and try to find like minded people. Haven’t had debt my entire life, but I also have never had a brand new car. Or a house that was “finished”. Within our means will help those pull ahead. Never buy because the f FOMO.

  7. Collin Bruyere

    Rockefeller was the most religious guy, he said it was a gift, so set new goals and get more silver

  8. Eli

    Purchase question' I am looking at buying a 10oz bar and ran across this 2022 10 oz St. Helena Rectangular Silver Standing Britannia Coin (BU) with a price of 258 vs a 10 Oz Silver Bar – Secondary Market (.999+ Fine)at $246. As the prices are rising I was thinking of getting the less expensive one, but like the look of the other that is way more expensive about 12.00 more…pros/cons. thoughts anyone? Thanks !

  9. Blacksmith

    Thank you for sharing how you feel. I’m not where I want to be with my savings either with everything being so costly and the economy being so rough but it feels like so many bullion channels are made by people who seemingly have a never ending supply of wealth with new stuff being shown off constantly.

  10. Trucking Bozo

    I love your thinking and you sound very intelligent when you talk about your money. I’m trying to stack more silver while the prices are great. I’m also investing in digital assets. Is that something you’ve looked into?XRP is a coin being run by a company called Ripple and XLM is a coin being run by a non profit company called Stellar. Look up ISO-20022 coins. These coins might be the future unless the Lord comes first. God bless you.

  11. DoctorShafty

    I hear ya man. I sold my gold to buy a car cash. At least I still have a pile of silver and no debt.

  12. tom riddle

    Nice describing of the current situation we live in now. Great questions and answers.

  13. Jose RoMa

    Top job friend. Thank you. God bless you

  14. Detailed Music Ratings

    Thanks SSE!
    Your view on things is always so refreshing!
    'Where did it go?' is the question.

  15. Danny Marlin

    I am in the same boat brother. I timed the market right by accident last Thursday when the price was 20 an ounce. I had to have more at the dip. Took 1100 out of my savings and I bought 60 dollars face in constitutional silver

  16. tom jones


  17. tom jones


  18. TheBivona

    So you mean not everyone had 1000+ once’s of silver ….

  19. Helen Brooks

    Bank failures apparently mean nothing since silver is still under $22.

  20. Charles Dudley

    I just got in my first 10 oz canadian bar like you have in the video. Such a beautiful bar. I need to get more.

  21. JTBSK2

    Maybe this is their way to usher in the CBDC. collapse the banking system and USD slowly

  22. Brandon Kessler

    If we go to a digital currency what does that do for gold and silver

  23. Alberta the Republic

    A-day of reckoning is coming for these elites Who break the laws and think that they are above the law. And it is a common man that keeps on suffering With the cost of living and taxes absolutely exploding. These elites do not know what is coming after them. A-day of judgment is just around the corner. God will sort them out.

  24. Ladybug Royal

    Great video today.

  25. Jessie Fazzio

    It's funny that you asked where did that money go as soon as you said that it popped in my head that the money went to the Democratic Party For the next election


    The money went to Satan.

  27. Lamarr Avery

    I see Bitcoin is going up now, lol. What a scam.

  28. Lamarr Avery

    Jim Cramer, lol. You gotta be pretty dumb to listen to that guy.

  29. Eli

    Credit Suisse could be next…. they took something like a 4 billion dollar hit………..STACKING !!! I was looking at the slightly more of the name brand 10oz bars last week (235) now I am looking at the second hand generic 10 bars…. (250) sigh

  30. Sharris858

    Out of Chaos Comes Order

  31. Blast/Off/Bat

    We are in great dire need of some serious accountability in this county, in the public sector, and specially in the government sector. Moreover, Jim Cramer, Sam Bankman-Fried, Michael J. Saylor, Max Keiser, and Cathie Wood should all be in prison for ''PUMPING'' and ''PEDDLING'' their ''fraudulent'' financial ''shenanigans'' that have totally devastated and financially destroyed several individuals!!

  32. Donna Chelsea

    What stay off religious terms for just a bit let’s say I have $10,000 in my house or $10,000 in gold in my house burns down to the crisp I don’t even care if it was in a safe it will be chard but at the end of the day let’s say the gold gets melted it’s still it’s weight in gold you can still use it the money would be up in ashes so who is the last one standing again it’s all gods give glory to God for who he It’s his money

  33. Donna Chelsea

    Do not put your trust in banks or in humans cryptocurrency fancy cars real wealth is in gold and silver but most importantly God I know you probably don’t wanna hear this but at the end of the day he owns everything under the sun including that so the air in our lungs we have to thank him for the food on our plate he owns the cows that make the cheeseburgers that make the milk he owns the trees to build the house the dirt the land when people read Yes they get angry and let’s not forget you can take it with you everything belongs to God the gold and the silver is his and the diamonds your land your air your water it all belongs to him thank God that he is God and keep things under control

  34. Paul K


  35. Scott Smith

    Your obviously extremely resourceful and knowledgeable how to find info look into coupon bonds so you can use your talents to explain to use in lay man terms
    What I see is a build up to crush small banks and get all deposits into the big ones that participated in cbdc pilot
    Make thier lives easy

  36. Scott Smith

    I agree
    I understand banks do 3 things buy bonds, mortgage back securities, or they loan it
    So they are all holding low interst bonds n mbs from 2020
    And they cover deposits with a ratio of bonds stimulus massive deposits 2020
    Now masssive withdrawal with inflation so they sell the 1% on discount some buddy of theirs is buying these bonds for 10 cents on the dollar
    A bunch got exchanged at coupon window but oddly they maxed out 2 weeks ago and they haven’t raised debt cieling so the window closed how ironic?? Look into that maybe you can elaborate

  37. Daniel Cribbs

    I have the exact same feeling. I started stacking 12/28/22 and now I have about 68oz of silver and 7oz of gold but I feel like I don’t have enough. And I find myself thinking I gotta work harder to get more to hit my goal. But I have fam and friends that have none so I’m sometimes catch myself

  38. Brian Smythe

    Your Right Bro The Money Never Disappers ,Its Transfered

  39. Spencer

    I’ll be grabbing some more silver. This system is over.

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