Preparing for the Storm: 3 Additional Indicators that Suggest a Looming Recession

by | Sep 13, 2023 | Recession News | 43 comments

We’re still waiting for official numbers from the federal government, but for now, a new ADP National Employment Report isn’t looking good for America’s job market. It found that private payrolls rose by 145,000 in March, which was ‘well below expectations,’ CNBC reports. Glenn details those numbers in this clip, plus two others signs that a recession IS coming for our economy. You MUST share this news with friends and brace yourself for economic trouble, Glenn says, because these numbers signal that our jobs may be on ‘borrowed time.’

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The global economy sits on the precipice of uncertainty as whispers of an impending recession grow louder. Economic stability is always crucial for individuals, businesses, and nations alike, and it becomes even more apparent during times of recession. In recent times, we have witnessed several worrying signs that point towards an economic downturn. Today, we highlight three more indicators that suggest a recession could be just around the corner.

1. Inverted Yield Curve:
One of the foremost indicators economists closely monitor is the yield curve, specifically its inversion. A yield curve plots the yields on different bonds with varying maturity dates. Generally, long-term bonds offer higher yields to investors as they are riskier. However, when short-term bonds provide higher yields than long-term ones, the yield curve inverts. Historically, an inverted yield curve has predicted every U.S. recession in the past 50 years. Traders often switch their investments to safe-haven assets, like government bonds, leading to reduced spending and economic contraction.

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2. Decreasing Consumer Confidence:
Consumer confidence plays a vital role in determining the health of an economy. When people lack confidence in the future, they tend to cut back on spending, contributing to an economic slowdown. Emotional factors, such as concerns about job security, financial market volatility, or political instability, weigh heavily on consumer confidence. Recently, consumer confidence indices across various nations have exhibited a declining trend. This marked pessimism among consumers foreshadows reduced consumer spending, which ultimately leads to a broader economic decline.

3. Global Trade Tensions:
The escalating trade tensions between major economies also point towards a potential recession. The ongoing trade war between the United States and China, combined with other geopolitical conflicts, has sparked fears of a global economic downturn. The imposition of tariffs and retaliatory measures by countries disrupts global supply chains, reduces trade volumes, and undermines investor confidence. These trade disruptions, combined with protectionist policies, hinder economic growth and increase the likelihood of a recession.

The signs outlined above cannot provide a definitive confirmation of an impending recession, but they do raise concerns and warrant attention. Governments and policymakers worldwide must remain vigilant and formulate strategies to mitigate the potential downturn’s impact. Boosting consumer confidence through stable policies, reducing protectionist measures, and ensuring open and fair trade can all help to alleviate the pressure. Furthermore, cooperation and dialogue between countries involved in trade disputes are essential to restore market stability.

While we cannot predict the future with absolute certainty, recognizing and acknowledging these warning signs allows us to prepare for potential economic challenges. Investors should diversify their portfolios, businesses must strategize contingency plans, and individuals should focus on reducing debt and saving for rainy days. By taking precautionary measures, we can brace ourselves for the storm and minimize the impact of an impending recession.

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  1. bernado felix

    Major indexes marked their most challenging annual performance since 2008, driven by factors such as the recession, geopolitical conflicts, elevated interest rates, and ongoing inflation that appears resistant to subsiding. Consequently, I'm left pondering what 2023 holds for us as investors. With more than $745K in equity obtained from a home sale, I'm uncertain about the next step. Is the present moment opportune for buying, or should I exercise patience and await better circumstances?

  2. Crantor Buttons

    Recession is most likely the result of an external factor. For the first time in decades, the United States is losing its clout as a federal reserve currency. They don't have any more economies to use to control inflation, and less money is being spent on stock and oil trading than in the past. They all lend support to the idea that a new multilateral world order is in the works.

  3. Tim LEE

    The last one wasn't a recession it was a depression recession things r expensive and people have money depression things are cheap but people don't have money both lead to low employment

  4. james mckendry

    Happy the people are going to lose her job and have a problem. They don’t care they’re rich.

  5. Yvonne Link

    This guy is dead wrong .

  6. BaseK59

    Recession? More like the greatest depression this nation has ever seen!!

  7. Matt Delaney

    Glenn Beck – is my excited child…. Lol. Glenn calm down, you act like the apocalypse is here everyday…. It’s not, everything is okay right now…. Have a beer, chill out

  8. Dean Babcock

    Prices on everything are up 40% why???? Because people will pay it!!! Essentials only!!!!! We have been in a self made recession for 2 years!

  9. Ric Kay

    Recessions been here for a year

  10. Tonya Smith

    Come on glenn. The rescission has come and hone. Prepare for depression

  11. Rose Barton

    Keep up the good work Glenn, Montana thanks you for saying the truth!

  12. Nita C.

    Husband lost his job after working through the damn covid crap now all.of the extra help is gone.

  13. Jerry Turner

    Why should we warn people ?? Have we not learned any history from our grandparents?? How do you go 12 years to school and 4 years to college and not know history. Donald Trump practically screamed from the top of his lungs to warn us what would happen and we called him stupid, racist, and a lier. I tell my kids and it goes in one ear and out the other. How many people that died for our country and we are going to give it away.

  14. Lisa Wisniewski

    A highly credible and renowned financial expert on a different platform that’s allowed to speak freely on these issues, recently said that those in the mainstream who are giving the “approved” news and going along with the expected narrative will be the ones trying to tell you a recession is coming. Those in the more alternative news but still going along with an expected narrative will tell you it’s actually a depression that’s looming. And those who are actually in-the-know—the ones everyone will refer to as “conspiracy theorists” but who have been right on everything else called conspiracy theories lately, those are the ones who will give you the truth—which is that a complete and unprecedented collapse is not only looming but already underway, and that this is who you should be listening to…

  15. Nobody

    Glenn likes increasing the demand for gold because it drives up the price/value of the gold he owns. Be careful who you listen too… follow the money.

  16. Nobody

    Has the sky never not been falling in the world of glenn beck… he sells end of times. The truth is everyone who has ever sold end of times has always been wrong.

  17. John Piscitello

    40 years ago I would have said NOO Way but now with the Biden/Obama administration’s social policies along with weaponizing of government I understand their loss of respect .when Canada,Britain,France, and Germany also ask China for help ,Our days of telling other countries how to behave are over and we are just another has been like them

  18. joe roto

    Present administration is a disaster.

  19. what up

    I wonder if, like Neal Cavuto, The press feels the need to protect us!

  20. Dougie Fresh

    Folks there’s no need to worry , they will just change the definition of recession & all will be fine.

  21. Henry Carlson

    So wise , Thank You . The Sad part is The fentinal and other Crap is coming from China .Thank GOD that He is RISEN, Happy Easter

  22. David Kanalos

    I live paycheck to paycheck and it's getting harder every day .

  23. kim kalousek

    More like a hyperinflationary depression as you spoke of back in 2009 on your podcast

  24. City of Joy

    If it's just economic collapse and no war then it's still ok with nuclear war threats you can forget everything. Putin and middle east will annihilate europe for sure.

  25. Richard Haithcox

    Why would there be a recession if you let the king go get Solomon's treasure the mountain of gold free electricity and all diseases make free self charging power producing vehicles

  26. Keith Watson

    Brace for a collapse

  27. Dash Masterson

    Wow. I've been experiencing recession for a couple of years now…way worse than 2008. What am I missing? Glenn's net worth is so high that he may be a LITTLE out of touch.

  28. P. O.

    What you are saying is Obama's dream come true. This was his ultimate goal.

  29. Derek Miller


  30. Derek Miller


  31. Michael Valicenti

    Am I the only one hoping there's a recession?! Then it might wake some of these people up!!

  32. Paulette Richards

    I wouldn’t trust what the government tells

  33. Lisa Baltzer

    What about silver?

  34. M.A. R.

    Oh and election issue haven’t been fixed. Mail in voting and ballot box stuffing and a host of other issues prevent us from getting a fair and honest election. If you haven’t already you might want to plan for your eternity.

  35. M.A. R.

    Get ready for collapse of the dollar…remember Biden was installed to make sabotage look like incompetence. No one, not even Trump can save us. That ship sailed on January 6th.

  36. Pockit57 D.a.d.

    Every Dem president ! A mess !!!!

  37. Mortensen4040

    So… let's go Brandon.

  38. John Folk


  39. Deborah Meeker

    I remember buying groceries when I moved out of the house at 17 in 1980. Three bags of groceries with meat and really good food $10.00 average per bag. Yesterday three bags over $250.00. Two cans of beans $6.00. People will be waking up and turning into angry violent mob soon.

  40. David Delgado

    Beck is just a mouth piece…Depression is the one that's coming.

  41. MiHiHemi

    Everyone’s been screaming recession for 2 years now. Bound to right sooner or later I guess.

  42. Donna Schiavo

    Glenn your shows are informative and I believe always over the target. God bless you and your family during our holy days of observance.

  43. S Hawj

    So we decided to put our suburban house on the market and move back to our rural home where we can be more self-sufficient. We can raise our own livestock, grow our own fruits and vegetables, and have our own domestic water and power.

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