The Global Bail-In Has Started: Time to Withdraw Your Money from Banks Immediately!

by | Oct 2, 2023 | Bank Failures | 48 comments

The Global Bail-In Has Started: Time to Withdraw Your Money from Banks Immediately!

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“Bank of Cyprus executes depositor bail-in – Telegraph”

“Mark Carney: No more bank bail-outs – Telegraph”

“No more bailouts: BoE chief says banks won’t be saved by taxpayers — RT Business”



“Germany OKs plan to make creditors prop up banks – MarketWatch”


“Creditors Face Losses as Austria Halts Hypo Alpe Support – Bloomberg Business”

“Austria is fast becoming Europe’s latest debt nightmare – Telegraph”
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Title: Why You MUST Take Your Money Out of the Banks RIGHT NOW! Global Bail-In Has Begun!


The global financial landscape is facing an alarming crisis that demands immediate attention. It’s high time we all wake up to the reality that our hard-earned money could be in serious jeopardy, locked within the very institutions we trust to safeguard it: banks. In recent years, the concept of a global “bail-in” has gained momentum, leaving us with no choice but to withdraw our funds from the banks right now!

Understanding the Global Bail-In

A bail-in is a drastic financial measure employed by governments and central banks when banks and financial institutions face insolvency. Instead of relying on taxpayer-funded bailouts as seen in the 2008 financial crisis, policymakers decided to introduce the concept of a bail-in. This allows banks to recapitalize their failing systems by confiscating a portion of their depositors’ funds.

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Why the Bail-In Presents a Threat

1. No Insurance Coverage: Unlike deposits protected by insurance offered by various countries up to certain limits, there are no safeguards when it comes to bail-ins. This means that even the most cautious savers are at risk of losing a significant portion of their finances.

2. Systemic Risk: The bail-in strategy poses a systemic risk as it undermines public trust in the financial sector. If depositors perceive their funds as unsafe, mass withdrawals can quickly lead to a domino effect, triggering the collapse of multiple banks and a severe economic crisis.

3. Economic Inequality: The bail-in mechanism disproportionately affects small depositors who lack the means to diversify their assets widely. Meanwhile, larger investors often have access to alternative investment options, reducing their exposure to this risk. This creates an economic imbalance, favoring the wealthy over ordinary citizens.

4. Legal Implications: Governments worldwide have passed legislation enabling the implementation of bail-ins. The absence of clear laws to protect depositors’ funds exacerbates the situation, leaving individuals vulnerable to arbitrary capital confiscations with limited recourse for legal action.

Taking Control of Your Finances

Given the alarming circumstances, it is crucial to take immediate action to protect your hard-earned money from the looming bail-ins. Here are a few steps to consider:

1. Diversify Your Assets: Allocating your funds across different asset classes such as gold, real estate, bonds, and cryptocurrencies can safeguard your wealth from potential loss due to bail-ins.

2. Invest in Tangible Assets: Purchasing tangible assets like real estate or physical gold can provide a sense of security as they aren’t dependent on the financial system’s stability.

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3. Utilize Alternative Banking Solutions: Explore alternative financial solutions such as decentralized finance (DeFi), which leverages blockchain technology to offer financial services outside the traditional banking system. This provides more control, transparency, and security over your funds.

4. Consider Local Credit Unions: Local credit unions, often community-based, have proven to be more stable during financial crises when compared to larger banks. Research credit unions in your area to determine which might be a safer option.


The onset of a global bail-in threatens the stability of traditional banking systems, putting our wealth at serious risk. While this concept continues to gain momentum worldwide, swift action is crucial to protect our hard-earned money. By diversifying assets, exploring alternative banking solutions, and considering local credit unions, individuals can reclaim control over their finances and safeguard their futures from potential bail-ins. The time to act is now!

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  1. David Sutton

    Your initial diagram pretty much sums it up.

  2. Private Imperialeagle

    5 years later it still hasn't happened. I agree you don't want to put more currency in the Banks more than you can lose but until it collapses you need a place that holds digital currency units to pay for your monthly expenses. Your not going to pay your amazon bill or others with cash.

  3. Avocado

    You refer to the evidence that we can read ourselves. How or where can I find the information on your site? Thank you.

  4. Brad Long

    Such an important video! Well done! You should totally repost this. Now, more than ever, it's important for people to understand this.

  5. Silver Flyer

    4 year old video just became VERY RELEVANT!
    You should revisit this topic. I’m in process of getting money away from the banks

  6. Bruce Bright

    Too late,Conovirus has cost me $2000 since Friday 13 , a date now,I will not forget! Kiss my rrsp goodbye.

  7. Au Silvercat

    So does that mean anyone over $100,000 combined in checking and savings is a target? Slowly take your cash out of the bank? Invested into Gold and Silver? How much do I leave in the bank? Help???

  8. TJ Hunter

    good vid

  9. Jay S

    Really just now learning and able to pay more attention. So thx for the vid and thumbs up and sub

  10. Roy Smith

    You rob the bank decades in prison,, bank robs you no punishment. Get the picture

  11. Imma Ware

    Who got this video suggested in 2019?

  12. A Contrarian

    I´m glad I found your channel. I am learning a lot! Thanks!

  13. North South

    I used to think that people who talked about the evil big banks and all that were conspiracy theorists. When the conspiracy theories have become common place and the handwriting is in the wall …the crap is just around the corner

  14. North South

    I looked at the financials of our credit union from our last annual meeting. Ninety percent of the money (deposits ) has been loaned .out …..same as fractional reserve banking

  15. Scisca

    Awesome video! I'd love it if you started a series that is explaining the financial system and not only reporting the latest news

  16. Brad Taylor

    So this is how they will deflate the money supply. They have us believing inflation will ease our debts… but the opposite will happen. They will “bail in” and in doing so cause the money supply to be squeezed. And once interest rates go into negative territory the banks will stop loaning to anyone. Basically freezing the movement of money. Debt is death and cash is king. As long as it’s not in a bank that is…
    Silver. Gold. Ammunition. Wealth.

  17. griffen98

    Again David thank you very much because I share your videos with many people and I'm telling you what you're saying is absolutely correct and right on. It's hard to believe and people just cannot believe it they wake up in the morning and everything looks the same but it's not

  18. griffen98

    Thank you David for your books and your videos will the truth never stop coming. Thank you for your wonderful service to your fellow man. It's amazing the information that you put forth and the volume. Everybody should be giving you ten thousands thumbs up. Unfortunately it's not possible. Another Incredible video

  19. Brad’s Basement

    This is all planned out its the government and banks which is one in the same long conning the people this all started with the governments basically forcing the banks to issue subprime loans to everyone that applied it is 2019 we are not really this fucking stupid our fathers fathers yes they may have been you could feed them some bs and say it’s patriotic and they just ate it up and allowed them what ever they wanted

  20. bobo chan

    We know this… but why r we fighting other countries? Bring the war to the banks.. bomb them, execute them..etc.. lets put ied in front of the bnks.

  21. Emerald Eyes Esoteric

    Take your money out NOW he says… 4 years later we can see what a dingus he really is.

  22. Eric Harman

    Thank you for the eCourse Mr. Quintieri!

  23. Douglas Thompson

    This may be true. It is now four years later. Last I looked I could take my money out fully. I don't believe that there will be a run on the bank.

  24. rico200168

    I buy gold and sell to wealthy clients it’s easy wealth

  25. Wiktor Jespersen

    but hej people are crazy if they buy negative yeilding bonds. Or the 100 year bonds… why not this lol A Little tip bank vaults are better then bank accounts. You can keep Cash and gold.

  26. chriss4365

    The bailout was unfair but it's ok to steal our money?

  27. col

    Bail in you become a share holder in the bank to the tune you had taken off you. And banks don't steal your money. You give it to them! Facts mate! Facts!

  28. Conor Fanning

    I was looking for an educational piece. This is more like propaganda. How are you expected to deal with an issue that you don’t fully understand.

  29. Toby

    The idea of a bail-in is so people who own the bank pay for when it fails. It's done so they take fewer risks with your money, meaning your money is safer. Also 'theft' is a stretch, they are investing – its how banks make a profit. If all goes well, your money is safe, the bank makes a profit and the person who took a loan bought a house or started a profitable business (possibly hiring others).

  30. brett

    fuck it banks and governments want to rip us all off and take our coin off us we should take there banks as a place to live

  31. CJurasin

    I only leave enough money in my bank account to pay my electronic payments each month. I pull the rest out and pay everything else with cash.

  32. Andy

    Here's a reality check: The world runs on debt and is getting more out of hand every day.That debt will NEVER be paid back.The entire system has been propped up scince 2008 and is a balloon getting ready to pop.Cracks in the world fiat system are appearing.Many nations and currencies are on shaky ground.It's only a matter of time before the levee breaks.No more bail ins, bail outs or other stupid measures that won't work.The only rational solution is to let the whole damn system implode,wipe the slate clean and start over.That's what should have been done in 2008.We would have had a natural recovery by now instead of one that's being propped up to delay the inevitable.Hang onto your hats because it's coming!!

  33. Andy

    The government/banks step in when the next crisis hits then declare a bank holiday and freeze us out of our accounts.They swoop in and shave as much as needed for themselves and tell us it's our patriotic duty to help them. We're screwed from every direction and have no recourse.End of story.Anyone who leaves large sums of money in a bank is out of their mind and is setting themselves up for a big fall.


    you really should tell people to buy gold and silver. ok where do we put money?

  35. Zanshin Habit

    …nothing happened.

  36. Zanshin Habit

    Hey look at that, it’s been three years since this video was released and

  37. Gort Newton

    Australia now has the same bail-in legislation in place. March (approx.) 2018. Economist Martin North has details in his YT channel Walk the World.

  38. kebman

    I wouldn't be surprised if they bailed in the account of the wrong man, then bankers would start having accidents…

  39. kebman

    tl;dr: Bail in is when the bank can take your money to pay their own debts.

  40. chitti kanna

    Hey Brother.. Your voice resembles your Prime Minister’s (Justin Trudeau’s)

  41. Buckwheat Lovescryptos

    USA passed legislation on this in 2010 ……. so be ready for it to happen here also !

  42. Don Vegan

    The banksters always win too.

  43. Deshon Miller

    Okay we know the banks is for poor people in not smart people. So what should do whit our money?

  44. Garchamp

    I know that this video is old, but in case you still read the comments upon notification; How do you think that banks are going to treat safety deposit boxes in case of a bank holiday? Will they dig into my gold and heirloom watches, or are the deposit boxes considered to be outside the banking system?

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