Fiat Bank Bailouts Skyrocket as Silver and Cryptos Surge: Insight from Bix Weir

by | Oct 6, 2023 | Bank Failures | 28 comments

A big THANKS to the Trump Administration for “Allowing” the cryptos and silver to move up a little today! Thank You Masters!! At the same time they gave themselves $77B more in bank bailouts today!…(read more)


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Silver Up! Cryptos Up!…as Fiat Bank Bailouts MOONSHOT!! (Bix Weir)

In times of financial uncertainty, investors have always looked for safe-haven assets to protect their wealth. And now, as the global economy faces unprecedented challenges, two investments are shining brightly on the radar – silver and cryptocurrencies. Meanwhile, fiat bank bailouts are skyrocketing, urging investors to seek alternative options.

Silver, the precious metal that has been a store of value for centuries, is experiencing a resurgence in demand. With the economic fallout caused by the ongoing pandemic and the substantial increase in central bank money printing, investors are flocking to silver as a hedge against inflation and currency devaluation.

The current situation is reminiscent of the late 1970s, when inflationary pressures drove the price of silver to an all-time high. Today, many experts believe that silver is severely undervalued, presenting a tremendous opportunity for investors. Bix Weir, a renowned analyst and commentator, makes a compelling case for silver’s potential to soar in the coming years.

Weir argues that as fiat currencies are devalued, silver’s true value will be unlocked. He points out that silver has various industrial applications, making it a valuable commodity in both good and bad economic times. With increasing demand from sectors such as green energy, silver’s supply deficit will only exacerbate, leading to a potential price explosion. Weir predicts that silver could see a “moonshot” rally, surpassing its previous record highs and entering uncharted territory.

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While silver’s bullish case is driven by its historical status and fundamental factors, the same cannot be said for cryptocurrencies. Cryptos, such as Bitcoin and Ethereum, are a relatively new asset class that has a devoted following of believers. These digital currencies operate on decentralized networks and are immune to central bank manipulation. Thus, they have gained traction as a hedge against traditional financial systems’ inherent flaws.

Moreover, the current economic crisis has exposed the vulnerabilities of the fiat banking sector. Governments worldwide have been forced to provide massive bailouts to keep these institutions afloat. This unprecedented money injection has, understandably, raised concerns about the stability and long-term viability of traditional banking.

As trust in fiat currencies decline, cryptocurrencies offer an alternative. They are borderless, transparent, and secure, making them an appealing option for investors seeking financial independence. Weir suggests that the massive influx of fiat money into the banking system will inevitably lead to inflation, potentially triggering a flight to digital assets like cryptos.

However, it’s important to note that cryptocurrencies are highly volatile and come with their own set of risks. Their value can fluctuate wildly within a short period, making them unsuitable for risk-averse investors. Additionally, regulatory uncertainty remains a significant obstacle to their widespread adoption.

In conclusion, in a world facing economic turmoil, silver and cryptocurrencies are emerging as potential winners. Silver’s historical track record and supply-demand dynamics, coupled with cryptocurrencies’ resistance to central bank interference, have caught the attention of investors looking to safeguard their wealth.

While these alternative assets come with their own set of risks, the moonshot potential of silver and the growing demand for cryptocurrencies amid fiat bank bailouts suggest that the time to explore these investment options may be now. As always, it’s crucial for investors to conduct thorough research and seek expert advice to make informed decisions.

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  1. zeek864

    Having been in the music business many years ago, I'm really enjoying your music and watching your progress! Youre a prolific writer!!

  2. SilverM1y

    You know, I'd tap Tulsi myself, but not for a VP position.

    Have some fun tonight, Bix!


    The hike in Crypto is due to the dear leader of China's announcement. All temporary!

  4. bridge5999

    Good idea, but Tulsi has ties to Deep State.

  5. gss1123


    Maybe at the end of the day we will be thankful to Chris G. for crashing the price. Allowing those who know whats coming, and maybe a few more stragglers to accumulate as much as possible before the end game scanario unfolds. Very complex times we live in..

  6. hayesman76

    “Please, please sir, more porridge …” LMAO

  7. AMC

    Tulsi ???

  8. Eric

    I've been thinking along the same lines of a Trump/Gabbard ticket. Sanders does have a health issue. According to Hilary, Tulsi is a Russian operative. That probably qualifies Tulsi to partner with Trump.

  9. BoldlyWalking

    What a bunch of BS. Fact–Treasury is pumping money into your beloved Fiat money system to save the dollar from demise, under the Federal Reserve. Someone is sounding like a shill for the Cabal.

  10. kayjay

    Apparently TG is on the Council of FR and has been to Bilderberger meetings. This was mentioned on a Sarah Westall podcast with Kent Lewis or John de Souza. Both very good information. Revealing who owns Coinbase – one the board of Directors of the FED!

  11. EdWilsonPhoto


  12. Gary Ride

    Gen. Flynn for VP!
    Or JFKjr if he is still out there?!

  13. Lee Newt

    HODL would be Democrats way ….you say HODL …
    Crypto is decimated but you say HODL and buy……u r DS

  14. brad hall

    Well I am about 20k richer than i was this morning. Its a start.Nice rip today…just in time for the LTC conference.

  15. Ja B

    Biz some times I think ur a puppet too. Have u lost ur mind?

  16. vicksdad

    No no no to Gabbard!

  17. Tom

    So happy to have watched you on X22 Spotlight a month or so ago. Great song, information, and learning how all this is going down. Thank you Bix for all your hard work.

  18. Valerie R

    I think Trump/Gabbard would be a great idea, but I doubt it would ever happen.

  19. gloria winowiecki

    Why Tullsi? Make Israel Great..????

  20. Jim Hitchcock

    Bix, I'd stay out of politics. Not your strong suit IMO

  21. Rock IGI

    Tulsi Gabbard is a WOLF IN SHEEP's CLOTHING. Democrats do what 3rd world politics does.
    "CREATE A HERO FROM OWN PARTY WHERE THERE IS NONE". What they do is to psychologically tell people that Tulsi is a hero but infact she is the same Democrat who wants to implement their policies.

  22. Threek2d

    Silver up, silver down, anyone surprised!

  23. Joseph Schultz

    Absolutely terrible idea there bix if President Trump where to take Tulsi gabbard on as the VP as soon as he won the election they would kill him and then they would control her she's a player ride along with the Deep state

  24. Ken Shields

    Trump should name Rand Paul as his running mate. Then Ron Paul could be a senior advisor to the administration.

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