New Zealand’s Official Entry into Recession Announced

by | Nov 3, 2023 | Recession News | 17 comments

New Zealand is officially in a recession while Australia is set to face more rate hikes after low unemployment data for the month of May….(read more)

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New Zealand Officially Enters a Recession due to the COVID-19 Pandemic

In a devastating blow to the nation’s economy, New Zealand officially entered a recession on September 16th, 2020. This marks the first time in over a decade that New Zealand finds itself in a recession, and it can be largely attributed to the far-reaching effects of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.

The announcement came as no surprise, considering the widespread disruptions caused by the pandemic. With strict lockdown measures imposed earlier this year, businesses across various sectors were forced to shut down temporarily, resulting in a significant decline in economic activity. The closure of borders also led to a decline in tourism, a crucial sector for New Zealand’s economy, further exacerbating the situation.

According to data released by Statistics New Zealand, the country’s gross domestic product (GDP) experienced a decline of 12.2% in the second quarter of 2020. This follows a contraction of 1.4% in the first quarter, meeting the technical definition of a recession (two consecutive quarters of negative economic growth).

The impact of the recession is felt deeply by individuals and businesses throughout the country. Thousands have lost their jobs, businesses have shut down permanently, and wage growth has been heavily affected. The government’s wage subsidy scheme has provided some relief, but its long-term effectiveness remains uncertain.

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The country’s finance minister, Grant Robertson, acknowledged the severity of the situation, stating that it was the most significant economic shock New Zealand has faced in generations. He further emphasized the need for continued government support and collaborative efforts to revive the economy.

To combat the recession, the New Zealand government has implemented several initiatives, including a massive infrastructure program aimed at creating jobs and supporting businesses. Additionally, the Reserve Bank of New Zealand reduced its official cash rate to a record low of 0.25% to encourage borrowing and stimulate spending.

While the road to recovery remains uncertain, some positive signs have started to emerge. As New Zealand managed to effectively control the spread of COVID-19, the country has gradually lifted restrictions, allowing businesses to reopen. However, the return to normalcy is expected to be gradual, especially with the ongoing global economic uncertainties.

Furthermore, the New Zealand government has placed special emphasis on the importance of investing in sectors like renewable energy, digital technology, and healthcare, which have shown resilience throughout the pandemic. By fostering innovation and focusing on sustainable growth, the government hopes to build a stronger and more resilient economy in the post-pandemic era.

New Zealand’s entry into a recession serves as a harsh reminder of the far-reaching consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic. As the nation grapples with the economic fallout, the road to recovery will require resilience, adaptability, and a strategic approach to rebuilding key sectors. The government’s role in implementing effective policies and providing necessary support will be vital in revitalizing the economy and ensuring a prosperous future for New Zealand.

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  1. richard murphy

    Jacinda is swahili for Mugabe

  2. partymanau

    Who would have thought. Idiot PM placing workforce under house arrest for 2 years. Destroying production and tourism. An out of control Reserve Bank milking the economy with crazy rate rises. Wow, if only I had a degree in economics I could blame the last 2 cyclones for this mess.

  3. Martin Epstein

    Join many other countries in the world

  4. Alfin Brandon

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  5. Joe blow

    What a load of shit the New Zealand economy is in recession they just identify as rich

  6. Ring-Tone

    WEF did a good job.

  7. BlardyMunggas

    Another friend of U S A landed under the bus. Not surprising

  8. Servius M

    Yet when the US did no one said anything.
    Ah propaganda

  9. Chintala lokesh

    It means you get more investments in the New Zealand Market.

  10. tagiscom

    So the tallking mule got her wish?

  11. Paul Huver

    400 Billion on those wortthless Submarines sure would come in handy now

  12. larrym12

    just wait for it the great stock market crash and the recession in 2023 maybe instead of importing oil they should drill for oil in Australia

  13. Robert Moss

    Transitory ➡ Recession,
    going into a deep Depression…

  14. Jerry Brickley

    Media in America is crying about interest rates being too high.

    The current Fed Funds rate (5.08%) is still below the 50 year average rate (5.42%).

    It's great that frugal people and retired people can get some return on their savings and don't need to risk it in the stock market.

  15. P Willis

    Given the wokeness of the regressive kiwi government, surely the NZ economy could just identify as a successful recovering economy rather than being in recession?

  16. John Google

    nz only just in recession, but they have been more sensible with putting up their rates sooner and quicker, so maybe they will get lucky and have an easier run, we have our heads in the sand

  17. Meredith isme

    All you need to become third world is country is corrupt government you had that with Ardern

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