Gregory Mannarino Issues Dire Warning about Massive Inflation

by | Nov 24, 2023 | Invest During Inflation | 30 comments

Gregory Mannarino Issues Dire Warning about Massive Inflation

Check out Greg’s YouTube Channel:
In the interview, Greg Mannarino and Stephen Gardner discuss the state of the US economy, the actions of the Federal Reserve, and the potential impact on the stock market. He expresses concerns about the market being a “big fat ugly bubble” and emphasizes the role of the Federal Reserve in inflating it. Mannarino suggests that the central banks, especially the Federal Reserve, are deliberately creating a system that benefits corporate investors and the elite while potentially leading to a wealth transfer effect.

Greg’s how to get out of debt video:

He delves into the manipulation of the debt market, the impact of suppressed interest rates, and the weakening of the dollar as strategies employed by central banks. Mannarino criticizes the lack of price discovery in the market, attributing it to the actions of the Federal Reserve. He predicts that the central banks will continue to suppress rates and engage in practices that benefit the stock market, emphasizing the importance of understanding these mechanisms for investors.

Mannarino advocates for diversification in investments, recommending physical assets like gold and silver. He mentions the potential shift towards a digital currency and the loss of privacy associated with it. The interview concludes with a discussion on the challenges posed by rising inflation, the potential manipulation of information, and the need for individuals to protect themselves from the current financial system.

Keywords in this video: Greg Mannarino, US economy, Federal Reserve, Stock market, Inflation, Debt market, Dollar weakening, Market manipulation, Digital currency, Gold and silver investment, Financial system, Wealth transfer, Central banks, Interest rates, Economic challenges, Financial protection, Asset diversification, Market risk, Truth about the economy, Economic awareness, Gerald Celente, Stephen Gardner, Stephen Gardner update

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Massive Inflation Warning! Central Banks Doing Major Damage | Gregory Mannarino Changed title
on 11/20/23

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Massive Inflation Warning! | Gregory Mannarino

The warning signs for massive inflation are flashing, and financial expert Gregory Mannarino is sounding the alarm. In a recent interview, Mannarino highlighted the factors driving inflation and the potentially devastating impact it could have on the economy.

Mannarino pointed to the unprecedented levels of government spending and the expansion of the money supply as key drivers of inflation. With trillions of dollars being pumped into the economy through stimulus packages and infrastructure spending, the potential for a surge in prices is very real.

The Federal Reserve’s loose monetary policy has also contributed to the inflationary pressures. By keeping interest rates near zero and continuing to purchase assets, the Fed has fueled asset bubbles and inflated stock and real estate prices. As a result, consumers are facing higher prices for goods and services, and the purchasing power of their dollars is diminishing.

In addition, supply chain disruptions and shortages have further exacerbated the inflationary pressures. The global pandemic has disrupted the flow of goods and raw materials, leading to shortages and higher costs for businesses and consumers. These supply chain challenges have contributed to rising prices for essential goods such as food, fuel, and household items.

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Mannarino warned that the combination of excessive government spending, loose monetary policy, and supply chain disruptions could lead to a “perfect storm” for inflation. If left unchecked, this could have dire consequences for the economy, including eroding savings, reducing consumer spending power, and undermining financial stability.

To protect against the impact of massive inflation, Mannarino emphasized the importance of diversifying investments and holding tangible assets such as gold, silver, and other commodities. He also stressed the need for individuals to become financially educated and to actively monitor and manage their investment portfolios in response to changing market conditions.

In conclusion, the warning signs for massive inflation are real, and Gregory Mannarino’s insights provide an important perspective on the potential consequences. As consumers and investors, it is crucial to stay informed and take proactive steps to mitigate the risks posed by inflation. By remaining vigilant and adapting to the changing economic landscape, individuals can better position themselves to weather the storm of inflation and protect their financial well-being.

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  1. Slade Fuqua

    fake it till you make it

  2. Silver Man

    The scammers love this site. Been reporting about this whole talk.

  3. Mark Williams

    Where to go to get gold and sliver

  4. Kodi Dude

    Central banks have figured out a way to bypass the time and energy required to produce real wealth through the invention of debt. We can all go home now.

  5. m a r y bailey

    Do you realize that all this chatter on the business news channels like Bloomberg are guilty of promoting the facade of this pump and dump scam? All this chatter about corporate earnings, interest rate cuts, etc, inflation reports, CPI , PPI, jobs numbers, etc is all just bogus nonsense and has nothing to do really with the stock markets?

    The rate hike nonsense is all Bloomberg talks about and I think is just a red herring .

    This is simply a purely rigged market by the "big/"smart" money" who use AI trading robots to detect the puts vs. call ratio in any and every stock and then take the opposite trade of the majority using their massive amounts of liquidity to profit off of either the "bulls" or the "Bears" whichever is more profitable for them to rip off. Am I right? I mean this market is in no way whatsoever legitimate. It is rigged and purely a scam. I think you could have just explained last few weeks market action as a "short squeeze" by the big money to take out the bears once again since that was the more profitable move. ?

  6. Douglas Marsh

    Why do I NEVER hear anything raising bank's reserve currency requirement? "Nooooo we have to raise interest rates," because that will directly hurt the people whereas, raising Reserve Currency Requirements, Banks would need to loan out money with greater consideration. Now every Tom, Dick and Harry banks are digitally creating money with complete abandon to "who" qualifies to receive a loan.

  7. Tiramisu Corleone

    It's the Babylonian money magic trick.

  8. Robert Kofa

    Good job! Why don't you talk about countries leaving the dollar dominance.

  9. SY Tucker

    Should people try and pay off their houses?

  10. Vern Toews

    Of course it's rigged.
    Search Eustace Mullins The world order also The curse of Canaan
    We have an evil power in this world bigger and more dangerous than any sovereign nation.
    Head office is the United Nations backed by the Vatican

  11. Josh Clark

    Can somebody explain to me what it means when they dump dollars to buy foreign dollars. How are they dumping the dollars like where do the dollars go to how do they get rid of them. I'm learning so if anybody could give me a good answer on this I would really appreciate it.

  12. Cancer  Man

    Mechanism new word for corruption.

  13. Christopher Baffa

    Your videos, guests, and questions are on the money…Thanks!

  14. errol harrison

    Buy gold and silver ?. 90% of people on this earth can barely afford a few potatoes ! Any other ideas ?

  15. The RBL Podcast

    Thanks for the knowledge. As an immigrant, I can actually confirm quite a few things, real talk

  16. Milton

    Don't put your money imto stocks market at this time. You will loes all your money will be gone brok. I really fill your money will be stone, I think they really have no money. Big invested are just take your money. This the wrong time. This is just my Personal thoughts. The way it's going thire really don't want to use's thire money, but onlys yours.

  17. Ricardo D

    Great line up tonight.

  18. Alfred Staggs

    They're borrowing their way into survival. Inflation is killing the middle class.

  19. Hale Sneezer

    What if central banks foreclose on us ?

  20. Chicago resident

    "that day has already come" in Canada, independent news sources outlawed. When social media wasn't here yet, no one knew what was really going on, they loved that

  21. Chicago resident

    Not only is food up 40-100,% since 2020, the size of food & toiletries containers are smaller. Ex bounty paper towels triple roll is now the size of the double roll & the double roll is the size of the single roll, AND the prices increased

  22. Heber Nelson

    Yes I was just listening to one of your podcast he was talking about the cost the root cause you called it of all these immigrants wouldn't you think free rent free food free phone free transportation could be the root cause don't look for in countries

  23. elliott reitman movies

    Steven wake up the cause is conservation diesel fuel is corrupted that is why we have inflation so bad here in America why is mexico is 2.00 dollars less diesel we have a supply problem. Get someone who knows these items as well as bio diseal for our econony

  24. motorcycle mike

    He said (1:02 mark) he's buying an inflated, fake market… Doesn't make sense to me.

  25. Donald Guillemette

    Long time viewer and subscriber here.. Mannarino and Celente have been warning us that the world is going to end for 20 years now. Steven, I like your Channel but these guys have no credibility and the thumbnails on your videos Scream of pending disaster. I hope your videos don't go south like most everybody else, because I value your Channel. Thank You.

  26. Lee 303

    Rishi Sunak also been caught out lying about inflation.

  27. Jeno Bene

    Capitalisum system what they prefer kills US mid class that we have nowaday. We dont have Capitalisum, it' Corporate Fasisum since long time. Dems & Reps are the SAME!!!!!! THEY WILL ACHIVE THE MAIN GOALS!! VOTE FOR NOTHING

  28. Jeno Bene

    US f***ed up so many countries, what was the government think, are these countries will lay back and watch? Chickens are coming back guys!

  29. georgiana darcy

    The great reset! Leftists are run directly by the devil.

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