China’s Desperate Efforts to Halt a Recession

by | Nov 24, 2023 | Recession News | 40 comments

China’s Desperate Efforts to Halt a Recession

The Chinese government is desperately trying to stop a recession, or at least slow it down so it doesn’t result in societal collapse, but it’s going about it in very shortsighted ways. In this just us episode of China Unscripted we discuss the economy, China’s panda diplomacy, and the Biden-Xi meeting at APEC.

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BREAKING: Recession News


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China Is DESPERATELY Trying to Stop a Recession

As the world continues to grapple with the economic impacts of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, China, the world’s second-largest economy, is facing a daunting task of preventing a recession. The country’s economic growth has been slowing down, and the government is taking drastic measures in an attempt to revive the economy.

The Chinese government has announced a series of stimulus measures in recent months, including tax cuts, infrastructure spending, and monetary easing. These measures are aimed at boosting domestic consumption and investment, as well as supporting businesses that have been hit hard by the pandemic.

One of the major challenges facing China’s economy is the decline in consumer spending. With strict lockdown measures in place and travel restrictions, many people have been cautious with their spending, leading to a decrease in retail sales and a slowdown in the services sector.

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To address this issue, the Chinese government has implemented a “dual circulation” strategy, which aims to boost domestic consumption while also promoting self-sufficiency and reducing dependence on foreign markets. This shift in policy is a response to the growing uncertainty in global trade, as well as the need to stimulate domestic demand.

In addition to domestic measures, China is also trying to expand its export markets. The government has been promoting initiatives such as the Belt and Road Initiative, which aims to strengthen economic ties with other countries through infrastructure development and trade partnerships.

Another key area of focus for the Chinese government is the technology sector. China has been investing heavily in areas such as 5G, artificial intelligence, and digital infrastructure, as it aims to become a global leader in technology and innovation. This push for technological advancement is seen as a way to drive future economic growth and create new opportunities for businesses and consumers.

Despite these efforts, the road to recovery for China’s economy remains challenging. The lasting impact of the pandemic, as well as ongoing trade tensions with the United States, continue to pose significant risks to the country’s economic prospects.

Moreover, China’s aging population and rising debt levels present long-term challenges for the economy. The government will need to address these structural issues to ensure sustainable growth in the years to come.

In conclusion, China is facing a critical juncture in its economic development, and the government is making every effort to prevent a recession. The success of these measures will be crucial not only for China but also for the global economy, as the country’s economic performance has far-reaching implications for international trade and investment. Only time will tell whether these efforts will be enough to steer China away from a recession and towards a path of sustainable growth.

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  1. Carl Albert

    The A-Holes

  2. Si G

    33:00 in the redneck tea bagger states this mustacho loves, are proper up by military ahhahahhaa this guy wants to privatize the military wow ahhahahahahhahah is totally delusional and mindless hahahahahaahhaahhahahh destructive libertarian tardo that knows nothing about the military or what goes into it. go learn how to understand this mustacho boy WOW YOU KNOW NOTHING

  3. Quangvu Le

    I'll definitely buy a Pawnda T-shirt, or mug.

  4. Alexander

    So… The cute, chubby fucker i saw at the sandiego zoo got sent back? I really took it for granted…

  5. MinunRobotnik4

    Anybody who has seen more than five episodes of your shows would be willing to spend any amount of money it would take to put you at a table with Xi Jinping for any amount of time. Even just forcing Xi to sit next to Chris long enough to be photographed would be a win.

  6. kwad8

    In response to Matt’s comment about wars starting “accidentally” China and has always been intentionally doing things to see how far they can go and get away with. Many being actually acts of war. Any war they start wont be “Accidental” They will try to play the victim for the US and the world reacting which they always do. China and the CCP is always the “victim”

  7. Sean Rice

    (sorry if I am spamming. I never do that on your channel However,) While the issue of being able to de-escalate with a leader-to-leader phone call does not and has NEVER existed between China and the US (i.e. "The Red Phone"), the joke is that the US and China DOES have a 'red phone' but that nobody will tell Xi where it is. This joke came back when Xi started eliminating his rocket force officers: "Xi is looking for the Red Phone."

    We have ways to contact Russia and even for our generals and admiralty to contact Russian generals and admirals without having to go THROUGH the executive branches if there is an emergency. We don't have that with China. The Secretary of Defence, Lloyd Austin was rebuffed by his counterpart, Li Shangfu back in May, 2023.

    With the increasing belligerence of Chinese jets against Western, unarmed, propeller planes and helicopters and the Chinese willingness to ram Navy and Coast Guard vessels from our and other countries, we need a way to tell China that our downing of their aircraft and sinking of their ships is NOT a declaration of war, nor an invasion.

    If we do NOT get that in San Francisco today, then EVERY aggressive action by Chinese jets and ships may be seen as an act of war with no way to stop the escalation.

    China WANTS an escalation and an accident or misunderstanding to be able to point a finger. If we accidentally down an aircraft that strayed too close to ours, we will have no choice but to expect an immediate and total retaliation by China, so would have to act as if we were about to be attacked.

    Not good.

  8. david wow

    China only have to sell the Americans dept.thats trillions of dollars. Who is in recession? America, Europe is.Why do America still beg china? DUMBER AND DUMBER thats what these guy are

  9. Sean Rice

    At about 00:27:00 when the three of you start talking about subsidies, in the Chinese EV market, companies took total advantage: With a (e.g.) $20,000 subsidy, they built a (cost to manufacture) $10,000 piece of crap, but which ticked all the checkboxes on the definition of EV, then drove (or towed) the cars directly from manufacturing plant to the junkyard without even bothering to try to sell them.

    Other companies used the subsidies to undermine foreign markets (dumping), but almost NONE of them used the subsidies or tax breaks with purchases and market share to reinvest in R&D or to streamline the manufacturing process. Say what you want about Tesla (and I loathe Elon Musk on every possible level), but the tax subsidies in America allowed Tesla the breathing room to perfect both the product and the process… it also allowed OTHER manufacturers breathing room for R&D.

    The problem with subsidies is that politicians (and not just the manufacturer) get addicted to them as can be seen with the South Buffalo Plant in NY. You can find the "State still spending money on Tesla factory" by Investigative Post, then fact-check yourselves.

    Anyway, Subsidies can help with new tech, but only if there is a phase-out period that cannot be extended. When it subsidies should be used is entirely a question of National, or a State or City's best interest, but NOT a politician's best monetary interest. IMHO (though I am clearly struggling with humbleness)

  10. Terry Mauk

    So, pandas have their own Chad ?

  11. Edgar Correa

    Can you imagine the amount of $ being scared on alibaba? Yes millions of dollar's just a big scam!

  12. Sean Rice

    LOL! With no guests, you three tend to start out off the rails. haha. Good episode. The Panda issue with the Panda losing fur was because the Panda had a genetic skin issue. Chinese scientists and US scientists together confirmed that it was a genetic issue and that it didn't bother the Panda.

  13. Edgar Correa

    Just got scammed by seller on Alibaba it seems that 75% of edvertsers in Alibaba are scamers!

  14. Emerson-Shea April

    Yes the economy is really bad, or maybe it's the ethics, but we are currently suing Tops Learning, iEnglish in China and their front UK company Phenix publishing. They still owe about 50 people money after years of asking us to trust them. It's astounding how, dismissive, and arrogant they are, and disconnected, they won't even make a payment plan and will say things like "let's wait and see". Or just insult you.

    It doesn't help that each company blames the other. I'll never work with Chinese companies again. I would say it's just the economy…but they were like this before the recession as well.

    Sadly, this is common as well. China can spend all the money they want on "advertising" but when the actual reality is different, it's just wasted money.

  15. adam s


  16. Lin Mal

    We have giant concrete bananas, and sheep, and pineapples etc. etc. !

  17. Lin Mal

    Smithsoian should instal Dalai Lama, to poke Chyna in the eye. And sell Dalai Dolls for xtra money !

  18. Timothy Ortiz

    China doing pretty good. Everything I mostly have is Made in China.

  19. BarryWaterlow

    It’s sad to see China turning into North America with its massive number of homeless, hungry poor people.

  20. Samson Vermont

    China is notorious for treating animals poorly. China also single-handedly keeps poachers in business, which is THE reason why endangered animals in Africa stay endangered. Therefore, whatever motivates China to accuse others of mistreating Pandas, animal welfare ain't it.

  21. Robert Regnier

    Guys, this was a bad cast. You went from terrible to great to bad. Find more guys like the last dude, laid the smack down.

  22. powersv2


  23. skiingfast1

    It's been going downhill since before the pandemic. The pandemic originally helped them level off as subsidies kept people buying cheap stuff through the internet. Now people are buying less than before and china spirals down.

  24. David

    In authoritarian governments like the CCP, the ruler's governing philosophy sets the policy. When Jiang and Hu were in power, it was governing by money: bribery for officials, jobs with foreign capital joint ventures for the people.
    It all changed with Xi. He's obsessed with power, and he sees the pursuit of riches as an obstacle to his rule. He's doing all he can to cleanse China of foreign capital and influence, as well as any domestic concentration of wealth that could offer a voice of opposition.
    The West need to adjust China policy accordingly. Wall Street only caught on to this after the COVID shutdown.

  25. amdopema

    Hi folks. Love your Show. I’m a Tibetan born in India and living in Canada. Maybe we should look into the old China Tibet border and maybe the Panda is from Tibet. Too cute to be Chinese. Ha ha.

  26. Midi Music Forever

    They won't be able to stop it. China is in for hard times.

  27. Yulaw

    Dude with the rapestache… That's how terms work my guy. Just because you feel differently, doesn't mean you have rights to keep them.

  28. J.D. Hague

    We need more of this. These three are interesting and entertaining enough by themselves and there's not enough of it.

  29. michael hellwinkle

    Every time they call him William Dafoe i cringe.

  30. Aurkus23

    I worry that Xi's(he honestly isn't going to talk or interact with anyone) words will lure these greedy companies back to China.

  31. njål sand

    China Zoo's is terrible in my opinion and its not that many years since I was there.

  32. Wigwong

    Oh my god you're right panda babies are horror I've never seen that before

  33. Wigwong

    Australia number one

  34. mcranswick

    Really enjoy the banter, but you might like to check out Jim Rickards' BRICS assessment, how the BRIC is pegged to the weight of gold. They've copied the IMF allowing loans to developing countries. This is the real power play. BRICS with new members like Saudis, make up 51% Global GDP, over 1/2 global population and plenty of oil and goods to trade.

  35. hunn20004

    Yes to Pawnda T-shirts

  36. Valar Morgulis

    Stop buying made in china

  37. Peter Pifagorass

    The intro is too long – you lost me

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