7 Stocks to Buy that are Beating Inflation in 2022

by | Aug 28, 2022 | Invest During Inflation | 19 comments

7 Stocks to Buy that are Beating Inflation in 2022

Inflation is killing the stock market but these seven stocks beat inflation and could be some of the best to buy for 2022. In this video, I’ll show you how to find the best stocks to beat inflation and an easy stock screener for inflation stocks. I’ll then reveal the seven stocks to watch that can not only survive but thrive as inflation heats up.

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I’ve been arguing that inflation would be higher than expected since early last year and it seems the market has finally come around to that but it’s still not fully pricing it in. Yeah, we probably won’t have 6% inflation through this year but there are some real long-term pressures like higher rent and wages that will keep inflation above 4% this year and into next. You need to be ready for this, investing in stocks that can beat inflation.

To find our list of stocks to beat inflation, we’ll be using one very important ratio, the gross margin. The gross margin is the percentage of revenue left after paying production costs like materials, packaging and some direct labor to making the product. So this is a profitability measure, how well is management doing generating profits against higher costs for materials.

That’s what we’re looking for in this list of stocks. Companies that even though their own costs might be rising with inflation, are able to increase prices and sales without losing customers…true inflation-protected stocks.

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It’s also important to know which industries and stocks are getting hit the hardest on higher inflation. Any company with lower-wage workers is seeing massive increases in labor costs as workers demand higher wages or leave. This is hitting the food service and manufacturing industries. Also the retailers are getting hit on higher materials and transportation costs so be especially mindful of inflation in consumer discretionary stocks.

We’ll also be watching the operating margin for creating our list of stocks to buy against inflation. This is the operating profits, so not just the gross profits but what’s left over after taking out wages, marketing and other operational costs, what’s left of sales after all this divided by the total revenue. This is just as important because it’s going to show you which companies are able to keep their profitability even as wages head higher.

0:00 Best Stocks to Buy for Inflation
0:58 Best Measure for Inflation Stocks
2:30 Stocks that Beat Inflation
4:31 How Bad Could Inflation Get in 2022?
8:27 What I Look for in Inflation Stocks

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Joseph Hogue, CFA spent nearly a decade as an investment analyst for institutional firms and banks. He now helps people understand their financial lives through debt payoff strategies, investing and ways to save more money. He has appeared on Bloomberg and on sites like CNBC and Morningstar. He holds the Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) designation and is a veteran of the Marine Corps.
#inflation #stockstobuy #stocks…(read more)

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    I'm a truck driver .I can't see autonomous vehicles vehicles coming in for a couple of decades. Even if they had self driving trucks there's still way more to the Job than that

  2. Kevin

    And us remaining truck drivers, who will soon become burger flippers, will appreciate the self driving trucks while we no longer are able to make a decent wage to put back into the economy, lose our health insurance, and will stay on unemployment as long as possible, driving that through the roof as well. In the name of efficiency! Maybe we can just unite with China and all share rice

  3. Buttoning Benjamin

    My Grandpa invested a nice sum of money in Apple in the 90s and early 2000s. Needless to say he's very happy with his investment 🙂

  4. Ramus Carlsen

    As one considering doing the CFA program as my path to my future dream job, I was wondering if buying some or all of the books for the CFA program, have any value even if you're not on the program right now?

  5. Elijah Norris

    Thoughts on intel for long term investing?

  6. Ari Gutman

    Thank you for your video, certainly these volatile days are to be taken advantage of by investing into high quality stocks. Let's be real when looking two to five or ten years down the road, the investments made today, as long as they are in valued companies with strong fundamentals, will return a very enjoyable ROI… Even if someone just invested into the broad market..

  7. Scott

    That's a really dangerous list to invest in, almost certain destruction of wealth. Many of these are extremely, extremely overvalued. If they have been been beating inflation this year, that means you should have already been invested in them. Fat load of good it does to buy SAIA at $280 currently when you could have had it <$100 in 2020, and etc. etc with the other picks. I like your content, but this is a list to avoid at all costs – extremely overvalued picks, huge downside risk with rising inflation??? No thanks.

  8. Andrew Invests

    So anybody that screws farmers is good for inflation hedges. As a farmer, I knew this.

  9. Elyse C. Carr

    Intellectweb s
    Intellectweb s.

  10. SM - USA

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  11. San Kumar

    Hello All,
    Thanks for all the valuable comments. I am new to stock market and started investing last year. My portfolio is 40% down as of now and its going down everyday. I am getting panic now and do not know what to do? Should I sell on 40% loss and reinvest or should I wait(afraid that I may loose 100%). Pls suggest.

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    Today I sold WPC, O, JPM, MCD, and DGRO. I hope I don't regret this. All 5 just seem to be getting hit way too hard

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    Buy Meta stock… the most powerful company in the universe in 10 years

  15. Ben Watkins

    Joseph must be beating the market, that looks like a new shirt and bow tie! 🙂

  16. John Kelley

    No, inflation is not killing the stock market. Men's uncontrolled emotions are killing the stock market. The supply shortages and labor shortages – both preventable if the politicians were not incompetent would cut inflation in half. The other half of inflation is a male tantrum. Men are more emotional than women. Ever seen a football game? Buffet and Munger aren't running around with their hair on fire.

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