US Lower Class Growing as Bank Bailouts Continue, US States Collapse, and Consumer Defaults Rise

by | Dec 28, 2023 | Bank Failures | 47 comments

US Lower Class Growing as Bank Bailouts Continue, US States Collapse, and Consumer Defaults Rise

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  1. @ThomasJamesArt251

    Love the show, I would like to share something with your audience that
    I use, it's called MICRO PLANT POWDER GOLD from is
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    it could be known as the worlds best kept secret. It also cleans the blood,
    lungs, stomach and colon while oxygenating the entire body. You will love this product!!!
    and by the way, they do not advertise, I hope this helps many people !!!

  2. @primus108

    Trying to end a recession by bailing out the banks and major corporations is like trying to end a drought by adding water to the rivers.

  3. @markallensnow925

    I like what you have to say but please be careful your not a self fulfilling prophet. The fact is you can turn things around if you start working together. Whats the point of building wealth while your country is being destroyed from within? People are entitled to a society that works together to make the world a better place.

  4. @ventureelect

    Christians are the first to screw you over. This is about greed not religion. If religion worked we would not have all the suffering that people are going through.

  5. @ventureelect

    maybe the one world government is not a bunch of hooyie

  6. @NoCensorship

    I like your vids but dude you’re trippin

  7. @heatherskys9983

    Seattle is dying it's so bad down there wow hurts me to see this

  8. @carloschavez5368

    All the money i make i spend half with stocking food and supplies. I've been following this market for the last 3 years its going down some time in November so im ready to hunt for fresh meat to stock my freezer. Im still stocking extra ammo and food and have extra gas and diesel for an emergency bug out for my hunting camp away from the city.

  9. @carloschavez5368

    Trump has a secret plan its a financial reset with a new monetary bill last news i ran across. But it will take a year for the transition.

  10. @thepro08

    so basically the elite hates trump so much that prefers to put the globe again in crisis than to have in elected, and he just passed mostly tax breaks for the rich….

  11. @lesliestenta3084

    I am from Hawaii and make $50,000 a year and considered poverty level

  12. @mageew1

    Christian Prayer Warriors Pray that God allows President Trump to keep this fake economy going until after the 2020 elections..  He needs those next 4 years to finish the job he has began.   Thank you.

  13. @leadnsteel1428

    People need to start within themselves…. Stop living beyond your means and work to pay down your debt…. I'm debt free and its the greatest feeling. Stop being lazy and go work.

  14. @demeracl

    Dont worry you can go to college and become a doctor and be in the 1%. It will only cost you 1 million dollars in student loans

  15. @veritasfiles

    Lots of people live on under $2,166 a month. That's how people can live on $26,000 a year. You probably can't do that on the coasts, but if you live in the midwest or in the south, there are a lot of people that live on well under $2,166 a month.

  16. @basilramsay1770

    Brother Jeremiah! I just wanna thank you for your very amazing insights on what's possibly coming to our nation. Brother! I too have been seeing the signs of the coming recession or possibly depressional times that the average person haven't the slightest clue about! The big question is! Why are most of us so blind to this very close upcoming reality? I just don't get it! Not too long ago, I went on Google…just to possibly get a little information on your background, because your insights are pretty much mine as well. & brother! It was truly disappointing! The way these people put you down. Saying you're nothing but a communist & also don't know how to read the Constitution! So now, I'm thinking to myself! Is this the price you have to pay for waking up your fellow Americans? Brother! I guess the only thing I can say is, those whom wished to be enlighten, will be enlighten! & The ones that continue to follow the heard, will unfortunately have to learn the hard way!! Peace & Blessings!

  17. @lt9357

    Breaking Bad

  18. @LucyPouncePanda

    Free ride is over fox. The scam is coming to an end.

  19. @suzclayton783

    3 year yield 1.72% Americans are paying 24% on an average credit card for groceries the Republicans don't want regulation. But they're all going to scream when Bernie Madoff takes their money so while they're wiring it to Antigua the Americans are left with wiping the floor again thank God Trump has that FEMA money to save his golf course

  20. @suzclayton783

    When you were still puts out a third-quarter warning it's bad these are short coverings they know what's going on they just don't give a s*** they're counting on the volume

  21. @suzclayton783

    America sneezes and the world gets pneumonia

  22. @suzclayton783

    The girl was up Monday cuz of an uptick for short coverings. Earnings are coming out and you're absolutely right. I had a credit line increase of $1,000 from Capital One but I couldn't withdraw $50 to get to the hospital

  23. @BoilingFrogs2050

    Learn to Grow food and be self sufficient.

  24. @duaneyoutbe

    Affirm is just a pop up of

    It’s been around a while.

  25. @duaneyoutbe

    In Salt Lake City in the last two years,

    Thousands of eScooters showed up everywhere over night in town.

    Now, young, middle aged, and some older, folks,
    I’m sure this has to factor in other cities as well.

    Uber n LYFT
    (slaves/fools) drivers also to be factored into the slump in car sales.

    Trump is moving to topple the dollar, to a gold backed led currency, watch and prepare for it.

    As Jeremiah says, stock up.

  26. @peterdurbin6358

    Thanks again for another solid presentation ! Solid voice of reason ….

  27. @edmazzeo4734

    thank you JB . you are a asset to the common man …

  28. @jackjohnson4148

    I’m not insecure or scared but I am very concerned and awake

  29. @N1WP

    You can bet Duch Bank is getting bailed out along with that heretic Angela Merkel , the worst leader Germany has ever had in it's history — ever.

  30. @erichammond2466

    The average consumer does not watch these videos.

  31. @claysmith8839

    Playing video games smokingvenormous amounts of dope lol

  32. @kellynorvell5714

    "smoking enormous amounts of dope"……..LOL…….funny but true.

  33. @lisay5450

    Find it absolutely hilarious…you been talking about how crappy our manufacturing is…how its near non existent…and today…a major drop in the stock market bc of…yeup! Figures YOU HAVE BEEN SAYING ALL ALONG were disclosed as being the worst we've seen since 2009.

    Great job JB….you have been saying it all along and now…so are THEY!!! Will be interesting what is said tomorrow to plump the market back up from its 343pt fall today!

  34. @sarahhill4993

    I deleted FB and Twitter, they all believe we are booming the next 5 years. Got tired of being called negative. You can't keep borrowing money forever, the collapse is very near.

  35. @amafid

    Screw gold and silver with the s*** really does hit the fan you need to stock up now and ammunition guns non-perishable food and whiskey

  36. @axethemonarchy4412

    In 08 we helped family members who were going bankrupt or had no money due to their cc bills and poor planning. This time they’re on their own. We saved , they partied.

  37. @jerryhayes3337

    you had a decent message until you said we should support the son of a bitch who is putting us in deeper shit while he and his friends reap tons off riches corporations are his best friends soon they will be getting a tax refund just like us.

  38. @seanbuckner1213

    My understanding is that we are a Hugh manufacturer… LOL… Included in the manufacturing data is hamburgers and Tacos. They take raw material and make a sammich or a tacos… thats our manufacturing.

  39. @axethemonarchy4412

    Watch Live PD and see what a large portion of the US is doing.. drug addicts, thief’s and criminals. It’s sad what’s going on. They want our collapse to usher in total socialism

  40. @chineseslaves1971

    Thanks for your video.

    Every time I shop at Grocery Outlet I save $170.00.

    I don’t think real estate will fall in all areas, and maybe some will dip in price or rent but come back. This is why you buy location because people from all over the world want it no matter what. I personally get offers incessantly for one small home that’s never been on the market, and now I’m getting them for my current one. They know the location in both is wonderful. In some places though I’m sure great deals will be had. You have to see and believe in the potential and do what most won’t do. Definitely get in at these low interest rates.

  41. @herbrice8933

    During every crash, some get poor and some get rich. Hold on to you ass with both hands!

  42. @silvercobra3373

    Just got a Ruger PC Carbine 9mm – prepping.

  43. @hOtneO

    Welcome to Hooverville…pop. 330,000,000.

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