The History of the IRA (Irish Republican Army) in 5 Minutes | Episode 1

by | Jan 23, 2024 | Simple IRA | 46 comments

The History of the IRA (Irish Republican Army) in 5 Minutes | Episode 1

What was the Irish Republican Army (IRA) and why did it become so infamous in Northern Ireland and the Republic alike? In this 5 minute history, an introduction to the Troubles and the IRA. If you want a fuller look at the political situation and the history behind it feel free to check out my longer videos below:

How a Dutch King in the 17th Century Started the Troubles:

What Happened to the Old Irish Flag?

The Northern Irish Flag: The Red Hand of Ulster:

The Real History Behind the Peaky Blinders:

Raid the Merch Market:

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Music Used:
Galway – Kevin MacLeod
Light Thought Var. 2 – Kevin MacLeod
Loopster – Kevin MacLeod
Eine Kleine Nachtsmusik – Mozart

Send me an email if you’d be interested in doing a collaboration!

#Ireland #NorthernIreland #UK…(read more)




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Who Were the IRA (Irish Republican Army)? | 5 Minute History: Episode 1

The Irish Republican Army, commonly known as the IRA, is a paramilitary organization that has played a significant role in the history of Ireland. The IRA has been involved in numerous conflicts and has had a significant impact on the country’s political and social landscape. In this article, we will explore the history of the IRA and its significance.

The IRA was founded in 1919 during the Irish War of Independence. At the time, Ireland was under British rule, and many Irish citizens sought to gain independence from the British government. The IRA was formed as a response to British oppression and sought to establish an independent Irish republic through acts of resistance and armed struggle.

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During the War of Independence, the IRA engaged in guerrilla warfare against the British forces, carrying out ambushes, assassinations, and other acts of resistance. The conflict eventually led to the signing of the Anglo-Irish Treaty in 1921, which established the Irish Free State as a self-governing dominion within the British Commonwealth.

However, the signing of the treaty created a divide within the IRA. Some members supported the treaty and formed the Irish National Army, while others opposed it and continued to fight for a fully independent republic. This division led to the Irish Civil War, which lasted from 1922 to 1923.

Following the Civil War, the IRA went through several periods of inactivity and resurgence. In the 1960s, the organization became increasingly active again, particularly in Northern Ireland, where tensions between the Catholic and Protestant communities had intensified. The IRA’s actions during this period, including bombings and assassinations, led to the outbreak of the Troubles, a decades-long conflict between nationalist and unionist paramilitary groups.

The IRA’s involvement in the Troubles brought it to international attention and sparked debates about its tactics and goals. The organization continued to carry out attacks and engage in armed struggle, despite attempts at peace negotiations and political solutions.

In 1998, the Good Friday Agreement was signed, bringing an end to the Troubles and establishing a power-sharing government in Northern Ireland. As part of the agreement, the IRA agreed to a ceasefire and began decommissioning its weapons.

In more recent years, the IRA has been involved in politics and community activism, and its military wing has been disbanded. The organization has sought to redefine itself as a political and social movement, focusing on issues such as poverty, discrimination, and economic inequality.

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The history of the IRA is complex and has had a profound impact on the history of Ireland. The organization has been a key player in the struggle for Irish independence and has shaped the country’s political landscape. While the IRA’s armed struggle has come to an end, its legacy continues to influence Irish society and politics to this day.

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  1. @historywithhilbert146

    Hi everyone – just wanted to write a few things based on some comments and the potentially poor timing of this upload given the current protests in Northern Ireland.

    1. I actually recorded this video in mid-March – before there were any riots in Northern Ireland and it happens to have been scheduled for today, rather than this video having been inspired by current events or meant to demonise a particular community.

    2. I have already recorded a video on one of the Unionist paramilitary organisations, the UDA (Ulster Defence Association) which will be uploaded shortly. I can't upload everything at once and once again this video isn't meant to target one side without representing the other as violence and terrible acts were committed by both Unionists and Nationalists during the Troubles.

    3. Some quick points about this new format:

    -It's a 5 minute clip so some things will be simplified to get the general point across.
    -Don't worry if you prefer the longer videos they won't be going away – this is just a new series that I'll be uploading some episodes of alongside more in depths videos.
    – I have to record videos well in advance because I'm currently in my last year of university and need to study for my exams at which point I won't have time to record weekly videos. Because of this time constraint I thought it better to make some shorter videos which means I can upload every week rather than only a few of the longer ones.

    4. Thank you to everyone for pointing out that Ireland only became a republic in 1948 rather than already in 1922 when it was technically a 'Free State' within the Commonwealth. That was a mistake on my part for which I apologise!

    Thank you all for watching and continuing to support the channel, I just thought it was important to point these things out given the frequency with which they were being questioned by some in the comments.

  2. @MDBCTN

    everyone saw and will still see the consequences of the "partition system" in the world.

  3. @jasoncornthwaite8387

    well was a was a guerrilla and sectarian conflict going back hundreds of years, but had no army to meet real warriors on the battlefield , so took to bombing civilians on uk soil and children to,,,,, which made then mp margret thatcher play dirty to because she had british common folk backing now, she sent in sas death squads ,,, which every brit was behind ,,rest is history

  4. @kevinharkins1022

    If it hadn’t been for provisional IRA in the late 60s early 70s the Catholic population in the North could have been wiped out.

  5. @loveeveryone114

    He also didn't mention how the leaders were executed publicly and brought in under a white flag

  6. @richardshort311

    "right wing", and Communism have absolutely NOTHING in common. Get your propaganda right.

  7. @joprocter4573

    Should have stopped at RA as no army

  8. @dwaynesbadchemicals

    Isn’t it more who still is the IRA? They haven’t just gone away ffs.

  9. @HeatherGarcia-di9se

    Congrats ireland at the rate you welcoming migrants in n u being such small population,in the year 2045 real Irish gaelic Celtic Highlander blooded people in Ireland will be no more n extinct….its impossible for a population of only 4 million take hundreds of thousands of migrants in every year n expect this wont impact your real Irish gaelic Celtic Highlander blood population…..pearse,connolly,sands,oreilly, brian boru, hunger strikers n freedom fighters r all saying i died for what??????? Lol no country that small can expect there culture to survive taking in how they do lol

  10. @vuho2075

    What doesn't get mentioned is that the conflict is basically between 3 groups – Irish Catholics (IRA+Sinn Fein), Irish Protestants (RUC+UVF), British Army. This is not a foreign colonial occupation issue

  11. @martinmurphy9392

    Eh no the 26 counties did not become a republic until 1849. Who's making these vidieos

  12. @SlavaBanderastan

    Freedom fighters who fought terrorism with terror

  13. @Deathtrip420

    How can anyone trust British treaties? Butchers the world around.

  14. @tiernanfarrelly5314

    My great grandad fought there I think h was called Sean farrelly he survived that time the black and tans started shooting all the IRA he escaped using a train or something now that I think about I'm related to a man who propaly brutality murdered multiple people and tortured them I've heard the stuff they did

  15. @sagarxedits9626

    I'm Indian and didn't knew about it until I watched Derry girls on Netflix damn that show made me curious

  16. @shaun3133

    British colonialism can suck the tail pipe of a rigged car

  17. @shaungillingham4689

    Cold blooded murders of men ,women & children, that's the IRA.

  18. @danielashworth3244

    Talks about the IRA and their actions but doesn't mention the word 'Terrorism'. Hilbert's is always biased history.

  19. @patricksmyth3365

    I’m Irish and I notice that there are 7 different kinds of Ira.

  20. @Skwigz

    The creator of the original IRA was the first Irish Prime Minister (as it was called at the time) Michael Collins, he later left the IRA and signed the Anglo-Irish treaty with Britain and was eventually assassinated by one of his old men, who was in opposition to his decision.
    Michael Collin's last words were;
    "Forgive them. Bury me in Glasnevin with the boys."
    He was murdered on the day his soon-to-be wife was picking out a dress for their wedding.

  21. @starcade90

    They were Marxist loones.

  22. @ulstermen

    This title needs changed to " who are the ira" not who were the ira, they are stil here known as sfira

  23. @northernirishguy3668

    As a history video you have more false info than a trump rally and if you were in my history classes I would give a U unmarkable!!!!!!

  24. @limbobilbo8743

    The IRA just do mitosis whenever someone disagrees with someone else

  25. @Jim54_

    When talking about modern Ireland one thing that needs to be mentioned was how a Protestant Irish Parliament successfully gained independence for Ireland between 1782 and 1800, during which time Catholics got most of their rights back, with most Irish people of different faiths uniting under the ideologies of either constitutionalism or Republicanism, with both in favour of varying degrees of Irish sovereignty/autonomy and increased personal rights.

    This independence ended when a failed Republican Revolution in 1798 led British prime minister William Pitt to intimidate and bribe the Irish Parliament into merging the Kingdom Ireland into the UK after an initial Union vote failed. Ireland’s Parliament was forced to merge with The British one (though the courts and civil service of Ireland remained separate, but nominally subject to Westminster from now on).

    People on both sides seem to have completely forgotten this chapter in Irish history, because Protestants and Catholics fighting together for an independent Irish Kingdom doesn’t fit anyone’s narrative, and yet it had a major impact on the island. Unionism, Republicanism and Constitutionalism all originate from the original Irish volunteers that used the opportunity of the American Revolution distracting Britain to revolt in 1782. This heralded the independence and has shaped all aspects of Irish politics ever since

  26. @christopher9727


    Romans 6:23
    For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.
    Come to Jesus Christ today

    Jesus Christ is only way to heaven
    Repent and follow him today seek his heart Jesus Christ can fill the emptiness he can fill the void
    Heaven and hell is real cone to the loving savior today
    Today is the day of salvation tomorrow might be to late come to the loving savior today

    John 3:16-21

    16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. 17 For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved. 18 He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God. 19 And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil. 20 For every one that doeth evil hateth the light, neither cometh to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved. 21 But he that doeth truth cometh to the light, that his deeds may be made manifest, that they are wrought in God.

    Mark 1.15

    15 And saying, The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand: repent ye, and believe the gospel.

    2 Peter 3:9

    The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.

    Hebrews 11:6

    6 But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.

  27. @lost94133

    God Bless them all

  28. @leebush4053

    No one ever points out the RA are gangsters who run drugs, protection, racketeering, vice and put this on its Catholic population. Not solely freedom fighters

  29. @teebot5501

    Answer to the title, terrorists

  30. @maineaglexproductions4025

    Friendly reminder that the IRA gave bomb warnings to British officials which were specifically ignored to maximize civilian casualties to demomize Irish Liberationists.

  31. @dave-kr6sc

    The worst thing the IRA ever did was become socialist they should have mimicked their republican cousins in America

  32. @mattpredictsofm.

    Impressive video. I started a bit late (graduated from my doctorate program at age 30 in 2016 with 170k in school loan debt). Managed to pay off my debt by 2019 and currently have a house and 250k total in investments (combo of profit share, 401k and a brokerage account). I'm not very knowledgeable with investing, so I have all my capital currently vested in index funds but considering the dollar dumping and current inflation crisis. How optimal would this be beneficial long term

  33. @colinelliott8417

    Men with an excuse to kill, they killed more of their own than the British army an loyalists combined. Bombs left in towns with children and women being killed all the time, they killed unarmed men women teenagers children , burned people to death all the time. They blamed the security forces for their campaign but the security forces were only there to keep the peace between the two sides . People shot in church halls, bus loads shot or blew up and they complain that the British were trying to stop them. Evil men, all are now let out prison under the fake Good Friday agreement some sentences to 400 years for multiple murder

  34. @keithgoodrick-meech3921

    The IRA, originally were understandably fighting for a unified Ireland. Nothing wrong with that. However, criminals took over the organisation, and as usual, where there's a possibility of making huge amounts of money,the gangsters didn't hold back.

  35. @captainohcaptain9588

    How does an Irishman hide his killing of innocent ppl change the name of the organization and kill again

    5000 killed by one organisation looks a lot worse than 50 done by ten different ones

  36. @Revolution_now605

    You can actually go back further in history to the Irish volunteers which was formed in 1913

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