Restrictions on National Guard Deployment for Bank Bailouts

by | Mar 11, 2024 | Bank Failures | 2 comments

Restrictions on National Guard Deployment for Bank Bailouts

These politicians are wordsmiths and liars, the national guard is being strategically placed. My speculation would be for crowd control when the riots start.

The banks will get bailouts from the government, the government is nationalizing corporations which is a big RED FLAG! Nazi Germany had similar practices, by way of socialism.

Some things that we can expect to see here in the USA soon if my prediction on this government is correct:

– National Guard will begin rationing food to the public when the grocery stores run out.
Likely in well known places, such as Wal-Mart, Target, CVS, etc.

– Some states will have complete shutdowns, and then all of them.

– Internet and cable TV news will be limited, propagandized, and completely biased.

– We will be told that everyone needs to be tested for such virus. They conveniently will also (without your knowledge), collect everyone’s DNA using a swab or a vile of blood.

– We will be told that a vaccine is MANDATORY. You don’t have any other options. (Giving more credit to the fact that we can’t even control our own bodies, and what goes in them).

– Starting this year in October, we ALL must have a REAL ID in order to travel or get on any plane.

The REAL ID uses biometrics, it uses facial recognition software to track your location and movement patterns. It also helps the FBI to track everyone….(read more)


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In times of crisis, such as the recent economic downturn caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, the National Guard plays a crucial role in providing assistance to communities and maintaining order. One way in which they have helped is by managing limited crowds at banks during the wave of requests for bailouts and financial assistance.

Banks across the country have been inundated with requests for assistance from individuals and businesses struggling with the economic impacts of the pandemic. With long lines forming at bank branches and ATMs, there was a need to manage the flow of people and maintain order to prevent chaos and potential unrest.

The National Guard has stepped in to help with crowd control at banks, ensuring that social distancing measures are maintained and everyone has the opportunity to access the financial assistance they need. Guard members are deployed to bank locations to help organize lines, ensure that people are following safety guidelines, and provide support to bank staff overwhelmed by the influx of customers.

By working with local law enforcement and bank personnel, the National Guard is able to ensure that the process of distributing financial assistance runs smoothly and efficiently. Their presence helps to maintain a sense of order and security, reassuring both customers and bank staff that their safety is being prioritized.

The National Guard’s involvement in managing limited crowds at banks is just one example of the many ways in which they support communities during times of crisis. Whether it’s distributing food and supplies, providing medical assistance, or assisting with security and public safety, the National Guard plays a crucial role in ensuring that communities are able to weather the storm and emerge stronger on the other side.

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As we continue to navigate the challenges of the current economic crisis, we can rely on the National Guard to provide support and assistance where it is needed most. Their dedication and commitment to serving their communities are an invaluable resource in times of need, and we are grateful for their service.

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  1. @ripster9713

    Did you get rid of your bitcoins yet?

  2. @xjew4ux

    I hope the us military would go against the goverment

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