Opening Remarks at Fragility Forum 2024: Embracing Adaptation and Innovation in an Unstable Global Environment

by | Mar 14, 2024 | Bank Failures

Opening Remarks at Fragility Forum 2024: Embracing Adaptation and Innovation in an Unstable Global Environment

In opening plenary of the Fragility Forum 2024, Anna Bjerde, Managing Director, Operations, World Bank and Makhtar Diop, Managing Director, International Financial Corporation are joined by Prime Minister Succès Masra of Chad and Deputy Minister of Human Rights and Refugees Duška Jurišić of Bosnia and Herzegovina for a moderated conversation. Before the conversation Soukeyna Kane, Director, Fragility, Conflict & Violence Group, World Bank welcomes participants and talked about the geopolitical context underpinning the Forum. Bjerde underscores the importance of addressing fragility, conflict, and violence for the World Bank and what it needs to do more, including mobilizing a stronger replenishment of the International Development Association (IDA), which is an important source of resources for fragile countries. Diop speaks to the importance of providing long-term help to develop the domestic private sector and catalyze investments in conflict-resilient sectors.

Masra and Jurišić share perspectives from their countries. Masra stresses the need to address the root causes of fragility, including existing leadership and institutions in these settings. He calls for emergency and development assistance to complement each other, emphasizing the need to invest more in human capital development and basic service delivery. Jurišić highlights the significance of the international community remaining engaged when conflict breaks out. She provides an example of the absence of the community at the beginning of the war in Bosnia, returning a few years later to contribute to peace and development.

Fragility, conflict, and violence (FCV) is a global challenge. By 2030, almost 60 percent of the world’s poor will live in countries classified as fragile and conflict-affected situations. Chronic instability, civil wars, the global shock of the pandemic, and continued climate disasters have created a complex landscape of intertwined risks, reversing hard-won development gains. Not only are these dynamics affecting people’s lives within these countries, but they also have destabilizing transboundary effects that compel all of us to think and act in new ways. The Fragility Forum 2024, Adapting and Innovating in a Volatile World, will provide an opportunity for those working in and on FCV, including those in the development, humanitarian, government, civil society, private sector, research, and security communities, to exchange experiences, and examine the success and failures of developmental interventions in countries affected by fragility, conflict and violence. The aim is to learn lessons and seek adaptive and innovative approaches best suited to the fast, evolving global FCV landscape. Learn more:

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– Anna Bjerde, Managing Director of Operations of the World Bank
– Makhtar Diop Managing Director, IFC
– Succès Masra, Prime Minister of Chad
– Duška Jurišić, Deputy Minister, Ministry of Human Right and Refugees, Bosnia and Herzegovina

00:00 Welcome
02:00 Opening remarks
06:13 Introducing the panel discussion
11:35 Priorities of the World Bank Group and FCV countries
23:45 Visions from Chad
29:01 From conflict to peace: The case of Bosnia and Herzegovina
36:50 Resilience in a world of conflict, fragility and violence
39:57 Resilience and Chad
46:04 Resilience and vulnerable population
51:44 Closing remarks by the panel discussion

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ABOUT THE WORLD BANK The World Bank is one of the world’s largest sources of funding and knowledge for low-income countries. Its five institutions share a commitment to reducing poverty, increasing shared prosperity, and promoting sustainable development on a livable planet. …(read more)


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The Fragility Forum is a biennial event organized by the World Bank Group to bring together governments, organizations, and experts to discuss the most pressing issues facing fragile and conflict-affected states. The Forum provides a platform for participants to exchange ideas, share experiences, and learn from each other in order to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of development efforts in fragile settings.

The Fragility Forum 2024 kicked off with opening remarks that highlighted the theme of “Adapting and Innovating in a Volatile World.” The world is facing unprecedented challenges, from the global pandemic to climate change, political instability, and economic uncertainty. Fragile states are particularly vulnerable to these challenges, and the need for adaptation and innovation has never been more critical.

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The opening remarks emphasized the importance of finding new ways to respond to these challenges, whether through innovative technologies, partnerships, or policies. Participants were encouraged to think outside the box and explore creative solutions to complex problems. The Forum aims to inspire collaboration and co-creation among stakeholders, with the goal of building resilience and promoting sustainable development in fragile and conflict-affected settings.

One key theme that emerged in the opening remarks was the importance of local ownership and community engagement. Development efforts in fragile states are most successful when they are led by local actors who understand the context and needs of their communities. By involving local stakeholders in decision-making processes, development projects can be more effective and sustainable in the long run.

Another key takeaway from the opening remarks was the need for increased funding and resources for development efforts in fragile settings. The challenges facing these states are vast and complex, and adequate support is essential to ensure that progress is made. Participants were urged to advocate for increased investment in fragile states, as well as to prioritize resource mobilization and coordination among donors.

Overall, the opening remarks at the Fragility Forum 2024 set the stage for a productive and inspiring event. Participants were challenged to think critically, collaborate creatively, and take bold action in the face of uncertainty. By working together and embracing innovation, it is hoped that progress can be made in building resilience and promoting sustainable development in fragile and conflict-affected states.

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