How to Handle Investment Accounts as a Married Couple

by | Sep 6, 2022 | Spousal IRA | 10 comments

How to Handle Investment Accounts as a Married Couple

How to Handle Investment Accounts as a Married Couple
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  1. 99leadpencils

    Video idea: Financial consideration before signing a prenup? And how those considerations will impact your will. I consider a prenup to be like a seatbelt in a car. You never want to use it, but boy are you glad it's there when you need it!

  2. Brown Whale

    So if a spouse work 30 years to earn a pension, but was only married 20 years of it and was still married at the time of retirement can the spouse with the pension claim any of it as a premarital asset?

  3. Joel Morgart

    Can you guys explain joint accounts better? I only have his and hers and a beneficiary listed. In my taxes it asked who has this 1099DIV or whatever form and assigns it to that person.

  4. CJXBS

    Joint accounts are ok if you already maxed your 401k and/or IRA

  5. K Roddy

    With the divorce rate as high as it is Rules 1. Don't get married 2. Don't forget rule 1

  6. John McCorkle

    I view separate accounts as just a way to hide either purchases or savings from your spouse, or somehow preserve an out in the relationship. Either all in together as a married couple or all out as independents/roommates. Pick one, but understand what you are telling your partner.

  7. Ben K

    Discussing finances with your wife sure does create a weird marriage dynamic

  8. Wolf Alpha

    RIP should have gotten a prenup

  9. J.M0NEY

    Got to be on the same page when investing and handling money. Two are stronger than one.

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