New Bank Bailouts Necessitate Federal Reserve’s Financial Manipulations – Bix Weir

by | Mar 26, 2024 | Bank Failures | 11 comments

New Bank Bailouts Necessitate Federal Reserve’s Financial Manipulations – Bix Weir

The “Repo Bailouts” are just that…Bank Bailouts! In 2008 Hank Paulson had to get Congressional Approval for a $700B bailout…this time a deceptive Fed plan to get even more bailout $ is IN PROCESS!…(read more)


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The financial world was rocked recently with news of new bank bailouts that require the Federal Reserve to engage in a series of financial games. This revelation comes from Bix Weir, an expert in the field who has been warning about the dangers of the Federal Reserve’s actions for quite some time.

The new bank bailouts are said to be necessary to prevent the collapse of major financial institutions that are on the brink of failure. However, Weir believes that these bailouts are just a ploy to cover up the true state of the economy and manipulate financial markets in favor of the banks.

Weir has long been a critic of the Federal Reserve and its practices, which he believes are designed to benefit the elite few at the expense of the average American. He has been warning about the potential for a major financial crisis for years and believes that the actions being taken by the Fed now are just a band-aid solution that will only delay the inevitable collapse.

The financial games that the Fed is engaging in include manipulating interest rates, injecting liquidity into the markets, and bailing out failing banks. Weir believes that these actions are just a way to prop up the failing financial system and avoid a complete meltdown.

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According to Weir, the only way to truly fix the problems in the financial system is to abolish the Federal Reserve and return to a gold-backed currency. He believes that the current system is unsustainable and will inevitably lead to a major economic collapse.

While some may dismiss Weir’s warnings as alarmist, it is clear that there are serious problems in the financial system that need to be addressed. The new bank bailouts and the Federal Reserve’s financial games are just a symptom of a much larger issue that needs to be addressed before it’s too late.

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  1. @isaacgreenough9527

    did you know there is a reverse repo pool also where onther centrap banks can ark cash lol holy fuck

  2. @michaelhuertaz7867

    Youtube has started terminating cryptocurrency accounts for no reason. Something HUGE is about to go down with the economy they are going to try to blame it on Trump but will backfire on them. BUY BITCOIN, LITECOIN before the monetary system collapses. Be Safe friends!

  3. @edca8114

    dude you are WRONG with the NUMBERS go back and find out more and DO it RIGHT

  4. @edca8114

    the Crooked banks have got already 5 TRILLION USD !!!!!!!!! up to TODAY 12 24 2019
    that means the system HAS FAILED ALREADY !!!!

  5. @aintdatsnipes177

    Sure ,it's TARP 2 disguised as repo's,it won't work because of the share size,more than quadruple TARP1!!Fed printing 24 trillion dollars a year just to keep banks from collapsing on there ass.

  6. @stevehall9256

    I'm 60 y.o. my entire life , there's always some statist shill promising justice soon. All lies, start to finish

  7. @rodrigorod2552

    It seems the Trump impeachment charade is a distraction for this crisis

  8. @coach1640280

    Thank you for these updates. Keeping an eye on the Fed is a really important job right now. Thank you again.

  9. @Newworld12660

    It will be a Merry Christmas when all the corrupt banksters get thrown into jail cells!

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