The Decline of Currency: The Evolution of Money’s Value

by | May 13, 2024 | Bank Failures | 5 comments

The Decline of Currency: The Evolution of Money’s Value

In 2008 the world experienced one of the greatest financial turmoils in modern history. Markets around the world started crashing, stock prices plummeted, and major financial institutions, once thought to be invincible, started showing signs of collapse….(read more)


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In today’s society, money is something that we rely on for almost every aspect of our lives. It dictates where we live, what we eat, and even how we socialize. But have you ever stopped to think about what gives money its value? In the eye-opening documentary “End of the Road: How Money Became Worthless,” filmmaker Tim Delmastro explores the history of money and how it has evolved into the system we know today.

At the heart of the documentary is the question of whether money is actually worth anything at all. Delmastro delves into the history of money, tracing its origins back to ancient civilizations that first introduced the concept of currency as a medium of exchange. Over time, money has taken various forms – from gold coins to paper notes to digital currencies like Bitcoin.

But what exactly gives money its value? Delmastro argues that money’s worth is ultimately determined by faith and trust in the system. In the past, money was backed by physical assets like gold or silver, giving it inherent value. However, in today’s world of fiat currencies, money is no longer tied to anything tangible. Instead, its value is simply based on the belief that it has value and the trust in the institutions that govern it.

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This reliance on trust is what makes the current monetary system so fragile. Delmastro explores how governments and central banks have the power to manipulate money supply and interest rates, leading to inflation and financial crises. He also highlights the dangers of excessive debt and how it can devalue a currency, as seen in the case of hyperinflation in countries like Zimbabwe and Venezuela.

The documentary also delves into the rise of alternative currencies like Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies, which offer a decentralized and transparent system outside of government control. Delmastro explores the potential of blockchain technology to revolutionize the way we think about money and finance.

“End of the Road: How Money Became Worthless” is a thought-provoking exploration of the history and future of money. It challenges viewers to rethink their understanding of the value of money and consider the implications of a world where money may no longer hold the same meaning. As we navigate through an increasingly digital and interconnected world, the documentary serves as a timely reminder of the importance of understanding the forces that shape our financial system.

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  1. @kenrickbaughman992

    Is that where ALL the GOLD is Fort Knox??! Who owns Fort Knox. Isn't there there GOLD. Bankers own it?? Federal Reserves own it?? Piles of GOLD just sitting there. Someone controls it

  2. @stoundingresults

    Thomas Jefferson warned about the Fiat currency and allowing foreign governments owning the American Monetary system. THE CREATURE FRom jeckyl Island book is a great financial book.

  3. @addiemclain1183

    I'm seeing history repeating itself: 1918 Influenza outbreak 2019 Covid. 1924 rise in white supremacy 2024 MAGA white supremacy rise. 1929 Wall Street crash 2029 (speculation) the Federal Reserve might tank. 1930s Depression 2030s Depression 1939/40 WWII 2039 or sooner: WWIII. I hate to be a Debbie Downer but there is a correlation. Interesting.

  4. @Rbucks306

    Great education except the solution. Next you should watch the rise and rise of Bitcoin for the solution

  5. @kennethvenezia4400

    Oh, I see Peter Schiff who's been touting Financial Armageddon for 20 years now. So I guess this is just one looong gold commercial. Oh, by the way, Peter will gladly sell you some gold. If you shake his hand, make sure you still have your watch.

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