After 3 Years the Fed is Undoing its Repo Market Bailout

by | Sep 13, 2022 | Silver IRA | 37 comments

After 3 Years the Fed is Undoing its Repo Market Bailout

After 3 Years the Fed is Undoing its Repo Market Bailout

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Three years ago, the federal reserve started to bailout the financial system yet again (not with QE), when the repo market blew up and they started buying treasury bills to bailout the repo market.

Now at the time they said this wasn’t QE because they said they were only buying bills, not regular treasuries. So far, they haven’t unwound back any of that bailout until this month.

This month will be the first time that the federal reserve will sell back those bills to the market. So far in their tightening they haven’t let any of those bills go and now they’re going to start doing it. But why? Is it because they think the economy is strong enough to manage it, or because they’re trying even harder to withdraw liquidity out of the system?

0:00 Video Overview
1:05 Intro
1:13 Fed Increasing their Cap on Monthly Assets
3:17 Repo Rate Blew Up
6:59 The Fed Starting to Let Go of T-Bills
11:12 Outro

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#MarketBailout #RepoMarket #TheFed…(read more)

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  1. Rigo Rocks

    September 2019 the fed almost lost control of everything right before covid conveniently appeared

  2. Ivancho

    This will end very badly.

  3. VK A

    Bail in. Problem solved.

  4. Morgan Shook

    Joe is the the man! Thank you so much for pulling back the curtain for the rest of us!

  5. Dot Com

    Spot on analysis… for me.
    Globalists not so much….

  6. David  Miller

    Thanks<, for all you do! I like your truthful coverage. Mad respect for educating everyone. BTC's price has been fluctuating lately, but I think we should be educating the newbies on what to do aside holding rather than discussing about the dip. The good thing about the space is that you can buy the dips and put them into active trades making profits from trades while confidently waiting for a pump in price because it is inevitable. Most people do not understand how the space works. Your advantage is understanding, Charts won’t guarantee what an asset is going to do. Prices will go up or down. Nevertheless, the market has been so profitable despite price ups and down. I've always played safe implementing trades with insights and signals from a renowned trader, Louis Chung. I made 8.5 BTC from the recent crash in the market within a period of five weeks.

  7. A Czech Man Going His Own Way

    They are grasping at the straws. They have tapped into all kinds of reserves and postponing mechanisms, and now they are running out of options to delay SHTF any further. They kept wringing the rug and now it's almost dry, they keep twisting it. It is going to rip, sooner or later.

  8. MackGauge1

    So good dude, really appreciate you, suck a wealth of knowledge. Props!

  9. kurdi98k

    Will the FED let the US get wiped out?

  10. Marlin Brawndo

    They're probably unloading in preparation of the flood when BRICS dumps their dollars.

    We're all still fucked.

  11. BB

    Fantastic update and analysis. thanks Joseph!

  12. Doug Jacobson

    I think they will abandon this plan as they must bail out financials, and start QE – perhaps within 6 months to 1 year

  13. Baby Hulk

    This is gonna crash the system!

  14. A Mc

    The real cause of “covid”.

  15. FloridaRich

    "End the Fed"
    Shoote the Fed.
    Fixed it.

  16. David Prat

    So you think there’s some relation of this with the covid crisis and China selling US bonds ? And why?

  17. 123

    Setting up the black swan for the cbdc switch over and it shows!

  18. Jim Beam

    You’re not kidding it’s a dangerous game they’re playing. What happens when the home loans start defaulting one right after the next?

  19. fred houpt

    Apparently Dr. Michael Burry has liquidated all of his positions save one small investment; he's all in cash. Is this a canary in the coal mine, a broadcast from "Cassandra"? Is he just doing what he always does, follows his own intuition that is fueled by deep analysis? Dr.Marc Faber is exceptionally negative at this time. Comments?

  20. Ty smith

    Their balance sheets looks the same….

  21. J C

    Joe, from what I have been reading, it is the EU that is the root of the repo problem (American banks dont trust EU banks and refuse to lend to them). With the hell that is coming in the EU as we speak, does it make sense that we are about to see it happening again in the very near future?

  22. Mando Perth Stacker

    This definitely gives more credence for more nation's that were given the option to join the BRICS. This cyclical crap has gone far enough. The less well off countries shouldn't have to be worse off again from another mismanagement by the US.

  23. io syntropy

    buy gold, pull your cash from your bank, buy bitcoin, but now, ok now! oh darn too much too soon too little too late oops the fed the fed if the bad man is good we will be happy but hes choosing bad for this month so we will wait. wait for every single corner to be turned to see what we need to wait for and theres never an end to the corners.

  24. Moxon

    Wholly fucking edit batman. Make a script sir!

  25. jmcmob

    Thank you very much…


    Who in their right mind is going to by those bills from the Fed!?
    Oh right our treasury.

    REVOLVING DOOR What a joke!

  27. mn

    Joe keeps talking about banks having "too much cash" from deposits, which supposedly forces them to look for treasuries as collateral. This seems nonsensical. When I deposit $100 into my bank account that deposit is a liability on the bank's balance sheet, yes, but the $100 of cash that I deposited is an asset on their books. I thought this is how double entry bookkeeping works. How would the books balance otherwise? How are treasuries a better form of collateral than cash? It makes no sense.

  28. Glenn DiResto

    Great video THANKS!! I was telling my friend back in either 2019 or 2020 when this started happening as I was reading about it. I said that this was concerning. he understood Repo market a little and at the time I never heard of it. He assured me it was ok. I remember saying if it was OK why would they NEED to do it, something must be wrong. I had still been reading about it from time to time and it seemed to have gone away. WELL apparently, it didn't go away they just stopped talking about it. So, thanks for this video and explaining it a little more in detail. I am guessing that as this happens it will push short term rates up or does it have the opposite effect.


    Who does the FED sell these T-Bills to?

  30. Animal Black

    Excellent breakdown Joe thxu

  31. Josh Snedden

    Be very ready for the CBDC and an individual ESG score. It is right around the corner.

  32. Roland Braun

    Top notch as usual!! Are we assuming that the banking system can survive when liquidity becomes scarcer and scarcer and the expected profitability from bank loans becomes almost impossible if the borrower is discouraged from borrowing at higher interest rates and the bank is reluctant to lend in this stagnant economy !! This is a recipe for an unforeseen disaster in the debt market.

  33. Antonio Renteria

    Cheap saudi oil and cheap chinese labor is what has allowed us to keep interest rates so low for so long. Not anymore.

  34. Confusione Infinito Absurdum

    It's not just a dangerous game, this monkeying with the system: it's technically impossible to win. Chaos reigns over complex systems. The future they envision isn't within the realm of possibility.

  35. Top king

    We have to vote in people who are good for us these clowns Have to go

  36. Top king

    These fools are still giving money to Ukraine billions because of this stupid ass recession bill

  37. James Hally

    T bills and treassuries/bonds… is the difference in the length of maturity ?

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