SEP IRA and Tax Shelters…No They Are NOT The Same | Kelly D. O'Connor

by | Sep 19, 2022 | SEP IRA

SEP IRA and Tax Shelters…No They Are NOT The Same | Kelly D. O'Connor

—► To SEP or Not to SEP:

How is it possible that IRA accounts are referred to as tax shelters? Isn’t the purpose of a shelter to protect you from something? Doesn’t a tornado shelter protect you from tornadoes? The very last thing an IRA does is protect you from taxes.

Kelly O’Connor is the owner of Kelly D. O’Connor Financial ( a modern-day financial strategy company for those who believe the IRS tries really hard to take the fun out of being successful and prefer to investigate the tax-exempt strategies that exist using over-funded life insurance contracts. Kelly is a top producer in the insurance field. He is also involved in the creation, implementation, design and continued growth of the first member-only online tool kit for financial professionals, ( This site has quickly become the “must have” for all financial experts who hold insurance licenses. He’s the founder and creator of Authentic Agent, a training system for insurance professionals looking to expand their production. He was a co-founder of Mountain Financial, LLC which quickly grew to several offices across the country (can’t remove the YouTube branding but so what). His first program for the insurance industry, Financial Caffeine, is still used today. Kelly also founded College Money Academy ( three years ago after being a highly sought after speaker in the charter school system in the state of Colorado. College Money Academy is the only online, video-based program that teaches parents how the leverage their kid and negotiate with any university in order to reduce the price for college. Following his program when it was time for his first-born child to go to school, Kelly negotiated a price of $3,400 per year for a $27,000 university. He regularly coaches parents how to accomplish similar results…he’s literally kept millions of dollars in family bank accounts through this service. He’s a father of four, step-dad of two and a husband of one beautiful woman (he added that line)!

Thank you for watching this video. I hope that you keep up with my channel, subscribe and share your thoughts with others who need to hear it. Your comments keep me going and I try to respond to them all…so leave a comment as well as check out the links below.

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See also  How Do I Leave An Inheritance That Won't Be Taxed?




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