Congress is Attacking Self-Directed IRAs

by | Oct 4, 2022 | Self Directed IRA | 32 comments

Congress is Attacking Self-Directed IRAs

This is moving fast, write and call your Senators and House members TODAY!

Contact your House Representative by phone, e-mail, and/or mail? You can look up your representative at the House of Representatives link below and then will need to go to their office’s specific page to get their e-mail, phone, and mailing address.

Contact both of your Senators by phone, e-mail, and/or mail? If you don’t know your Senators (contact both), you can look them up at the link below and then go to their office’s specific page to get their e-mail, phone, and mailing address.

Once you select your state your two senators should pop up and there will be a hyperlink called Contact next to each Senator that will take you to their office’s page to make contact by e-mail, web-form, or phone.

Remember, the two problematic sections of the House Tax Bill are sections 138312 and 138314.

1. What Should I tell my House Representative or my Senator?

Ask them to save your IRA and to oppose Sections 138312 and 138314 in the House Tax Bill as those provisions take away investment choices for your IRA.

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Congress is Attacking Self-Directed IRAs | Mark J Kohler | Live Q&A

See also  Investing in Real Estate with a Self-Directed IRA: A Guide by Spencer Cullor

Make sure to tune in today for Mark J Kohler! Going LIVE at 415 going over all of your tax and legal questions as well as an incredibly awesome topic, “Congress is Attacking Self-Directed IRAs | Mark J Kohler | Live Q&A ”

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  1. maXican  American

    Why don’t you 2 offer to be LLC’s mangers, for your customers?

  2. james rattenborg

    Wall Street banks have bought and paid for congress. That is why they want your money in Wall Street.

  3. james rattenborg

    Wall Street probably lobbied congress for this bill. They want your money so the options traders can play with it and make money off of you, and profit from your holdings during a market crash.

  4. rd1ops1

    Do we still set up the trifecta and how did the new law effect your method

  5. yvette epstein

    Here's a question… Isn't MOST of Congress the super rich? Will they really enforce this against themselves? Gotta be loopholes they already know about.

  6. hometown Cook

    Thie is eight wing propaganda…..misinformation

  7. Frances Lim

    It would help if you have subtitle.. also, get yo the point of your show. No one has time to listen fir an hour of this…

  8. Greg

    There's also a lot of stuff in there to take away our freedoms to basic human rights thanks for a piece of the financial destruction they're trying to do to this country

  9. Christopher Barreras

    This is two weeks ago…. what is the current status of the tax bill and the attack on retirement plans?

  10. GHutube8

    Some new laws already passed… more to come…

  11. GHutube8

    Looks to me like the new laws attack all IRAs and 401Ks… luv your show…!

  12. Mari Wong

    What happened to a freedom….we are not longer free.

  13. D ias

    The Wall St Lobbies are making this happen so they can get your business.

  14. D ias

    How about let me grow my account to get from middle class to rich before you tax much of it away? 30% tax rate of $1 million is much smaller than $100 million. Let it grow!

  15. Youmaybe Right

    If self-directed IRAs are on the table you have to ask yourself what is next?

  16. jason S

    Mark, 78 billion given to the IRS to go after the wealthy? Come on man you don't really believe that they're going to stick to that right? Remember when Obama used the IRS to go after every 501 c 3 Corporation that was backing the Republican front-runner 4 president effectively disabling them from contributing money to their candidate? The IRS is a tool and it will be used to do the bidding of the status quo. All you need is someone like Bernie Sanders to become president 3 years from now and that soft-spoken rule will be out the window and everybody will be taxed 70%. The Democrats said they want to hire 87,000 new IRS agents. Common Sense tells you that you don't need 87000 IRS agents to go after the 1% you need 87000 IRS agents to go after the 99%! Wake up sheople.

  17. jason S

    To do your part to stop this bill from happening would have required you to not vote this socialist we have as president into office, along with all of our socialists in Congress. What is there like two republicans in Congress right now? Your votes have consequences stop screwing your future up as well as your children's, children's future.

  18. Lucas Poteet

    Everyone do your part to stop this legislation from passing! Call your representatives and tell them you oppose sections 138312 and 138314 of the House Tax Bill!

  19. Scott Dinh

    99% of IRA account is under 1M… and there one guy who got filthy wealthy and Gov't wants to change it to tax every… Great. Its clear Government want to tax the poor

  20. Robin Rowan - Truth to Policy

    Read the actualanguage of the bill! those 2 rules are ONLY for people who own the LLC they are trying to put in thier own IRA, ie, "Self interest". it, other provision says you can't requires investor to be "qualified". this may hit those big money Gold investments

  21. Luke Terry

    I'm in Ohio. Just sent to my congress rep + 2 senators. Thanks

  22. Gilles de Brouwer

    Tell the representative you will donate a lot of money to primary them

  23. Aaron Salvesen

    This government has gone too far, again!

  24. Melanie Sullivan

    I’m not surprised. Our government is authoritarian and this is what they do.

  25. Heritage

    The extra commentary and off-topic banter is too annoying to watch these videos!! OMGGG … lol

  26. 1776 Millennial

    Federal government is modern day slavery.

  27. Scott C

    I called for a consult. Told next avail is mid Nov

  28. Genaro

    Questioning, because ordinary Americans the majority do not have monies to buy real estate or the education to make educated financial decisions on the 401K. We need education for the majority of typical Americans about finance to make a 401K work correctly for the ordinary Americans.

  29. Swing4TheRing

    28:55 If it's a Roth, Anthony could take out the amount he's contributed and not be hit with an early withdrawal penalty. This may be worth it if he has an investment opportunity in a business that would give him sizable returns compared to his Roth investments, but could also be risky if the business model is not proven.

  30. Doge Cake

    Doge prime token starts selling. will distribute dollars to users. I follow closely.

  31. Swing4TheRing

    Michigan Senators have been notified.

  32. PancakeSwap

    Doge Primeee got off to a great start and they said their ad is up and running.

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