A Comprehensive Look at the Federal Reserve, Debt Jubilee, Inflation, Bonds, and Exclusive Insights into Pro Investing by Bill Fleckenstein

by | Apr 8, 2023 | Invest During Inflation | 32 comments

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LEARN ABOUT: Investing During Inflation

REVEALED: Best Investment During Inflation



Bill Fleckenstein is a well-known investor, writer, and financial commentator whose insights and opinions are highly respected in the investment community. He has extensive experience in investing, having worked in the industry for more than three decades.

One of Fleckenstein’s areas of expertise is the Federal Reserve, and he has been very critical of the central bank’s monetary policies. He argues that the Fed’s persistent money printing and low interest rate policies have created market distortions and done serious harm to the economy.

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Fleckenstein is also a proponent of a debt jubilee, which is the cancellation of all or part of outstanding debts. This idea has gained traction in recent years, as many people have found themselves burdened with considerable debt. According to Fleckenstein, a debt jubilee would provide individuals and the economy as a whole with a fresh start, and would help alleviate the negative effects of excessive debt.

Inflation is another topic that Fleckenstein has discussed extensively. He has warned that the Fed’s policies could lead to a significant rise in inflation, which would have serious consequences for investors and the broader economy. Fleckenstein has recommended investing in gold and other commodity-related assets as a way to protect against inflation.

Fleckenstein has also touched on the topic of bonds, which are often seen as a safe haven investment. However, he believes that bonds are currently in a bubble, and that investors should be wary of the risks involved. He has suggested that investors consider alternative investments, such as gold or real estate, as a way to diversify their portfolios.

Finally, Fleckenstein has shared some of his investing secrets over the years. He emphasizes the importance of being patient, avoiding herd mentality, and doing thorough research before making investment decisions. He has also advised investors to focus on value investing, which involves finding undervalued stocks and holding them for the long term.

Overall, Bill Fleckenstein is a highly respected investor and commentator, with a wealth of experience in the industry. His insights and opinions on topics such as the Federal Reserve, debt jubilee, inflation, and bonds provide valuable food for thought for investors looking to make informed decisions.

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  1. Politically Cleansed

    I like looking for the hazmat guys walking in the other room.

  2. Dennis W

    I think Bitcorn is taking a lot of the pressure from gold

  3. Joe Shmoe

    You guys don’t understand the deflation power of tech

  4. Cautious Optimist

    The herd is stupid, but the power of its collective stupidity cannot be denied.

  5. Lanark

    Thinking is as dated as his hair style.

  6. Si Vi

    Imho , as long people thinks debts is as good of money as of real money , inflation will have a hard time to prevail .

  7. Si Vi

    Great interview !
    Would love George one day makes a video about the deep dive in the mechanics for the difference between regular bonds and tips bonds !

  8. Anh Nguyễn

    The awake bead suggestively educate because porter frustratingly pull forenenst a obedient missile. perpetual, adorable cave

  9. Anh Nguyễn

    The wakeful grandson accordingly pack because mayonnaise exemplarily annoy near a cut amusement. scientific, amuck side

  10. airgetmar

    I love how EVERY financial analyst that ive listened to that has talked about GME has NEVER even mentioned Michael Burry owning it in his portfolio prior to it being “short squeezed” i find that very odd.

  11. adnanlimited He

    I mean if you interviewed Bill then you’ve to bring on Grant Williams. That’s almost like watching one of the Marvel movies and one of the super heroes is missing… I mean for real!? One doesn’t go without the other lol

  12. Josh O

    The guy says free lunch doesn't exist…yet he has lived on it his whole life. Joke.

  13. Gabriel W

    Bill Fleckenstein. I remember him going up against Bull vs. Bear debate on CNBC he was the bear against the late Joe Battipaglia during the 2000 dot com bubble and Bill absolutely called the crash correctly. Brilliant man.

  14. pedro97w

    You need a better microphone Bill, sounds reedy

  15. m&m

    On the inflation front, I tend to think that the inflation pressures must ultimately win (mainly because government debt must be paid, and the only way for this to happen to create negative real yields for an extended period of time).

    However, as Devils advocate, I'd like your thoughts on the following hypothesis that supports an alternative view. I've never heard it articulated, but it seems to make sense to me at least. Basically, the argument is that the money supply with fractional reserve banking currency is debt based and currency is created when people take a loan and destroyed when people pay back loans. But people don't take out loans indefinitely. Regardless of banks willingness to lend, most people decide for themselves when they have taken too much debt because they know they will eventually need to pay it back. (There are exceptions to this rule but these people usually go broke at an early age). At some point where people don't want more debt it just doesn't matter how many reserves are in the banking system because reserves are not the problem. Thus QE doesn't do anything. If there is too much debt already people don't want more, thus loans will not occur, thus money multipliers will not exist, and more currency will not be created in the real economy. Further, as people save and pay back the loans it actually contracts the money supply. So to entice more loans, the rates drop, until loans are essentially free (current state) but even with free money most people still feel uneasy taking on more debt beyond what they know they can reasonably pay back with a job. After rates are near the zero bound, new loans get harder and harder to find, and the money supply simply maxes out. This acts as a rev limiter on money supply itself and prevents further inflation.

    Even stimmy checks don't really change this because they people don't expect them to go on for long enough to incur more debt and take out a loan. Instead, just a fear of bad times ahead tend to make people save up a little in preparation, and the money supply remains stable at a limit of peoples perception of how much debt they can take on. So, this implies an end game where there is not hyperinflation or deflation, but instead just an extended period of slow economic growth and near zero interest rates.

  16. Lex Steele

    This guy was great. Nice interview

  17. Yak Yak


  18. Callum Stewart

    Yeah. I'm like this guy…I keep my funds small…under $175M

  19. Jim James

    I got stuck in a loop, like the Rain Man sans the brains. How is the risk accumulation reset, I asked myself. Nobody knows or they know and think I am a boob for asking. Monty Hall. contestant picks door number one, door number 3 is revealed as empty, contestant has to leave suddenly. Everybody goes home, everything is cleaned up but for doors number 1 and 2 which remain in place. The contested dies unexpectedly. The game show is canceled altogether in a scandal. So the janitors that night smoked a spliff and decided to screw around playing like they are running a game show. So the new 'contestant' has to guess which door has a big prize. No door number 3 is involved. The janitor contestant picks door number one. . Now are his odds 1 in 3 like the contestant that was called away when he picked door number 1, or were the odds reset to 50 / 50 for door number 1 choice? Are the odds tied to the first contestant, to the set, to Monty Hall, to the time line or something else? I guess I don't really expect an answer but you have to admit it is something to consider. Or maybe not, hell I don't know.

  20. Ended-the-fed

    Bring back manufacturing to the USA!!!

    Printing your way to wealth leads you to being the next Venezuela or Zimbabwe

  21. B Bustin

    Be thankful the FED has created all sorts of edges with their market manipulation and just look for the distortions to take advantage. Hasn’t the last year proved that. Seriously how many genius millionaires have been created with the meme stocks. now just take the other side now that it’s going to end poorly. The downside is those who follow the true and steady profile get screwed. seriously buy and hold in an ultimate reset leads to disaster

  22. Jorge Gomez

    the hedge of the last 50 years is the FED and the induced BTFD mentality. The market is nothing more than a povlov dog for a long time.

  23. Bitchute is better than Youtube

    What does Bill mean when he says its the short interest in relation to flow that matters??

    I dont know much about shorting

  24. Bosco

    I love traders like Fleckenstein, God bless him. Without old boomers like him proving liquidity for us younger traders to go long as wealth is being transferred, trading would be too difficult.

    Boomers keep them shorts coming. You've been telling us this bull market is going to crash for the last 10 years. We're still waiting for this crash. I love making money, stocks only go up!!!!!

  25. acrobatmapping

    George- can you get Preston Pysh on the show?

  26. Escape the Matrix

    Georgie Porgie, Puddin’ and Pie, Exposed The Fed and Made them Cry……

  27. Deeeps

    If there wasn't shorts the market would go to the moon explode and lose all trust. Not sure I agree with his logical thinking of catching a new virus before anything is learned from it….I'd much rather there be a medicine that could save me if I did react bad from catching it.

  28. Jonathan Taylor

    Thanks for all of the amazing content! I’m learning so much!

  29. Youn Tune

    There is no inflation!!! Graphics card going for 3X MSRP. Only shortages! lol

  30. Anna Bonny

    Love bill fleckenstein

  31. Annabelle Wood

    I'm 50 and my husband 54 we are both retired with over $3 million in net worth and no debt. Currently living smart and frugal with our money. Saving and investing lifestyle in the stock market made it possible for us this early even till now we earn weekly. Thanks to FIRE movement

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