A history of the FED funds rate since 1979. Thought it was a clever infographic so thought I would share.

by | Oct 16, 2022 | Resources | 18 comments

A history of the FED funds rate since 1979. Thought it was a clever infographic so thought I would share.


A history of the FED funds rate since 1979. Thought it was a clever infographic so thought I would share.

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A history of the FED funds rate since 1979. Thought it was a clever infographic so thought I would share.

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A history of the FED funds rate since 1979. Thought it was a clever infographic so thought I would share.

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A history of the FED funds rate since 1979. Thought it was a clever infographic so thought I would share.




  1. WatchHores

    correlation is not causation. except when it is.

  2. DanielShaww

    Volcker was a tall mf

  3. Number1GoatFan

    We need to save the stock market and replace JPow with a midget

  4. skyblue5432

    So … Powell’s successor is going to have to be under 5′.

  5. Zeestimate

    Pic looks like Powell is trying to roll back toilet paper

  6. AbbreviationsMotor60

    I love how the difference between 6ft and 5’8 is like 50% taller. It’s like the 5’11, 6ft meme.

  7. Chgralac73

    this is solid and funny lol

  8. sloppycuntsauce

    So the next fed chair will have to be at least 10 feet tall?

  9. beelzebubby

    Keep the positions but Flip the chart and you have the Fed balance sheet

  10. appleluckyapple

    Yellen was spineless and was so short sighted. Hindsight is 20/20, but at least JPow obviously has balls and is willing to cause recession to return balance.

  11. chopper90

    We need to make sure that the next Fed Chair is a midget, you know, just in case.

  12. Dry-Drink

    This infograhic is so old, Powell’s end should be have another dip back to the floor (2020) and then it should go right back up past Yellen’s height smh.

  13. throwingitanyway

    yellen started raising rates like 2 years before powell tho

  14. Tetrylene

    Founding Titan for fed chairman

  15. quantumpencil

    5’11 and 5’8.. I don’t think it’s actually that big of a difference lol

  16. StackOwOFlow

    Could also be based on dick size

  17. gandalf345

    6 feet Powell Chad

  18. Mixima101

    Hey, I’m new to investing. I was wondering if I could make a predictive algorithm that predicts the growth of stocks based on the most recent rate hike. Is it possible to invest in large companies entirely based on the rate hikes?

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