A Retirement Planning Brainwashing Campaign is Targeting You.

by | Jun 6, 2023 | Thrift Savings Plan | 25 comments

A Retirement Planning Brainwashing Campaign is Targeting You.

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Retirement planning is a crucial process that involves creating a financial plan to secure your retirement years. As you approach retirement age, you may find yourself bombarded with advertisements and marketing campaigns aimed at convincing you to purchase particular retirement plans or investment products. These campaigns may use fear tactics or lure you in with promises of a luxurious future.

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You might be thinking, “What’s wrong with that? I want to secure my financial future.” But the truth is, many retirement planning campaigns are designed to brainwash you into purchasing products that may not be right for your individual circumstances.

One of the main tactics used in retirement planning campaigns is fear-mongering. Advertisements may depict gloomy scenarios of people who did not plan adequately and ran out of money in retirement. These campaigns may make you feel anxious and lead you to believe that you need to act urgently and use their services or products to save your future.

Another common tactic is the promise of a lavish lifestyle. Advertisements may show retirees lounging by the beach in exotic locations, enjoying their golden years in comfort. The underlying message is that by using their services or products, you, too, can achieve this kind of luxurious lifestyle. However, the reality is that these advertisements are often unrealistic and may not reflect the true cost of living.

These campaigns also promote the idea that retirement planning is a one-size-fits-all process. They might encourage you to invest in specific products without taking your unique financial situation and retirement goals into account. For example, buying an annuity may seem like a good idea, but it may not be the right choice if you’re still feeling energetic and want to work part-time or start a new business venture.

What’s important for people to know is that retirement planning strategies must be tailored to each individual’s unique financial situation and goals. Brainwashing campaigns focus on selling a product, not on the individual needs of the client.

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The best way to avoid becoming a victim of a retirement planning brainwashing campaign is to do your research. Speak to financial advisors and do your own homework. You should be aware of all the available options and understand how each product works before making any decisions. Remember, there is no one-size-fits-all solution, so it’s essential to find a plan that meets your unique needs.

In conclusion, retirement planning is a necessary process that should be approached with caution. Be aware of the tactics used in brainwashing campaigns and seek advice from qualified financial professionals. Remember, retirement planning is not about purchasing a particular product – it’s about finding the best strategy to secure your financial future.

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  1. GG

    Oh man, talking about brainwashing. If you are actively looking for information that conform to your own beliefs (in this case only conservatives and border line conspiracy theorists) you are becoming the poster child of being brainwashed. I would suggest to always consume different point of views otherwise the brain becomes hardened…just a recommendation…

  2. Balani Investments

    I have a Roth, two brokerage accounts, and real estate. If I work a W2, I absolutely refuse to participate in a 401K. (“Free money” to me = higher taxation on my “underperformed” harvest) Right or wrong, that’s how I see it and manage it. Where do I land in their analysis?

  3. Rafaela Cardoso Dias

    I retired at 56 now 69, and it was the best decision I ever made. I have no debt. own my house cars always pay cash, no credit card debt, and considering the current rollercoaster nature of the stock market, I decided to stay on the sideline for awhile, now I'm worried with the numerous bank failures as of late, am I better off reinvesting my savings in the stock market or do i wait?

  4. wyatt gomez

    oh my gosh, such good fodder. Thank you Sir- Appreciate your angle
    stay you
    thank you

  5. Joe Rapp

    Suggestion: Hi Josh. Just offering my two-cents here, but I have mostly stopped watching your videos lately, since you seem to have drifted away from the numbers, calculations, and analysis (on the whiteboard) you used to do. Naturally, if opinion pieces are what you want to do that's fine, but I think you have more to offer on the numbers and strategies (wealth growth and protection) like you used to do. You had some really great, compelling number analysis and ideas, that I'm sure have evolved and perhaps you can revisit and update all your basic strategies? Just my opinion for what's it's worth and thanks for all your work.

  6. Jesus' Words Only

    Good point. I believe people can have a poor man's ROTH IRA — qualified dividends in non-IRA brokerage acount — and hence no tax on the dividends until over $70k + of qualified dividends. Hence one can do excellent management for retirement solely using that approach. What do you think about that idea? I figured this out relatively late, but I am trying to implement now.

    Blessings Doug

  7. jrace2718

    Hey Josh, your channel is really growing! Congratulations.

  8. Daystar Hiker

    Buy an annuity and retire now

  9. Paula Hastings

    Don't know we're they get the spending numbers . No debt. All bills paid 18,000 a year. Oklahoma. Including medicap. Internet, streaming, house and car insurance……………

  10. Kathy DeMauro

    You came across very political and demeaning to those who believe in common sense gun control, pro choice and seemed to be an anti vaxer. No worries you be you. However I thought your channel was fixed on investment advice. Are you changing your platform? Let me know and I’ll unsubscribe. BTW I am not brainwashed but instead I do have a brain and it’s made me millions. I am ALL those things you seem to dismiss and nothing about this girl is brainwashed.

  11. Head Librarian

    Aren’t baby boomers more likely than most to have a pension and thus don’t really need a 401k or IRA?

  12. Andrew Ulrich

    I had to giggle. Half of our current retirement income is coming from a brokerage. Since that doesn't count, I better start looking for work. Also I don't answer beyond the basics on the census. Why give the government more data to manipulate me with?

  13. govinda102000

    Josh is correct. Many lesser income retirees tend to have their money savings or cds. Not so much a retirement account.

  14. David Less

    right on my friend! I cant believe how many media worshiping SHEEPPLE there are out there

  15. D H

    They are building up to implement a "Governement Funded Retirement Solution". Another way for the left to pick our pockets.

  16. Bill B

    2 in 5 do not have retirement accounts does not equal 2 in 5 have no (retirement) savings

    when you are brainwashed you don't know you are brainwashed, just look at the numbers of people that fall for conspiracy theories.

  17. Milkman3572000

    The US Government has a Motive, YOUR MONEY. They dont want to give it back to you. My Gift from God is seeing patterns… it's what I do. One pattern that is plain as day… Work, Pay your taxes Die. That is THEIR plan for You. No thanks.

  18. Michael Healy

    Thank you Sir! Much Respect!!
    It is easier to fool someone than to convince them they have been fooled! Mark Twain
    As a child, I learned phonetics vocabulary and critical thinking.
    I cannot convince my Democrat children that they have been fooled

  19. southbound1969

    The Falun Gong people make great organ donators. Whether they like it or not.

  20. Ron Larson

    Another problem with these surveys is that they it isn't not clear if they exlude people with pensions. Why would someone, like a government worker, who has a pension need a 401k/IRA? Are these people excluded from the survey? I doubt it.

    Keep in mind that they are focused on the oldest working age group that was working goverment jobs under the old rules, where there were DB pensions instead of DC retirement accounts. The younger governement workers problably have DC accounts because that is the only option available when they started work.

  21. CAVE

    Josh – I appreciate your discernment.

  22. The Stig

    Well said

  23. Chris Ferretti

    A huge part of my retirement is coming from income property. It looks like these "experts" don't consider real estate as part of my retirement savings. I make almost as much every year as I spent on down payments and with tax breaks to boot.

  24. Tom Albrecht

    The problem with this sort of analysis in the articles is the "on average" aspect. The numbers suggest that "on average" folks have much less in non-retirement savings accounts than they do in retirement accounts. Folks with large non-retirement accounts and small/zero-balance retirement accounts are an outlier.

  25. AlumniQuad

    2:28 Also, the Epoch Times is run by the Falun Gong which is very definitely a cult.

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