A Simple Question: 'New IRA Resurgence'

by | Nov 15, 2022 | Simple IRA | 28 comments

“This programme was produced by Aparat Ltd for Press TV”

A sentence of life imprisonment for Kevin Braney has dealt a major blow to the most dangerous terrorist group operating on this island. The New IRA poses the biggest threat to the security of the State since the Provisional IRA ceasefire in 1994, according to Garda security and intelligence. And it is also top of the terror list in Northern Ireland where last month it was responsible for the car bomb attack outside a courthouse in Derry.
A British veteran said on Monday in Belfast that he opposed a hard border with the Republic of Ireland for fear of their unpleasant history repeating itself. Glenn Bradly, now a businessman, was a veteran guarding the British side of the 500-kilometer long border with the Republic of Ireland during the Northern Irish Troubles — a period of conflict that began in 1968 and stretched for 30 years.
Since the late 1960s, many of the border roads had been barricaded by British troops, cross-border rail lines had been closed and some roads were also heavily fortified with border checkpoints to prevent smuggling of goods and dangerous people. “The border in Northern Ireland was a fortress. The customs posts that had existed and the economic border that had existed pre the conflict basically had infrastructure added to them, to make it a fortress border, a hard border,” said Bradly. That conflict pitted pro-British, mostly Protestant unionists, dedicated to retaining Northern Ireland’s place in the United Kingdom against Irish nationalists, mainly Catholic, who wanted to unite with the Republic of Ireland. Now the Brexit debate is mirroring the debate.
Britain’s withdrawal from the EU threatens to make that border more significant and more visible. Justifiably, the media has been quick to point out the combustibility of the situation, and hawkish in spotting any signs that stability in the province might be deteriorating. But suggestions that hardline Irish republicans intent on using force to achieve their goals are in some way motivated by Brexit is perceived almost as an insult by those paramilitaries who pride themselves on their ideological purity. But a group linked to the new IRA told The Sunday Times they hoped the border would be “hard as hell” and confirmed suspicions they see Brexit as an “opportunity”.
The Times reported the New IRA is made up of at least 40 hardcore members who sought to revive conflict on the island and would be “reckless in its approach”. Formed in 2012, the New IRA was the result of a merger of the Real IRA, splinter groups and republicans not happy with Sinn Fein’s political stance. The UK spy agency MI5 has an astonishing 20 per cent of its workforce in Belfast as part of a huge intelligence operation, with more than 700 officers there already….(read more)

See also  ADP San Diego Instagram (Simple IRA) Story 2/22/22




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  1. Cathal Reilly

    Stay out of Ireland 100 years ago and stay over time if you know what's good for you hear foreign Invaders and we don't want you

  2. Cathal Reilly

    Hero vietas and acid America is gonna backup Ireland under his seat and so why can't I backup Ireland and Australia because you're doing the same two card and a straight as you're doing the US

  3. Cathal Reilly

    Just what do you think you are you black and tan did you think that you can walk into a modern country like Ireland that is backed up by the White House and the whole of her America and Canada and Australia

  4. Cathal Reilly

    Why Ireland did so bad for years is because the British caused the famine and the cost everything else I thought that the Anglo-Saxons Normans Vikings it is all there fault so it is

  5. Cathal Reilly

    The cheek of dim the run don't Ireland Ireland's that good is anywhere else

  6. Cathal Reilly

    If somebody breaks into a house in Ireland a person with a weapon can defend their property that is in the EU you and that is it it and that's included if any British bricklin if it is a licensed weapon

  7. Cathal Reilly

    That woman is talking the fruit is it all in Polish by the British and I did the same and any other country to take over

  8. Cathal Reilly

    Is you faction size crowd did she know nothing about it is top secret so he better watch out and England and the traitors as well the backstop Boris Johnson

  9. Cathal Reilly

    You're telling lies that's what you're telling lies 2 people is rejecting the Good Friday Agreement is he the English and ivy violate that Procol Harum big trouble is he going to work for you

  10. Cathal Reilly

    The cheek of you to call people terrorists on hurting and did the Ireland and the whole world and try to take over the whole world even America and Canada and Australia

  11. Ross Hall

    Up the provo,s

  12. Zack Kilgore

    Guys the thing is the NIRA as of right now are a fringe organization in the Nationalist Camp. Like many have said before me the demographic shifts in Northern Ireland and the popularity of Sinn Fein suggests that a peaceful reunification with the Republic is becoming more and more likely and thus Republican communities have no real incentive to restart an armed conflict, the odds are becoming increasingly in their favor. The problem may reside in the Loyalist Communities though, as we’ve seen last summer they’re agitated over the Irish Sea Protocol, so much so that the Loyalist paramilitaries have pulled out of the Good Friday Agreement until it’s resolved.

    From the way I look at it despite the big talk from the Torries Boris Johnson’s Administration is likely to cave in on the issue and maintain the protocol. While I don’t think we’ll see a return to the violence of the 70s solely because of the Irish Sea Protocol I am certain that when a border poll is eventually called in the near future we’ll see a return to paramilitary activity.

  13. PV

    Lembit opik is a clown

  14. Thomas Pirotta

    Ireland belongs to the Irish and managed by them. The British Establishment have to get out today before tomorrow. There is no time for divide and rule schemes anymore. Im Maltese and the British did more harm then good here. Good friday agreement was a commedy. There have been thousands of death because the british government always wants territories that dont belong to them. Also IRA was infiltrated by secret agents. I support Republicans and will always love Ireland just 1 not 2. 26 + 6= 1.

  15. Db1901

    Just send the SAS/SBS/SRR back sort them out once and for all

  16. El Justino

    Reunite ireland by reuniting the union..!! Ireland should join the brittish union again.. of which they would have a very strong hand in controlling an running the union!! And by default that would unite ireland north an south an the British army bless them could finally step down… an this would be culturally a more significant move securing their finances an both sides identity! …

  17. Brian Mc Manus

    Hes talking about terrorists in suits, yes they have been administering British rule in Ireland for 800years,,,Brits out ,UNITED IRELAND, TIOCFAIDH AR LA.

  18. Christine Molloy

    “People who are not educated” you can say that again re republicans

  19. Christine Molloy

    Ah Charles shoebridge; the expert nobody has heard of lol

  20. Christine Molloy

    Should just build a wall around the border

  21. Jesse James

    No peace until Ireland is united under Irish rule

  22. Dionysius 1 B

    Remember Bobby Sands.. God Bless him!

  23. Christa L

    If the Ulster/Orange police were actually interested in public safety, why do the allow 3 story high pallet towers to be built by Unionists? Why do the allow them to be set ablaze with ROI flags and images of Irish nationalists?
    These pallet bonfires are erected, and set alight night after night, nearby Catholic homes, which have to be hosed down to prevent them being set ablaze. Yet, the Ulster gov't. ignores this arson, and BBC presents the violence as all done by Republicans.
    When Britain comes begging for trade deals and assistance, be aware that the Biden administration doesn't get all its news from the BBC, ANYMORE THAN FROM PRAVDA.

  24. Danielle A

    yes… please don't let there be corruption and psychopaths and the loss of innocents

  25. David Hoy

    Interviewing people living in LONDON? how do these people KNOW what living in the North of Ireland IS like then!
    Plenty of well to do Soy Latte in hand of to Work people.
    Go travel and put yourself in someone else's BUBBLE and LOOK at their World through their Eyes and LISTEN to them BOTH sides.
    Two Sides in NI and Even the Government in Dublin says that!.
    And History itself shows that Paramilitaries can turn on their own side and from talking to people in the Republic of Ireland they have No appetite for wanting Armed weapons on their streets or to lose Access to the Cheaper Petrol prices across the Border.
    Governments will ALWAYS find the Money to do what they need to Govern and people who wear masks need to live with the Knowledge that they Hide behind those Masks and some one somewhere is probably watching them!.

  26. Grassy Knoll

    As a kiwi, Im more worried about Irish folk being gunned downed by the British army than any Brit being harmed by the IRA. The islands spoken, leave them the fuck alone.

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