Accessing Retirement Accounts Early | Roth IRA Conversion Ladder Explained | Early Retirement Hack

by | Aug 24, 2022 | Roth IRA | 34 comments

Accessing Retirement Accounts Early | Roth IRA Conversion Ladder Explained | Early Retirement Hack

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▸▸▸Enroll in our FIRE Master Class: This FIRE Master Class is designed for people interested in pursuing financial independence and retiring early. In the Master Class, we explain how to live off of your investments during early retirement; how to withdraw money from your investment accounts to support your living expenses during retirement; how to calculate your FIRE number; new and creative ways that you can save money; new side hustles for making money; how to invest in the stock market and in real estate; we discuss healthcare options in retirement . . . and MORE!

▸▸▸Enroll in our How to Move to Portugal Course: A Step-By-Step Course to Relocating and Living in Portugal: This course is designed for people interested in moving to Portugal. In the course, we explain the visa process, the documents you need to submit for your application, and the step-by-step process that we took to obtain our visas; we explain the residency permit process and how we obtained our residence permit here in Portugal; we explain the process for buying and renting a house in Portugal; we discuss healthcare, school options, and setting up NIFs, we explain taxes here in Portugal, and MORE!

See also  Step By Step Guide to Opening a Roth IRA with M1 Finance (2023)

Our Rich Journey – Accessing Retirement Accounts Early | Roth IRA Conversion Ladder Explained | Early Retirement Hack: If you watch our videos, you know that we are close to financial independence. Part of the reason for that is because we max out our retirement accounts. Once we reach financial independence, we’ll have the option of retiring early. But, traditional retirement is designed to allow people to retire at 59.5 (or later). This is because people typically can’t withdraw from their 401ks and Traditional IRAs early without paying a penalty. So, what about people who want to retire early and need to access their retirement accounts? Is there a way to access these accounts penalty-free? Quick answer – Yes! More elaborate answer – check out the video! 🙂

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How to Live Off Investments & Retire Early | Our Seven Account Strategy for Financial Independence:

Money Mistakes to Avoid on Your Financial Independence Journey:

OUR STOCK PORTFOLIO UPDATE | We’re Rebalancing Our Portfolio (Ep. 6 – May 2019):

Best Vanguard ETFs (Exchange Traded Funds) for Financial Independence:

Vanguard’s VTSAX Index Fund: Our Number One Investment for Financial Independence Explained:


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See also  Unlocking Your Wealth Potential: Why Understanding Your 401k Investments Is Crucial

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  1. Christopher Zorthian

    why not just roll it all into the Roth IRA at once ? what's the point of separating it into years

  2. Nicolette

    Stupid question: what if you don't have a 401K? Can you still participate in this method?

  3. Ilya W.

    You guys think its a good time to do Roth conversations now with the market downturn?

  4. MochiTech

    If say I ladder $25k for 5 years, come year 6 can I withdraw less than $25k to optimize for taxes? Say I withdraw $20k year 6, does the extra $5k carry over and I could withdraw $30k in year 7 and so on?

  5. Brian Trunnell

    But won't you run out of all your retirement money when you really need it later in life (60 years old plus) ? Because you retired from your job and started living off your nest egg early?. Assuming you live to 70-80 years old.

  6. Etanaru e

    I would really appreciate if you would be willing to answer my question. I am trying to understand why a traditional IRA is needed for the conversion process? I have googled online, watched other videos, and many folks keep saying you can convert from 401k to Roth IRA, but no mention of traditional IRA OR if the traditional IRA is mentioned no explanation of why one must convert to it before converting to a Roth IRA.

    Would really appreciate if anyone can link me to sources explaining this !

  7. Archie Felix

    Oh My God! I Love You Guys! Your explanations and the examples you give for every situation is Priceless! I plan on retiring next year when I turn 56 (the earliest they will let me go) I I've never been so scared until now. I'll never be as wealthy as you guys, but with a good plan in place, I can live the Dream Retirement stress free! Can't wait! Keep sharing your bright ideas and hacks! I Love It!

  8. Elsia LeClerc

    When you move your money from 401k to traditional , how long are you supposed to wait or when do you know when to move it from traditional ira to the Roth IRA ??? Is there a penalty for moving it ??
    Please answer

  9. Pacific Blue

    Thanks Amon and Christina! I am a new subscriber and I really like how you make the information easy to understand for a beginner.

  10. dunesmom

    You have to be eligible to open a ROTH outside your employer account. You have not addressed eligibility for creating a ROTH outside your employer account.

  11. Austin Duncan

    Hey guys, I don’t have a 401k, can this still apply if I contribute toward a traditional IRA then rollover to a Roth IRA?

  12. rohit nirantar

    I made After tax IRA contribution of 6K in 2021 and because of high income limit, I am not able to take deductions. Can I move this money into Roth IRA. What are the tax implications on this? WHt are the steps? Will you please explain this.

  13. Mizuky chan

    What if I never had a 401k and traditional ira and only started with roth ira, do I still wait 5 years? And stop investing in my roth ira for 5 years?

  14. Thomas

    Brother man I have a question so I have Roth TSP so when I transfer to traditional Ira why should I pay taxes I already paid taxes ? I’m confused please advise.

  15. Michael Kevin Farrell

    Great video. Is there an annual limit to how much money you can roll over from a 401k into a traditional IRA and then a Roth IRA?

  16. Ryan Bombard

    Are the conversions taxed at long or short term tax rates?

  17. Kacey Dayton

    If you are going to open a ROTH IRA but also know that later you plan on rolling your 401K to a traditional IRA and then rolling that money into a Roth IRA, ie the conversion ladder, should you open the ROTH IRA with the same brokerage company as your 401K and/or Traditional IRA?

  18. Jul He

    What about the 10% ??? A married couple will pay taxes only in the 50k so it will be a lower bracket?

  19. Janai Williams

    One of the most important videos

  20. J. Whong

    Very informative! May I ask if you can still do the Roth conversion in 2022? Thank you!

  21. Remy Romano

    Nice job. So what about people who have already been contributing to a Roth IRA. Maybe they have had a Roth for 10 or more years already, how do they know how much they can take out at any given time?

  22. Navi Singh

    even if you roll over the money, and wait the 5 years, dont you have to pay penalty if withdrawn before 59.5 of age???

  23. Larry A

    Great video and examples. It looks like you are explaining how to address the 5-year rule. What about the rule around age of 59 1/2? In our example it is still unqualified distribution and would result in a 10% penalty wouldnt it?

  24. Tina Bensinger

    Do you have to quit your job to start the conversion latter process?

  25. Maher Arora

    Very useful information! Thank you! Quick question, if I’m rolling 50k$ each year from the traditional IRA to a Roth IRA, wouldn’t there be a point where my traditional IRA has no money left? In other words, wouldn’t I have to amass a large amount of money (say 500k) to be good for like x number of years of pulling out. Let’s say I decided I want to pull out 50k from traditional and put into Roth IRA 10 times (I.e. for 10 consecutive years) , I would need 500k in traditional right? Because 500k divided by 50k means I can do this traditional IRA -> Roth IRA conversion 10 times.

    If this is true, I would have to keep working a job until my 401k balance reaches 500k.

    So in other words, an individual needs to understand how much they want to get their 401k balance to (which will then tell them how long they need to work for) before this strategy you mentioned is applied?

  26. S C

    How do I like this video a million times?!!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH for this gold mine! May you both prosper even more!

  27. Rahul

    Hi Our Rich Journey, I would like to do a Roth Conversion from my 401K of my previous company. Can just do it one time. Or, just like Roth Contribution i need to do the same for Roth Conversion. thanks!

  28. RN

    Should you always do Roth Conversions even if you don't need to access money from your tax deferred accounts early?

  29. Victoria C

    Thoughts on if I've been contributing to a ROTH IRA already, maxxing it out for a few years, because I've never had a job with 401k option. Should I still open a T-IRA? And if so, sohuld i start auto investing into the T-IRA?


  30. Chris Newing

    Thank you for this great information. I will be implementing this.

  31. P C

    Should they move only 50K from the 401K to the IRA so they don't have to do the aggregation for pro-rata or is the pro-rata just for high income earners? Because if they move the whole 401K, like if it's 400K to the T-IRA then move 50K to a Roth IRA will they need consider the proportion the 50K is to I guess the 350K balance?

  32. Aliaksandr Baltruk

    I thought, that there are limit how much money you can transfer from traditional IRA to Roth (34k). Or I am wrong?

  33. Abby Geremew

    Is there a limit to the amount of ROTH converstion you can do, if you already max out your annual contribution of 6k to your ROTH already? Also can you just do one time converstion to move all you have in traditional to ROTH?

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