According to Fundstrat’s Tom Lee, signs indicate that the economy is heading towards an expansion rather than a recession.

by | Oct 20, 2023 | Recession News | 31 comments

According to Fundstrat’s Tom Lee, signs indicate that the economy is heading towards an expansion rather than a recession.

Tom Lee, Fundstrat managing partner, and Greg Branch, Veritas Financial managing partner, join ‘Last Call’ to discuss the bull and bear case for the current economy and what we should expect from the Federal Reserve ahead of this week’s economic data drops. For access to live and exclusive video from CNBC subscribe to CNBC PRO:

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BREAKING: Recession News


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It looks like the economy is slipping into an expansion not a recession, says Fundstrat’s Tom Lee

Tom Lee, the co-founder of Fundstrat Global Advisors, has expressed optimism about the state of the economy, suggesting that it is on the verge of entering an expansionary phase rather than succumbing to a recession. This optimistic outlook comes as the world grapples with uncertainties stemming from the ongoing pandemic and its economic repercussions.

Lee, a renowned Wall Street strategist, believes that recent economic indicators should be regarded as positive signs of growth. While many analysts and experts have warned of a potential recession due to the impact of COVID-19, Lee’s assessment differs, pointing towards indicators that suggest otherwise.

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One key metric Lee points to is the growth in corporate earnings. Despite the challenges faced in the past year, many companies have reported strong earnings results, demonstrating their ability to adapt and thrive in difficult circumstances. This trend is not only limited to a few sectors but spans across a diverse range of industries, indicating a broader economic recovery.

Furthermore, Lee highlights the increasing consumer confidence in the economy as another crucial factor. As individuals adjust to the new normal, they have shown a willingness to spend, propelling economic growth. This is evident in retail sales data, which has consistently shown improvements, signaling a strong demand for goods and services.

Lee also emphasizes the considerable fiscal stimulus provided by governments around the world. During the pandemic, governments have implemented expansive fiscal policies to support businesses and individuals. These measures have boosted aggregate demand and contributed to overall economic growth.

Moreover, the acceleration in vaccination efforts globally provides hope for a return to normalcy. As more people receive vaccines, the threat of the virus lessens, allowing economies to gradually reopen with fewer restrictions. This will enable businesses to further recover and consumers to regain confidence in their spending habits.

However, it is important to acknowledge that there are still challenges and risks on the horizon. Variants of the virus, potential supply chain disruptions, and geopolitical tensions all pose threats to the fragile recovery. Lee acknowledges these risks but remains overall optimistic about the trajectory of the economy.

As the co-founder of Fundstrat Global Advisors, Lee’s insights carry weight in the industry. With his years of experience and successful track record, investors and economists often look to him for guidance on market trends and economic outlooks.

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While the future remains uncertain, Tom Lee’s optimistic sentiment regarding the economy signals hope for a strong rebound. As indicators point towards an expansionary phase, it may be a positive sign for businesses, investors, and individuals alike. The road to recovery may still have bumps along the way, but with continued resilience and prudent economic policies, a return to growth seems within reach.

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  1. E G

    well jerome powell said very early on during rate hikes that we are a changing economy…maybe its just turbulence we've been since. i mean he did say that.

  2. Nick Pasto

    I'm buying AMD and then I'm out after earnings.

  3. GXH

    How long before Gregory Branch admits he is WRONG, and not just early on his call?

  4. Gogalen 789

    What was that, Tom ? It's been an up and down kangaroo market the last 4 years. Okay, yeah I knew my new hearing was working properly.

  5. clickslick1

    Greg you are a waste of space!!! Why does CNBC even give you any screen time??

  6. tom yi

    Branch needs to branch out and be more humble when he’s wrong. He’s been wrong the entire time. HUBRIS

  7. bookworm

    Tom Lee has been right.
    CIOVACCO Capital charting has indicated it also.
    This format of point counter point utterly USELESS.

  8. Ny hiak

    short sellers are desperately trying to cover their losses.

  9. SheepMan

    Housing is going up. Will it really reflect a downturn? Especially if the fed pivots.

  10. Marija Vasilevska

    Greg is black, nothing else to be said!

  11. spidey974

    Greg is going down with the ship.

  12. Doug

    There is a reason Tom Lee manages more money than Branch! Greg has been wrong for a long time and will not change his guidance based on the data. I feel bad for his clients. They have missed all the upside this year.

  13. Brandon Jones

    Lol haha got that Tom Lee run to 430 he called back in beginning of year LFG

  14. doug Manzo

    Last night I paid $5.99 for a bag of Tostitos. Inflation is still way too high. It is not going to come down. There’s still too much money left in the system. There Hass to be a crash to fix this.

  15. Priyanka Mahatma

    Recession fears mount on Wall Street and inflation remains well above the Fed's 2% target, some of the top commentators in markets, business, and economics have been sounding off on just how bad they think the next downturn might be — and how far stocks may have to fall. I need ideas and advice on what investments to make to set myself up for retirement, my goal is to have a portfolio of at least $850k at the age of 60.

  16. Stellar_Corpse

    The con is prices will be sticky. And then that means massive immigration.

  17. Robert Olson

    Sp is he saying everyone will get a pay raise by 15%

  18. tpnguye3

    I believed in Tom Lee
    Bears will get killed

  19. Robert Olson

    Debt based. Making the fall even worse. Inflation will catch up.

  20. J Dingle

    "It looks like expansion"
    "If we are going into expansion"
    Stupid media can't even quote correctly

  21. david camicia

    Branch has been wrong for a long time . His clients lost a lot of money .

  22. darren

    tom lee schooling big greg broken branch ….

  23. Pimentel Media

    the majority of ppl are bullish and speculating one bad news everything drops just like 1929

  24. Ken

    Dr. Copper and Oil are not saying expansion.

  25. Palmetto Blizzard

    Legendary bull bear showdown right before the most anticipated cpi jolly good show

  26. Michael Pugliese

    Tom Lee isn’t even break even after all the losses he had last year.. delusional.

  27. Patrick Brussels

    According to certain economists, there are projections indicating the possibility of the United States and certain parts of Europe experiencing a recession during a portion of 2023. While a global recession, which refers to a decline in annual global per capita income, is relatively uncommon due to the faster growth rates of China and emerging markets compared to developed economies, it is important to note that if economic growth lags behind population growth, the world economy is generally regarded as being in a recession.

  28. Jason H

    wait til them cards start showing "declined" when folks try to buy stuff…..people have been babied to thinking any financial personal debt vulnerability will get resolved by the government…

  29. Donna Pov

    Sp 5000

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