America’s Insane Debt Crisis Won’t End

by | Jan 25, 2023 | Inflation Hedge | 28 comments

America’s Insane Debt Crisis Won’t End

The United States is about to enter a debt ceiling standoff, but it’s just a show, the debt limit will be raised again and the debt crisis will get worse. Because of America’s huge spending obligations, they cannot afford to default on their debt, and they have to keep borrowing more money. The debt is going to be unsustainable and inflation will not end. Here’s what you must know!

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✅ Timestamps & Chapters:
0:00 The US Can’t Afford To Default
1:34 America’s Inflation Crisis
4:23 The Ukraine Proxy War
7:30 US Is A Welfare State
9:45 Inflating The Debt Away
13:09 Hard Assets Is Protection
15:36 Inflation Will Not End

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  1. gcoffey223

    Short answer:
    The left will blame the right, the right will blame the left, prices will skyrocket ($12/eggs) and the bombs will still fall.

  2. gcoffey223

    Great stuff

  3. Michael Kuhl

    When enough people default, it will.

  4. razor789

    People with so much Problems are the MOST DANGEROUS ONES

  5. Bora Karacan

    Doesn't higher rates lead to lower gold prices as people want cash to earn high interest
    I wish you could earn interest on gold

  6. Seb Dab

    American economy is like a person with terminal cancer, no matter what will do nothing is going to help, time will kill the US economy via a debt default…

  7. sky♡

    What country have who depends on America economy, China, India Europe, Japan etc. India and China rely on Russia oil,China and Russia on China and India purchase of oil. America have all natural resources , nuclear power, solar,oil and nuclear fusion future, leading technology. Russia have nothing but oil and gas,no leading technology, electric vehicle, satellites, microchips, global financial system etc.

  8. sky♡

    This guy is a idiot, China, India wouldn't even be a global economy without America. We discovered oil and many uses. Electricity , light bulb computer, computer chips, software, electric vehicle, nuclear, nuclear fusion split, internet search, e-commerce, global financial, stocks market ,reusable rockets technology cellular phone, social media, telephone, telegraph, moving pictures, air flight ,automobile, the greatest collection of invention in a thousand years . No other nation even comes close.

  9. stratcaptain66

    The US will raise the debt ceiling…they have no other choice in a criminal debt ponzie scheme.

  10. Eddie Cheang

    If the USA continues like this, their future generations will suffer as there's no way they are going to pay up their debts which increase year by year. I doubt Washington is going to change, hence, the best is for others to reduce or even withdraw their holdings in the USA treasury ;bonds. The collapse won't be faraway.

  11. white fox

    How will you wipe out $40trillion overnight

  12. DeepsEmo

    Great news for the world.

  13. Anwar Ali

    America is just like the Roman empire.

  14. HC Lau

    The USA debt "crisis" is quite meaningless unless the share of USD use in world trade drops to below 30% and it's role as reserve currency drops to below 30% as well. The only country that can cause that to happen is China, but the Chinese are too gutless to rock the boat. It is moving like molasses or maybe even as slow as a glacier. Given that, the US can keep printing money to handle it's debts for another 20 years. If China really moves, then it will be 5 years when the US Debt burden will cause the US to crash.

  15. Alba1970

    The biggest opponents to peace is America, after all they started the mess in Ukraine with there over throwing of the democratically elected President of Ukraine Viktor Yanukovych using neo nazis to over throw him, the reason to drive a wedge between the EU and Russia, both O'Bama and Biden have been goading Russia into invading Ukraine knowing full well Ukraine is Russia's equivalent to America's Cuban Missile Crisis and with Biden threatening to put nukes in Ukraine sparked the Invasion, in short America wanted Russia to invade Ukraine, it justifies their $800 billion + defense budget

  16. Gary G.

    If the U.S. wanted to pay down its debt, it would have come up with a plan.
    However, the U.S. lacks leadership and both political parties and their Donors benefit off of running large deficits.

  17. Aw James

    There is another very hugh debts of usa..??
    65 trillions$$, holding as reserves by foreign banks of worlds.
    All this foreign bank use the local currency and buy usa $$ as their reserves in their banks holding.
    We strong believe usa has spend all the foreign currency, by now, so it is call usa debts..
    So if all the banks decides to cash out.. usa will be smash…..??

  18. Khan

    In this time problem

  19. John Goymer

    What they do is pass their debt to the rest of the world because most of the world uses the US dollars but countries are realizing that by because of using the US dollars it puts their economy in trouble

  20. John Goymer

    The world is not screwed the world can still continue to prosper they are just a small percentage of the world's population

  21. Robert Scheinost

    Get ready for 10 years of stagflation because that's what the decade we're in holds for us.

  22. James Westmoreland JR

    Social Security comes from a tax paid by employee and employer contributions… it IS NOT something our Gov't just gives out of the goodness of their heart! Had they not mismanaged the fund, it would still be solvent…but they did not, so we are screwed.

  23. The Chloromancer

    The Ukraine was was engineered – via years of provocation and a civil war on Russia's border that Russia could not ignore – by the US to be a trap for Russia. Instead, it has turned out to be a trap for Europe and the US.

  24. toomingas3

    that road end is coming and faster than most people think. FDIC behind the scenes talking about how to cover 9 trillion of deposits with insurance funds with around 100 billion in usa and they are afraid of mass bank runs when public gets to know it. there are leaked videos about the meeting. if people want to take down financial system they know what to do. also credit suisse has 150 billion mortage issue on their hands which is almost 20% of entire switzerland gdp.

  25. Lolo Lolo

    Us lost the war against Russia. Germany is the leader of EU.naw. .uk and Australia will take care of usa. Soon

  26. Gregory Thoman

    There is no debt crises. You do not know what you are talking about.

  27. Ma Kuo Hua

    The End is very Close to bankruptcy now no way out . End of it Supremacy and American might and Super Cops leading to Collapsed .
    Forget past live today lead to become Caveman of Future walk in Dreamland .

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