An Imminent Conflict Between Israel and Iran? – VisualPolitik EN

by | Oct 31, 2023 | Simple IRA | 13 comments

An Imminent Conflict Between Israel and Iran? – VisualPolitik EN

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Hamas’s attack on Israel has put many questions on the table, important questions… Can Hamas do this on its own, without any operational brains behind it? Why start an open war against Israel at this very moment?

Logically, these are still very recent developments, but the truth is that more and more signs seem to point to the involvement of an external actor: the Islamic Republic of Iran.

But why would Iran be behind such an atrocity? In this video, dear friends, we are going to tell you all the details.

#Israel #Iran #visualpolitik…(read more)




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A War Agreed with Iran in Israel?

The tensions between Israel and Iran have been simmering for decades. From Iran’s support for militant groups like Hezbollah to Israel’s covert operations to prevent Iran from gaining nuclear weapons, the two countries have been at odds for years. However, recently there have been murmurs of a potential war between Israel and Iran, causing concern not only in the Middle East but also around the world.

One important factor to consider is Israel’s security doctrine, which is rooted in the principle of never allowing a neighboring state to possess weapons of mass destruction, especially nuclear weapons. From Israel’s perspective, a nuclear-armed Iran would pose an existential threat to its survival, given the hostile rhetoric from Iranian leaders and their support for militant groups operating in the region.

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Iran, on the other hand, argues that its nuclear program is purely for peaceful purposes, such as generating electricity. However, Israel has long been skeptical of these claims and has been instrumental in pressuring the international community to impose sanctions on Iran to hinder its nuclear program.

Despite the international nuclear deal signed in 2015, which aimed to curb Iran’s nuclear ambitions in exchange for sanctions relief, Israel remained unconvinced that Iran would fully comply with its obligations. As a result, Israel continued its covert operations to disrupt Iran’s nuclear program, conducting targeted assassinations of key Iranian scientists and launching cyberattacks on its infrastructure.

In recent months, tensions have escalated even further. Iran has been violating some of the restrictions outlined in the nuclear deal, in response to former President Donald Trump’s withdrawal from the agreement in 2018 and the reimposition of harsh economic sanctions. These violations have increased concerns in Israel, leading some to speculate that military action might be the only option to prevent Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons.

However, a full-scale war between Israel and Iran would have disastrous consequences for both sides and the wider region. Israel is well aware of the risks involved, including potential retaliation from Iran and its proxies in the form of rocket attacks on Israeli cities and facilities. Moreover, Iran has the capability to disrupt maritime trade and oil supplies in the Strait of Hormuz, which would have global repercussions on the economy.

Instead of an all-out war, Israel has been pursuing a strategy of containment, seeking to limit Iran’s influence in the region through covert operations, proxy conflicts, and diplomatic pressure. Israel has also been building alliances with Arab countries that share a common concern about Iranian expansionism, such as the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain. These alliances could potentially strengthen Israel’s position in any future negotiations with Iran.

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Ultimately, a war agreed with Iran in Israel is highly unlikely at this stage, considering the potential catastrophic consequences. Despite the ongoing tensions, both countries understand the risks involved, and it is in their best interest to find a diplomatic solution to their differences. This is particularly true as a new U.S. administration, under President Joe Biden, seeks to reengage with Iran on the nuclear issue and stabilize the region.

However, the situation remains volatile, and there is always the risk of escalation if tensions continue to rise. Therefore, it is crucial for the international community to remain engaged and support diplomatic efforts to ensure a peaceful resolution to the Israel-Iran conflict. The stakes are too high to allow a potential war to become a reality.

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  1. TD 4YD

    US trying to bait the region into a quagmire via Hamas/Israel like they did with Ukraine and Russia.

  2. Lamour Mckenzie

    The killing of iranian general for 1, and the murder of iranian scientists… you know

  3. Florian Peter

    If hamas is a terrorist group then israel is a terrorist state, and an even worse one

  4. iali00

    The PLO is in the West Bank and there’s no Hamas there so why is Israel continuing to kill Palestinians there and expand illegal settlements? Hamas is not the problem here, the occupying power is the issue. Nelson Mandela and ANC were considered terrorists by the racist west.

  5. iali00

    This video is full of misinformation. There were elections in Gaza and Hamas won. Then the PLO tried to forcefully change things and that’s when Hamas took over. You try to brush over that and that dangerous propaganda.

  6. Bennie Cohens

    Just think, some lady just said that foundational black Americans were their biggest threat lmmao

  7. The true Reds

    Anyone who thinks saudi or any other arab country normalisation with Israeli will make the Palestinians roll over and disappear is high or something

  8. JP

    remember drawing conclusions and predicting is a joke, we're nowhere near fully informed. sit back watch and pray imo

  9. Sutoyo Saragih

    this kind of fake podcast makes many of US citizen got mislead.. unfortunately…

  10. Adam Rees

    Inside job as usual

  11. Nawz

    Are you saying Israel did not attack and kill Palestinians before Hamas came into existense? Who are you trying to fool!

  12. Scott marquardt

    Just like if Tijuana turned crazy the us would have to go block by block back to Mexico City.

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