Analyzing Patch 11.4: A Reflection on TFT Fates in Teamfight Tactics

by | Jul 21, 2023 | Vanguard IRA | 29 comments

Analyzing Patch 11.4: A Reflection on TFT Fates in Teamfight Tactics

11.4 was a BIG patch, so Statikk and I go through the changes and talk about what worked and what didn’t for the big patch. We don’t always agree on everything either, so if you want to see some design discussion and insight, this is the video for you.

Originally Aired: February 27th, 2021


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Patch 11.4 Post Mortem | TFT Fates | Teamfight Tactics

With the release of Patch 11.4, Teamfight Tactics (TFT) players were in for some balance changes and adjustments that aimed to improve the gameplay experience in the Fates set. Now that the dust has settled, it’s time to take a closer look at the impact of these changes and how they have influenced the meta.

One of the major changes in Patch 11.4 was the nerf to the Cultist trait, which had been dominating the previous meta. Riot Games wanted to rein in the power of Cultists while still keeping them viable. The changes reduced the overall strength of the trait and made it less oppressive early on in the game. This adjustment has opened up more diverse team compositions and allowed other traits to shine.

In addition to the Cultist nerf, Riot also made adjustments to numerous champions and traits, aiming to create a more balanced landscape. Traits like Spirit, Keeper, and Dusk received buffs, making them more attractive options for players. This change has allowed for a wider range of viable strategies and increased the overall strategic depth of the game.

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The introduction of new units in Patch 11.4 also created excitement and added depth to the gameplay. Champions like Samira, a 5-cost sharpshooter, and Rell, a 4-cost vanguard, brought unique abilities and synergies to the table. These new additions have reshaped the meta and opened up new possibilities for team compositions.

The item system also received some changes in Patch 11.4. Riot made adjustments to the availability of items in the carousel round, as well as the odds of obtaining specific items from the loot boxes. These changes aimed to address the issue of item disparity and create a more even playing field. While it’s still a work in progress, these changes have been well received by the community.

Overall, Patch 11.4 has been successful in shaking up the meta and providing players with new options and strategies. The changes to the Cultist trait have allowed for increased diversity in team compositions, while the buffs to other traits have made them more competitive. New champions have added excitement and variety to the game, and adjustments to the item system have addressed some long-standing concerns.

However, as with any major patch, there have been some balance issues and concerns raised by the community. Some players feel that certain traits or champions still lack viability, while others believe that certain items are still too strong or too weak. Riot Games has been actively monitoring community feedback and adjusting the game accordingly.

Patch 11.4 has demonstrated Riot’s commitment to evolving and improving TFT. The changes implemented in this patch have had a positive impact on the game’s balance and strategic depth. As TFT continues to evolve, it’s exciting to see what new changes and improvements Riot has in store for the future.

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  1. aaron lippman

    I think that ppl are less bothered by highrolling a 3 cost unit chosen at lvl 5 because they are often not strong enough to be carried for the remainder of the game without 3 starring them, whereas 4 cost chosen at 7 often prescribes exactly what that players plan is for the rest of the game.

  2. Fuzzy Nutz

    Yeah After that patch dualist has become one of worst if not the worst comp in the game with the rise of vangards and trynd not being a real carry with all the cc arround i might even say they do not have a carry after all those nurfs and plz dont say kalista

  3. John Miedema

    Thanks Guys for taking the time to do this!

  4. yangfam11

    If Sett can use his ult on Olaf while ragnorak is active, cultist 9 galio summon should knock everyone and anyone regardless of cc immunity. No power change but a small adjustment too make a chase trait strong.

  5. Biiiggz

    So long time for nerf yasuo diana etc !

  6. George Laidlaw

    The reason no-one complains about the small chance of 3-cost Chosen is that 3-cost Chosen are not a win-con in themselves, typically. They need to be 3* late-game to win, especially with the nerf to Chosen stats. More importantly, L5 is not a Chosen roll breakpoint so someone rolling at 5 without a Chosen is in a pretty rough spot and bleeding out. If they hit a 3-cost, this will stabilise them but it is unlikely to win the game for them. They still have to play well to close out this unexpected advantage.

    By contrast, someone might sell a weak early-game Chosen as they hit 7 and roll into a new stage. Sell your Chosen on Wolves and roll on 4.1 without a Chosen. As I understand it, this person is now guaranteed 3 natural Chosen and a 5% chance on each that it is a 4-cost. They are also probably rolling here. How much depends on econ and board state but at least 10-20 gold (5-10 shops). Every shop has a 50% chance of a Chosen and, if a Chosen appears, there is a 5% chance of a 4-cost Chosen. Suddenly hitting a 4-cost Chosen is certainly high-roll but not an unlikely outcome over 100 games. If a player hits here, they win the game. There is no counterplay. I had it happen to me recently with a Kayle game where I winstreaked through the early game but still had pretty much BIS Kayle items, including RFC, and another player hit Chosen Kayle at 7 with like 30 gold left. My game ended and I took a sixth. There is no recovery to this. The odds of you hitting a 1* Kayle, yet alone 2*ing her, have dropped through the floor. That's why it feels terrible. It's a mechanic that feels like it specifically punishes good play and incentivises poor play. You should not roll at 7 to hit your 4-cost Chosen but if you do and you hit you will win the game. Either make 7 the genuine roll-point or remove it.This is why ranked players dislike it so much.

    In short, a 3-cost Chosen is a significant swing but it is less likely to happen and much less decisive over the course of a game. A 4-cost Chosen is game-winning, simultaneously giving the player who hits a wincon and likely denying that same wincon to other players in the lobby. It's okay for people to reach early and midgame wincons by or before 7. It's pretty spikey when people can hit the best wincons in the game on L7. That feels bad but more importantly it feels, even though it is not entirely, impossible to play around. There is a lot of luck in any individual game of TFT and I don't want it gone, unlike the highest ranked competitive players. However, not all luck is equally fun. For me, 4-cost Chosens at 7 are a really bad source of RNG for the reasons above.

  7. maiwei

    SUPER stoked to see what ideas get implemented for Set 5! Keep it up, Mort!

  8. i`am megatron

    i hate olaf and slayer!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. Gappy Levine

    please help us Mort My country is in doom and need attention and pressure. i know its cringe irrelevent and annoying to comment like this inderTubers i love but i cant do much before I become one of the fallen . Please Police are brutal and killing and covering their murders . Evidence cant be hide. PLEASE STAND WITH US .

  10. Pursuit

    Love ya and all you do for the game and us, the community. Keep being awesome!

  11. RationalCube

    30:54 Mort gets really excited about how strong 3 star asol is

  12. RationalCube

    Your content has been pulling me through the pandemic. It's so inspirational to see you communicating, creating, and succeeding throughout such a hard time. So grateful for tft!

  13. Nene Thomas

    Thank you so much for doing these!

  14. tackywacky99

    play asol and then suddenly everyone gets 2 target dummies was the worst thing i experienced in tft. its definitely not soemthing youd wanna try lol

  15. Dakota Tyukin

    This is kind of weird because I don't know any devs who go this far with communicating their ideas and philosophy for a game they are making. Usually patch notes are brought up in written form. But to have a lead developer with a youtube channel who is constantly involved with the community is quite incredible to say the least. I don't play TFT. Auto battlers don't necessarily interest me but the effort that Mort is putting in is noticeable and for that I commend him.

  16. shiv_ring

    I love the patch. Doesn't mean I climbed at all. 😛

  17. Hey Bruno!

    Mort, why do you put so many cc in game?
    Brand, Fiora, Wukong, Jarvan, Jax, Lulu, Nautilus, Pyke, Rakan, Irelia desarm, teemo Blind, Kennen, Atrox, Sejuani, ChoGath, Shen, Azir… Am I forgetting someone?
    It is no possible to have a fluent game when half of the cards have some way to CC.
    My Carry have to use quisilver and rapid fire every game if I want it to survive. there is no flexibility in itemization. whats what you want for the game?

  18. au5t3y3n

    thank you for doing these. This patch is a lot of fun

  19. Kyr0s

    Would it be possible to even out the Sound of Static and you a bit? Right now I need to tune down the video when static speaks and then tune it up again when you speak. Would be nice, thanks 🙂

  20. Luiz

    Can you please normalize the volume for the two voices? If I try to hear Mort, Stattik becomes too loud

  21. Lucas Castro

    Hi im from the future and kennen 3 keeper is dominating

  22. ラウこ

    This is a re upload right ? I feel like nothing changed from last patch

  23. Kevin Gonzalez Garcia

    Why are we seeing shit post in the comments?
    The sets fun although not my favorite, boom that's how you voice your opinion. The reason for that is that the chosen mechanic felt "high rolly", chosen also made a player feel trapped on occasion, and the theme isn't particularly captivating. But, I see the strives in this patch and in 4.5 overall to address those issues and frustrations and I appreciate continuing to improve the game I very much enjoy playing. Have a great weekend!

  24. Jon

    We seem to be a pattern of b patches tbh.

  25. Marcin Baka

    So bacically you make traits made less valuable and made high rolls better option ;v

  26. Andrei Bende

    5 Mage, 4 Brawler, 3 Elderwood, 3 Dragonsoul ( ASol Carry + Brawler Chosen)

  27. Emre kısakol

    Do we know when is the new set will come

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