Analyzing Steve Moore and Bill Walton’s Discussion: Bank Bailouts, the Economy, and the Debt Ceiling (Part 1)

by | Sep 25, 2023 | Bank Failures

Analyzing Steve Moore and Bill Walton’s Discussion: Bank Bailouts, the Economy, and the Debt Ceiling (Part 1)

In this episode Jenny Beth is joined by former Trump economist Steve Moore and finance guru Bill Walton to discuss the current state of the economy, bank bailouts, the looming debt ceiling fight in Congress and how all of these things impact the lives of every day Americans.

Steve Moore is a former Trump economist, a Distinguished Fellow at The Heritage Foundation, a former columnist for the Wall Street Journal, and a co-founder of The Committee to Unleash Prosperity. You can sign up for his daily newsletter at

Bill Walton is the former CEO of a $6 billion private equity fund on the New York Stock Exchange. He has decades of experience in finance and banking, and is the host of The Bill Walton Show.

Twitter: @stephenmoore @billwaltonshow @jennybethm

The Jenny Beth Show is hosted by Jenny Beth Martin, Produced by Kevin Mooneyhan, and Directed by Luke Livingston. The Jenny Beth Show is a production of Tea Party Patriots Action. …(read more)


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Part 1: Bank Bailouts, the Economy, and the Debt Ceiling

Steve Moore and Bill Walton are influential political commentators and economists known for their conservative views on economic policy. Both have been vocal critics of government intervention in the economy, particularly when it comes to issues like bank bailouts, the economy, and the debt ceiling. In this article, we will examine their perspectives on these topics and analyze how their ideas align with conservative economic ideology.

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Bank bailouts became a heated topic of debate during the 2008 financial crisis when several major banks were on the verge of collapse. The government intervened by providing financial assistance to these institutions to prevent an economic catastrophe. However, Moore and Walton have been staunch opponents of such bailouts, arguing that they distort the free market and create moral hazard by rewarding irresponsible behavior.

Moore, an economist and former economic advisor to President Trump, has consistently expressed his belief that bank bailouts enable reckless behavior by financial institutions. He has argued that the government should not interfere when businesses fail, asserting that these failures are part of the natural process of creative destruction within a capitalist system. Moore believes that the market, not government intervention, should dictate winners and losers.

Walton, a former professional basketball player turned political commentator, echoes Moore’s sentiments on bank bailouts. He has argued that allowing companies to fail is crucial for maintaining a healthy economy. In his view, bailouts only perpetuate inefficiencies in the market and stifle innovation by preventing new, more responsible institutions from emerging.

Both Moore and Walton have also voiced concerns about the overall state of the economy, particularly the role of government in economic growth. They believe that government intervention stifles entrepreneurship and imposes unnecessary burdens on businesses through excessive regulations and taxation. According to their conservative ideology, a minimized government presence allows for greater economic freedoms and individual prosperity.

On the issue of the debt ceiling, Moore and Walton have expressed skepticism about increasing the limit. The debt ceiling is a legal limit on the amount of money the United States government can borrow to fund its operations. While Moore acknowledges the importance of balancing the budget and reducing the national debt, he argues that limiting spending and focusing on economic growth through tax cuts and deregulation are more effective ways to address fiscal challenges.

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Similarly, Walton has criticized the tendency of government officials to raise the debt ceiling as a mechanism to avoid making tough choices about spending and deficit reduction. He argues that it is essential to confront the issue of overspending and prioritize responsible fiscal policy over short-term fixes. Both pundits emphasize the need for fiscal discipline and a smaller government footprint to ensure long-term economic stability.

While their views on these topics align closely, it is important to note that Moore and Walton’s perspectives are not shared by all economists and policymakers. Some argue that government interventions are necessary during times of crisis to prevent widespread economic collapse and protect the stability of the financial system. The debate surrounding bank bailouts, the overall state of the economy, and the debt ceiling remains contentious, with differing viewpoints on the role of government in managing these complex economic issues.

In Part 2 of this article, we will explore Moore and Walton’s viewpoints on tax policy, government spending, and their proposed solutions for fostering economic growth. Stay tuned for a deeper dive into their economic ideologies and policy recommendations.

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