and HOW TO PROTECT YOUR 403B………Q&A with Lynette Zang

by | Dec 30, 2022 | 403b | 26 comments

and HOW TO PROTECT YOUR 403B………Q&A with Lynette Zang

Questions on Protecting Wealth with Gold & Silver?
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Jim-We think black markets running on barter & junk silver will appear after the new digital $$$ starts & V.A.T. taxes are enacted. For those who can grow extra food for barter & have silver, this will be ok. How do you see this unfolding? Texas has its own gold depository, the Texas Bullion Depository, created by the Texas govt in 2015, & underwritten 100% by Lloyds of London. We wonder if the Feds could seize gold from there or will Texas say “come & take it” again. What have you heard about State depositories, if anything?
Joe-I received an EIDL loan from the SBA of $92,500 for my business and it’s currently in my business account Unspent. If the currency is reset and those funds get reduced by let’s say 1,000x, will I still owe the $92,500 even though I would no longer have that amount?
Samantha-If one is receiving payments on a monthly basis for an asset, like real estate, is there a way to structure the contract to receive a payment that is pegged to the value of a commodity (i.e. Gold)?
Amber-1. I have about 30-yrs of retirement contributions (tied to my current employment) in 403b accounts that I cannot access while still employed. The only options for these funds are associated with the stock market, bonds, funds, & things such as this through “approved” organizations (TIAA, Fidelity, & Voya). Since I moved everything out of stock at the beginning of March, right now the funds are mostly in Fidelity GOVT MMKT & TIAA Traditional (TIAA guarantees 3% interest). I am 58 and work for a college that doesn’t participate in social security so this money is intended as my primary/only retirement resource. I’m very concerned about the current economic circumstances & the impact this will have on my retirement savings because everything is locked in the stock-market based system. What tips or advice do you have that could help protect this savings within the constraints I’ve described? 2. I have some self-directed HAS & Roth IRA funds that can hold precious metals. You’ve mentioned concern about gold bullion in these types of accounts being confiscated. Do you believe silver bullion held in these accounts would be less likely of being confiscated? Do you believe HAS precious metal accounts are as equally at risk as IRAs? 3. If some of the advantages of purchasing pre33 gold are that it doesn’t have to go through probate and purchases are not reported or tracked by the govt, are there purchase thresholds or other factors that I should be aware of to ensure maintaining anonymity?

See also  2019 403b Fund Changes

FYI: ITM Trading is comprised of Precious Metals and Economic Experts. We are not financial planners, nor do we do general financial consulting. We are Gold & Silver Strategists. We sell Gold & Silver to Strategic Investors who want to protect their wealth with the proper types, dates, and qualities of precious metals. For more info Call: 877-410-1414

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See also  What to do with a 401k, 403b or any retirement savings vehicle. #passiveincome #getrich

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By ITM Trading’s Lynette Zang

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  1. Bill Yates

    This isn't a western world just throw your gold and silver in a volcano all the money you people spent would be gone everyone is happy to buy food with it so to me the reason to buy gold and silver would be a waste of time ill just keep my money if your going to lose it anyway


    But how can you use gold to pay property taxes during a depression when the government makes it illegal for private citizens to be in possession of gold??

  3. Joseph Olverson

    How about using an express trust or an Foreign Trust this is my strat everything is in the Trust.


    I was in rural king today and talked to the store manager for about 5 minutes. He says they are having serious problems getting merchandise. Sold out items take months to get back in , if at all ,and the reason that there are items on the shelves is because they are the items that don’t sell or are slow sellers. So, if a high demand item comes in, it goes out the same day. And what is on the shelves is the stuff that don’t sell good! That feels like financial collapse to me!

  5. Rob Johnson

    Can you please comment on the Fincen Files?

  6. Rachel Gooden

    Thanks for the original music!!!!

  7. Shaf Serious

    How much should a normal dude have in the bank and in cash?
    Is it best to save in Gold?

  8. sonia tobias

    Those were some great questions. Thanks for choosing those. It makes me more comfortable with the decisions I’ve made for my situation. When I first started watching these, you were a little more reserved with answering these. Now watching you be more direct, is great! I’m sharing these videos with as many people as I can. Thanks so much for all of your hard work! 🙂

  9. Stephanie Ellison

    How do you know that the Texas Bullion Depository is not an example of "If you don't hold it, you don't own it?" I know that their accounts are strictly segregated accounts at this time. Should I really trust them not to allow the Federal, National Guard, State Guard, and Army troops to force them to give up the citizen's gold? It's a VERY attractive idea, but it gives pause because your aforesaid mantra gives me pause.

  10. Stephanie Ellison

    Why do you have to probate the will if you're the only family member listed in the will? Just take care of the assets and you're done…

  11. TeaBee

    I took out as much as I could from tiaa, but they kept about 20% described as an annuity, they said there was nothing I could do, but I could start collecting a monthly payments for at 59 1/2. Furious.

  12. L d man

    Do you know how many people lives you probably saved lady?


    You're just too fantastic

  13. Shelia Perkins

    Can you suggest a good book(s) to read regarding gold and silver

  14. Maria Gee

    Trump as of Roshashana yesterday, controls the Senate, Exec Branch, And controls
    the Supreme Court. TRUMP WAS UNDER Potter's wife political prison
    through Hillary, but now is Brought to the Throne like Joseph was. He
    is Pharoah saving the world from starvation as Joseph was positioned to
    do, on Feast of Trumpets; the exact same day..

  15. Grimlance Deathknell

    I always feel reprimanded after watching Lynette, like i tried to touch the fire and she's bollocked me for being stupid out of love. 🙂 PROTECT YOUR ASSETS HOW MANY TIMES? GET TO YOUR ROOM.

  16. Michael Carmichael

    Hi Lynnette,

    Black markets give much more value than any public valwje. I live in Munich Germany, and after wwii , same as Venezuela, or Zimbabwe etc the black market gives a hugely grater value for gold or silver than the official value. People are nkt stupid, next week/month the traded gold or silver will still have value the paper currency will 10000% become less and less the risk is taking paper currency, the sellers want mkney thagw will keep its value, paper currency will 10000% become worthless. No no gold and silver keeps its value and you can buy things forq gold or silver that canNOT be bought with paper currency. The government and police cannot stop bla markets.

    May all living creatures be happy and free from suffering

    Mr Michael Carmichael

  17. Rebecca Rodgers

    Hello Lynette, Do you have any knowledge on THETA & TFUEL?

  18. Garry McCollum

    My favorite channel!!!

  19. kevin wilson

    Hi Lynette, will all of this happen in Canada also? I assume yes.

  20. m mitra

    Any private bullion lockers in Canada?

  21. stemdar

    Isn't a black market the only real free market?

  22. khankrum1

    VAT in Britain currently runs at 20%.

  23. MFB

    What do people think as the Fed creates billions and trillions to infinity? Understanding the occurrence of inflation is really import immediately. Fiat savings is not going to keep up.

  24. Deek Johnson

    Great job guys….judging by the comments you are really helping young people prepare and be self responsible.

  25. Chen H

    Coronavirus is an exception that allows for withdrawing from 401k while working.

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