Andrew Bolt asserts: National wealth growth figures prove “We are experiencing a per capita recession”

by | Nov 5, 2023 | Recession News | 9 comments

Sky News host Andrew Bolt says today’s growth figures indicate national wealth per person fell 0.3 per cent and remarks “we are in a per capita recession”….(read more)

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“We are in a per capita recession”: Andrew Bolt on national wealth growth figures

Australia, known for its robust economy and high living standards, is facing a concerning economic situation amid the COVID-19 pandemic. According to influential conservative commentator Andrew Bolt, the country is currently experiencing what he terms a “per capita recession”.

Bolt’s comments come in response to recently released national wealth growth figures, which show Australia’s economy shrinking on a per person basis. While the official data indicate that the nation’s overall GDP increased, Bolt argues that this growth is not translating into improved living standards for ordinary Australians.

The per capita recession rationale stems from the fact that population growth is outpacing economic growth. As more migrants and babies are added to the equation, the national wealth has to be divided among a larger number of people, resulting in a decline in individual prosperity. Bolt emphasizes that this is an alarming sign, as it suggests that Australians’ average income and wealth are not increasing at the same pace as the population.

Bolt has criticized the government’s handling of the economy during this recession, claiming that excessive regulation and overreliance on resource exports have hindered economic growth and wealth distribution. He argues that diversifying industries and reducing bureaucratic barriers are essential to broadening Australia’s economic base and promoting sustainable growth.

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Moreover, Bolt suggests that the country’s economic struggles are not solely due to the pandemic but also a result of long-standing policy failures. He claims that Australia’s reliance on immigration-led population growth as a key driver of economic expansion has masked underlying problems and created an illusion of progress without addressing core issues.

While there may be disagreements on the merits of Bolt’s analysis, his concern for Australia’s per capita economic well-being deserves attention. Economic expansion should ideally translate into higher living standards for the general populace. If this is not happening, it raises questions about the efficacy of current economic policies and government measures.

It is also important to note that different regions within the country may experience this “per capita recession” differently. Australia’s resource-rich states may see greater wealth accumulation, driven by mining and gas exports, while other areas reliant on different sectors may be left behind. This disparity in economic growth can exacerbate social and regional inequalities, further highlighting the need for a balanced economic approach.

In conclusion, the debate surrounding Australia’s “per capita recession” draws attention to the complex relationship between economic growth and individual prosperity. While national wealth growth figures may indicate overall economic expansion, it is crucial to consider the distribution of that wealth among the population. As the country grapples with the challenges posed by the pandemic, policymakers ought to evaluate the effectiveness of current economic strategies and prioritize policies that ensure sustainable growth and equitable distribution of wealth.

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  1. Andrew Blok

    My heart stop fluttering over any liberal, Labor politician 15 years ago. Any greens politics it was always flat lined.

  2. Cunninglinguist

    Like a Clayton's recession hey Bolt?

    I'm sure you will appreciate the booze reference.

  3. Joe Millar

    Isn’t the fact it’s negative 0.3%mean we are not just slowing down but actually going backwards?

  4. Ben

    Can't we just reclassify the word "recession "?

  5. DaMob

    Lets just scrap all renewables in this country !!

  6. Bret loyd

    Boring old news. . . Australia was in a per capita recession BEFORE COVID. . . . A Dolt dribbling again. . . .

  7. Karl Schulze

    I thought you would be bitching about the non existent vice president of America where is she
    Did Biden get the old 'she is too black ' bug?

  8. Karl Schulze

    We going for Hurricane Lee to do some Major Damage Baby
    That's right bolty ya nut job
    You ain't got enough fingers to hold the damn dutch boy

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