Annuity for Retirement

by | Jun 7, 2023 | Retirement Annuity

South African retirement reality,

6% Retire comfortable at age 65.
36% Continue working beyond 65.
47% Depend on family and friends to survive.
16% No support

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Retirement Annuity: A Comprehensive Guide

Retirement is inevitable, and planning for it is essential. Retirement annuities play an essential role in any individual’s retirement plan. A retirement annuity is a contract between an individual and an insurance company, whereby the individual pays a sum of money in exchange for income payments at a later stage or upon retirement. In this article, we will discuss everything you need to know about retirement annuities.

Types of Retirement Annuities

There are two types of retirement annuities – immediate and deferred. An immediate annuity is where an individual pays a lump sum to the insurance company, and the insurance company starts providing the annuitant with regular payments immediately. It is ideal for those who want income payments to begin immediately after retirement.

A deferred annuity is where an individual pays premium payments over some years, and the annuity payments begin at a later stage, usually upon retirement. Deferred annuities are great for young people or those who are still working but want to start planning for their retirement.

Fixed vs. Variable Annuities

Fixed annuities offer fixed payments at a predetermined interest rate, and the payments remain the same throughout the annuity period. Variable annuities are a type of annuity whereby the payments fluctuate depending on the performance of the investment.

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Pros and Cons of Retirement Annuities

Retirement annuities come with their set of advantages and disadvantages. Here are some of the pros and cons to consider.


1. Guaranteed income – Retirement annuities guarantee a regular income after retirement. The income payments can last a lifetime, ensuring that the annuitant never runs out of money.

2. Tax-deferred – The growth and accumulation of funds within a retirement annuity are tax-deferred, meaning the investor won’t have to pay tax on the growth or the contributions until the income payments begin.

3. Low risk – Retirement annuities are typically low-risk investments. Since they are offered by insurance companies, there is almost no chance of losing your money.


1. No flexibility – Once the annuity contract is signed, there is no flexibility to make changes to the annuity plan. The annuitant must stick to the contract terms.

2. High fees – Retirement annuities come with various fees, and some of them can be quite high. The fees can reduce the amount of money that the annuitant can receive from the annuity.

3. Inflation – The fixed payment nature of the annuity means that it won’t keep up with inflation over time.


Retirement annuities are an excellent way to ensure a steady income after retirement. When investing in a retirement annuity, it is vital to consider the annuity type, fixed vs. variable annuities, and the pros and cons. It is essential to work with a financial advisor to help you understand all the available options and choose the right retirement annuity for your financial situation.

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