Appropriations subcommittee: Kennedy inquires about bank bailouts and Biden budget with Treasury Secretary Yellen.

by | Apr 18, 2023 | Bank Failures | 17 comments

Appropriations subcommittee: Kennedy inquires about bank bailouts and Biden budget with Treasury Secretary Yellen.

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Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen faced tough questions from lawmakers in the House Appropriations subcommittee on Tuesday. Among the topics discussed were bank bailouts and President Biden’s budget proposals.

During the hearing, Congresswoman Brenda Lawrence (D-MI) questioned Yellen on the possibility of another bank bailout similar to what happened during the 2008 financial crisis. Yellen assured the subcommittee that the banking system is much stronger now and that there are measures in place to prevent another crisis.

She also spoke about the importance of implementing regulations that hold banks accountable and prevent them from taking excessive risks. Yellen noted that the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act was passed in response to the 2008 crisis and has been effective in strengthening the financial system.

Aside from bank bailouts, the hearing also focused on President Biden’s budget proposals. Yellen defended the administration’s proposed budget, explaining that its investments in education, infrastructure, and healthcare are crucial for the country’s long-term economic growth.

She also highlighted the need for Congress to raise the debt ceiling, which is currently set for July 31st. Yellen warned that failure to raise the ceiling could have disastrous consequences and called for a bipartisan solution to address the issue.

The hearing provided an opportunity for lawmakers to ask questions and gain insight on important economic matters from one of the leading experts in the field. It is important for these topics to be discussed publicly and for the government to be held accountable for its actions regarding the economy.

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Overall, the hearing was a productive discussion that shed light on key issues affecting the country’s economic future. As the government continues to work towards a more stable financial system, it is important that such discussions continue and that lawmakers remain vigilant in monitoring economic developments.

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  1. Christopher Baker

    The worst thing is that these people that turns the USA into a third world country won’t live to suffer it.

  2. c2morrow1

    Yellen is NOT in anyway a Treasury Sec.. What she IS is a THEIF…………………….

  3. Tammy Cornejo

    Everytime I see this I get more and more angry and think, How could America have done this to me? I never did anything! Never even got 1 penny in welfare and no food stamps and you all just stole our money! How dare any of you

  4. Ray Coots

    Kennedy needs her job he’s got it right

  5. Martenson Lee

    What a scam … let's go branden !!

  6. Joey Farrow

    She doesn't know her ass from a hole in the ground.

  7. Laurie Taylor

    Biden knows nothing about our economy but to run us into debt!!

  8. Arjun TMG

    Omg how did she got this job ?

  9. Bl

    How the HELL did she get this job??

  10. Debbie Wilson

    easy to give the Poors tax money to the wealthiest people on earth

  11. James Nunya

    As an American I appreciate these hearings for the information problem is in reality what these people are doing is high treason and they are NEVER held accountable EVER.

  12. Mr. Smith

    Can you imagine how amazed a smart man like Kennedy is having to dealing with these ignorant criminals.

  13. joe blanton

    Republicans just talked. No action is so tiring. Nancy hunter Biden Schumer. Commey. Just free and they put Republicans in jail . And all Republicans just talk and afraid of dem.sad.

  14. Edward Corrigan

    Please somebody get her out of her position she will sink us deeper in debt.

  15. Judith Forshee

    She needs to be removed for incompetence

  16. Judith Forshee

    Worthless treasury secretary

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