Are Secret Sex Cults in Control of the World?

by | May 21, 2023 | Rollover IRA | 24 comments

Are Secret Sex Cults in Control of the World?

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What kind of sinister people control the strings from behind the curtain. I present my own NEW Mind Blowing Conspiracy Theories, here in this video.



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In recent years, there has been an increasing number of claims made regarding secret sex cults that are believed to be controlling the world. These cults are said to consist of powerful and influential people, who are believed to have a massive influence over global politics, finance, media, and entertainment. However, despite the widespread rumors and speculation, there is little concrete evidence to support the existence of such groups.

The origins of these conspiracy theories can be traced back to the 1960s and 1970s when various new religious movements and spiritualities began to gain popularity. These groups, which often espoused unconventional and controversial beliefs and practices, were seen as a threat to mainstream society, and many of them were demonized and persecuted in the press. It is thought that some of these groups, such as the Manson Family, which was responsible for several high-profile murders in the late 1960s, inspired the idea of a dark and sinister sex cult that could wreak havoc on society.

Over the years, the rumors surrounding secret sex cults have continued to persist, fueled in part by high-profile scandals involving powerful figures in politics and entertainment. For example, the Jeffrey Epstein case, in which the billionaire financier was found guilty of sex trafficking and child sex abuse, has led to accusations that he was part of a global network of wealthy and influential people who were exploiting vulnerable young women for their own pleasure and gain.

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Similarly, the Harvey Weinstein scandal, which exposed widespread sexual harassment and assault in the entertainment industry, has led some to speculate that Hollywood is controlled by a secret cabal of powerful producers and directors who use their influence to prey on vulnerable up-and-coming actors and actresses.

However, it is important to note that while there may be some truth to these scandals, there is little to no evidence to support the idea that they are part of a larger and more sinister conspiracy. While it is true that some powerful people may use their influence to exploit others, there is no evidence to suggest that they are part of a secret organization dedicated to controlling the world through sex and debauchery.

In fact, most experts on conspiracy theories agree that the idea of secret sex cults controlling the world is just that – a conspiracy theory with little basis in fact. While it is certainly true that there are some powerful and influential people in the world, they do not work together in some kind of global cabal dedicated to manipulating and controlling the masses through sex and deviance.

In conclusion, while the rumors and speculation surrounding secret sex cults may be sensational and intriguing, there is little to suggest that they are anything more than a conspiracy theory. While it is important to remain vigilant and aware of the ways in which powerful people may try to exploit others, there is no evidence to suggest that they are part of a larger and more sinister network dedicated to controlling the world.

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  1. Jamm TV

    With Trump, they've been using Russia, but now that's no good they'll have to stick with rape stories.

  2. D C

    Robert Sepehr put out a book on this subject a few years ago. 1666 Redemption Through Sin. Haven't read it, but he has a few pretty informative videos.

  3. d

    MI6 controls all this and the deviant CIA.

  4. d

    Eyes Wide Shut movie is a documentary! 20 minutes removed and the creator murdered before release. See Jimmy Savile – the current King Charles best friend.
    Google’s “do no evil” company moto removed not too long ago. Etc etc etc.

  5. Misty Moor

    I knew of someone involved with the " Children of God" cult in the UK in 1970s/80s. The women of that cult used prostitution to recruit members ( flirty fishing) I was told that they targeted people like judges or people with influence and so , for instance, if court cases were brought against them they could influence the judge ! This did in fact seem to happen in one case.

  6. Bryan Phillips

    Listen to Ted Gunderson!! Former Bureau Cheif of the FBI For Los Angeles.

  7. cuntpuncher

    Yes. The answer to that question, is yes.

  8. hannannah1uk

    Muhammad married a nine year old he didn't need no Frankist cult.

  9. Natasha B

    Call it a sex cult, but the bottom line is clearly a satanic cult…cult of evil….baddest of the bad cult….whatever you want to call it. Satan wants as many of us that he can get, so he uses our human qualities and emotions against us. Sex is the most powerful force of our human nature. It’s actually our human species’ survival instinct.

  10. Paulo Hayashi Jr

    Great video. Only the mic could be better……

  11. Jon Goldstein

    Speaking of George Soros have you heard that the Pentagon has confirmed that Zelinsky is his cousin and shown side by side comparison that seems very viable!

  12. Happy hOUR

    Believe me, nobody wants to believe that it exist anymore but it does. It does exist. Child trafficking and human trafficking. Look to the movies because Luciferian’s have to show you what they are doing as part of their belief in the cult. Good reporting, but honestly believe it it’s still happening.

  13. the Q&A

    The Epstein situation is enough to reasonably assume there’s a lot of organized sex crime that goes on behind closed doors. That, and revelations like those in the documentary An Open Secret.

  14. Altair Zielite

    Like mass petrol consumerism keeps military fuel infrastructure humming, the sex trafficking trade is only there to fuel the vampires. Just because you don't want to believe that does not make it untrue. Think Jupiter Ascending. While you are focused only on the dopamine, trust me, EVERYTHING is about your neuro-chemistry, and theirs.

  15. Wandering Wade

    Sabbatean Frankist? Is that how it is spelled?

  16. Wandering Wade

    Don't discount the idea that these ideas were and are demonically inspired. Occult practices usually promise knowledge and power gifted by way of deviant ceremonies that often end in human, often child sacrifice. These cults go back to ancient times. We're just seeing the modern incarnation of them.

  17. The Mount Vernon Project DIY

    Any time somethings found to be perverted…a Jews to blame some where, some how , guaranteed.

  18. Plasmo Desma

    As expected; it all started when people wanted to defy God. That perversion of our purpose (to revere, worship, enjoy God) is at the root of every evil. Every time society drifts away from Christian ethics it falls to all forms of depravity. And many times it's the very people who claim to be Christians that are the worst offenders!

  19. andrjsh

    This helps to possibly explain the phenomenon of nominally Catholic politicians, but more clearly Hollywood types claiming Judaism, but not even pretending to be religious.

  20. Marcus Aurelius

    Heretical Sabbateans run Hollywood, Wall Street, banks, corporations. The biggest family in this cult are the Rothschild's and the Italian Black Nobility. They scattered to all western countries and responsible for the Bolshevik revolution, and all marxist movements. Epstein, Wexner, Maxwell, Soros, modern Zionist leaders, many false jews. They have infiltrated every religion including, Judaism, Christianity Freemasonry, and Islam. Modern Saudi family are descendants from the Sabbateans as well as modern Israeli leaders.

  21. Brian Brownell

    Eastern was connected to mossad

  22. Eva Kasparova

    I think that was the real reason elites started the cancell culture to protect Evil go public.

  23. ROADIES Garage

    Your grandpa's gut didn't fail you brother

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