Areas That Will Remain Stable Longer

by | Mar 19, 2023 | Silver IRA | 26 comments

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How to determine which countries will be stable longer than others as the world shifts to less resources and food prices continue upward.

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As we navigate through these uncertain times, it’s natural to wonder which areas of life will remain stable for the long haul. While no one can predict the future with certainty, there are certain areas that are likely to remain stable for the foreseeable future. Here are some areas that are less likely to be impacted by major changes.

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1. Healthcare: Despite ongoing debates about healthcare policy, the need for healthcare services is not going away. As a result, the healthcare field is likely to remain stable even in the face of economic or political turmoil. Additionally, advancements in technology and medical research will continue to propel the healthcare industry forward.

2. Education: Education is another essential need that is unlikely to be significantly disrupted. While the methods of education may change (such as a shift to remote learning), the basic need for education and the institutions that provide it will remain.

3. Food and Agriculture: People will always need food to survive, and agriculture is the backbone of the food industry. Food and agriculture are essential to human survival and will continue to be a stable sector even with fluctuations in the economy.

4. Energy: While the way we generate energy may shift with changes in technology, the need for energy will remain constant. Meeting energy demands sustainably, however, will be key.

5. Public Safety and Emergency Services: Regardless of what happens in the world, public safety and emergency services will always be in demand. First responders, law enforcement officers, and emergency management personnel will remain a critical part of society.

6. Consumer Goods: While there may be fluctuations in consumer spending, people will always need clothing, electronics, and household goods. The consumer goods industry will remain stable, though the specific products and brands may shift with changing trends.

7. Banking and Finance: Finally, banking and finance are likely to remain stable. As people continue to need access to money and investment options, the financial sector will continue to be a critical part of the economy.

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As we navigate uncertain times, focusing on these stable sectors can provide some much-needed peace of mind. While no one can predict the future, recognizing areas that are likely to remain stable can help us plan for what’s to come.

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  1. Chad Weaver

    Could you please explain the mild temps in Wisconsin, Michigan and southern Minnesota this year? Rain instead of snow, temps in the 30s and 40s.

  2. Revelator

    Nice presentation but challenging to "interpret the chart" when it's not visibly acute. Why are your slides a little blurry? (I'm viewing on an iMac which is pretty well known for excellent contrast and focus. I just moved over to my windows based laptop to see if the problem is inherent. It is. ) So maybe you need some better equipment if you want us to be able to see the detail in your slides.

  3. Greg Fitton

    The black horse and 33, interesting.

  4. Sand Hills

    Harvest your own seeds from heirloom fruits and vegetables. Ignorant to think seeds will always be available. Seed viability goes down every year. Some plants require two years to produce seed.

  5. Gayle Waltersdorf

    Hi David. I can only fit 2 12' x 4' raised beds on my tiny yard. then added a hot box next to the house for better cover in winter. all facing south,, lots of sun. We let a few of our lettuces go to seed every year. so harvested a very early lettuce crop due to winter heat wave. the hot box produced plenty of kale all year round. we used up all our potatoes & squash quickly, don't have any cold storage. no garage or basement. i have to brainstorm a bit to solve that one. anyway, just a few thoughts. Thanks for all your help. G

  6. American Minutemen

    Please, elaborate upon your assertion that earth removes salt from sawater.

  7. Targander L

    Sorry David but most, if not all those beans/legumes in those bags have been "irradiated " for molds and insect pests, rendering them "Non-Sproutable". Best to find a farmer/gardener who saves seeds from their own crops each year.

  8. Truth Revealed

    Most people don't understand how the landscape of Africa was completely changed even over a span of 200 years … They started with lush tropical forests … And then were colonized, and in came the logging industry … And cattle ranches … And crops. Literally, they CREATED the dry deforested Savannah grassland and deserts that exist today. With the removal of entire forests, it brought about droughts, with the drying up of springs, lakes, and old river beds.

    The same is now slowly happening in the outskirts of the Amazon, while heavy logging continues and mining companies are also getting in. Although it's "illegal" there is no regulating or monitoring of native forests being burned for agriculture profits.

    I hear stories from Peruvians living in the High Amazon which has been converted mostly to agriculture and pastures, with some speckled forest spots remaining. People tell me of springs that would produce water all year round, until those giant old trees were removed … People and SCIENCE don't understand the implications these MASSIVE old root systems have on underground water. Giant old tree roots ARE aquifers. That's something they will never teach in hydrogeology.

    So now we see just west of the High Amazon, those bare mountains that have been stripped of all their forests, now turning into dried out deserts. Go take a look on Google Maps. You can clearly see the old logging trails left behind, and the green vs desert. And then afterwards, they mine the hell out of those mountains in order to extract minerals and metals, sometimes leaving behind those toxic lakes. Those areas now seldom receive rain. Science still has yet to understand how large TREES act as transmitters for rain and cloud precipitation (hidden physics), however it is known that trans-evaporation accounts for most of the cloud formation and small precipitation events in the Amazon.

    People need to start living a self sufficient life. We are starting a homestead community of believers in a tropical area in Peru which is right next to vast thousands of miles of Amazon forest.

  9. Voice Factor

    40% of all small Business (less then 100) have gone out ff Business in the last 2.5 years.

  10. MASTER Disaster

    Dave; every single word you say, goes wwwaayyyyy further than youuu could think. don't stop, you are AWESOME !! Much love from a pure blood

  11. Dfreak01

    Squirrel Tribe on YouTube has done a ton of research on the minerals UNDER the areas of the train derailment and poisoning. The region will be scooped up!!

  12. Lisa Stanley

    When bill gates bought farm land everyone should have known that food was going to be GOLD
    It was premeditated and a way to usher in their slavery program

  13. Lisa Stanley

    It’s all part of the government slavery program

  14. FixItStupid

    Hot Spots From Nuclear Fall Out From All The Nuclear Melt Downs Bomb Fall Out @ 34 CPM All Leak & Vent Cancer

  15. James Hampton

    The market cycle actually has not met it balance, we continue onward round around and around while hanging tight for that tremendous victory on a colossal >support yet meanwhile we could constantly disregard the market promising and less promising times and remain completely contributed. Enormous thanks to Randy Douglas for assisting me with acquiring over 15btc in about a month and a half by carrying out his technique and following his guide<

  16. Thomas Easton

    The fact is that BTC symbolises the future of cryptocurrency, and traders are wondering if now is the best moment to trade, I feel you should examine the situation more closely before jumping to any conclusion. BTC's price has been fluctuating over the previous days, signaling that the market has become unstable and that is it impossible to anticipate whether it will go bearish or bullish. Others are patient, while others continue to trade with no risk. It all depends on the pattern you're trading and the source of your signal, i earned 8.4 BTC starting with 2 BTC in just a few weeks implementing Randy Douglas daily trades. I managed to collect more than tips and tricks.

  17. Thomas Easton

    The cryptocurrency market is expected to have a significant year in 2023, with predictions of a bull run on the horizon. Analysts have cited various factors that may contribute to the growth of the leading cryptocurrency, including the global macroeconomic environment, stock prices, inflation, Federal Reserve data, and a possible recession. Increased inflation and a declining trust in traditional financial systems may also play a role. To stay informed and potentially benefit from market movements, and signals provided by experts such as Randy Douglas .

  18. blackbird garden

    2 excellent videos. Thankyou David.

  19. Alan Attfield

    Need to be aware of the closing of Dutch farms the Dutch are the second highest producer of vegetables after the USA and this is going to have a serious effect on food shortage

  20. Mary Wright

    Look at Dow Chemical in Midland Michigan and their Dioxin problem. The damage is permanent. Talk about a con job. There catch phrase while this was going on. Life is fragile handle with care."

  21. Gordon Becker

    If they would quit burning down all the food processing facilities, quit polluting all the best farm lands of the world with chemical derailments, geo-engineering, and wars, and quit the foolish greeny crap so there’s plenty diesel fuel & natural gas to make fertilizer, to cultivate, to transport, and to process food then there would be no shortages.

    There’s some kind of nut job insanity factor at work in this “cycle” we are currently in.
    Guess we could call it the “nut cycle”.

  22. Mary Wright

    The UK is ready to go up in flames

  23. Erin Neill

    We're having terrible trouble with possums coming at night and eating anything not covered. We even have plastic domes over things that the possum loves, like everlasting spinach, and, the little devil punched a hole in it and ate everything immediately under the big hole. I knew the thick moulded plastic was getting brittle but who would guess that the little varmint would punch his way through it!! (Brisbane, Australia).

  24. Rick_

    america doesnt give 2 shits about any africa at this point

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