Ask Doug Andrew | Which Is Better a Traditional IRA, a Roth, or a Max-Funded IUL?

by | Mar 4, 2023 | Traditional IRA | 8 comments

Ask Doug Andrew | Which Is Better a Traditional IRA, a Roth, or a Max-Funded IUL?

Three big things cause people to out live their money.
In this training, we will discuss those three things and how they are affected by Traditional IRA’s, Roth IRA’s and Max-Funded IUL’s.
You will also learn why it is CRITICAL that you work with a properly trained IUL advisor to make this happen for you.

To your abundance!
Doug Andrew

Key Moments In This Episode
0:00 Introduction & Summary
2:02 The million dollar dash
6:25 The 4 phases of retirement planning
13:17 Indexing…how to participate in the market without losing
14:21 Bring back tax deductions
15:10 Get Your Copy of The LASER Fund!

What To Watch Next
How a Max Funded IUL Can Earn Tax Free Returns that are Safer & Higher than Banks Offer

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With any mention of The LASER Fund, maximum-funded tax-advantaged insurance contracts, or related financial vehicles throughout these videos, let it be noted that life insurance policies are not investments and, accordingly, should not be purchased as an investment.

Where appropriate, authentic examples of clients’ policies have been incorporated, with names changed or hidden to safeguard privacy. Additionally, past performance of existing client policies do not indicate or predict future returns. You should use caution in applying the material contained in this video to your specific situation and should seek competent advice from a qualified professional. Accordingly, the authors and publisher assume no responsibility for actions taken by readers based upon the information offered therein….(read more)

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REVEALED: Best Gold Backed IRA

When it comes to planning for retirement, there are several options to choose from. Three of the most popular options are traditional IRAs, Roth IRAs, and max-funded IULs. So, which one is better? Let’s take a closer look and ask Doug Andrew.

Doug Andrew, a retirement planning expert, believes that max-funded IULs, or indexed universal life insurance policies, are the best option for retirement planning. Here’s why:

Tax Benefits: One of the biggest advantages of a max-funded IUL over traditional and Roth IRAs is the tax benefits. With a max-funded IUL, you can access your money tax-free during retirement. This is because the money in the policy grows tax-deferred and can be accessed through loans and withdrawals without incurring any taxes.

Flexibility: Another advantage of max-funded IULs is their flexibility. With a traditional IRA, you must start taking required minimum distributions (RMDs) at age 72. With a Roth IRA, there are no required minimum distributions, but you must pay taxes on the money you withdraw. With a max-funded IUL, there are no required minimum distributions, and you can withdraw money without incurring taxes or penalties.

Death Benefit: Max-funded IULs also offer a death benefit. This means that if you pass away, your beneficiaries will receive a tax-free payment, which can provide them with financial security.

So, if max-funded IULs are the best option, why do some people choose traditional or Roth IRAs? There are a few reasons.

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Simplicity: Traditional and Roth IRAs are simple to set up and manage. With a max-funded IUL, there are more regulations and restrictions.

Investment Options: With a traditional or Roth IRA, you can invest in stocks, bonds, and mutual funds, which can provide higher yields than a max-funded IUL. However, these investments also come with more risk.

In the end, the best option for you will depend on your personal financial goals and situation. However, it’s clear that max-funded IULs offer unique advantages and should be considered when planning for retirement. Asking experts like Doug Andrew can also help you make the right choice.

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  1. Lisa X

    Does that mean I should withdraw my 401k, pay penalties, before I can fund a Max funded IUL?

  2. Daniel Romero

    can you explain the roth conversion ladder?

  3. Jay

    I U L

  4. Marvin Bontrager

    Now make a video showing an original illustration for an IUL that's over 10 years old, that is beaten by or matched by a current illustration 10 years later.

  5. Go Wen

    Hey Doug I have noticed that carriers are still continuing to lower the cap rates on their S&P 500 indices even though rates are rising. I know that most insurance companies' general accounts are pretty sensitive to interest rates. When can we expect these companies to start raising cap rates again? FFR above 3.25%?

  6. Carter Locc

    What happens when you have a zero gain year and the fees start to eat into your premium?

  7. Kelly Restiana

    I am new to investing, I’m 30 and have been working in customer service/ retail over the last 14 years and haven’t gotten anywhere in life, this video has been a big eye opener as I have been learning about investing over the last 2 months. I am tired of feeling like I’ve been getting nowhere when I’m a very intelligent and hard working individual.

  8. Cbb Cbb

    I like your presentation, but I'm not sure who it applies to. If someone has already done a 401k a Rollover to a Traditional IRA, what should they do? Does what you do apply to people with modest incomes?

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