August 3, 2023 Episode of The Ramsey Show

by | Sep 2, 2023 | Inherited IRA | 21 comments

The Ramsey Show (August 3, 2023)
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The Ramsey Show, a highly popular radio talk show, aired its latest episode on August 3, 2023, captivating thousands of listeners with its engaging content and expert financial advice. Hosted by the renowned financial expert, Dave Ramsey, the show continues to enjoy an ever-growing audience, providing valuable insights and helping individuals and families secure financial freedom.

Known for his no-nonsense approach and unwavering commitment to financial literacy, Dave Ramsey has carved out a niche in the media industry that has resonated with millions around the globe. The Ramsey Show, which is syndicated nationwide, has become a go-to resource for anyone seeking practical advice on managing money, eliminating debt, investing wisely, and ultimately attaining financial peace of mind.

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The August 3rd episode of The Ramsey Show was no exception to the exceptional content delivered by Dave Ramsey. The show featured an array of callers seeking guidance on diverse topics ranging from budgeting challenges to investment planning, making it relatable to a broad audience. Ramsey, with his characteristic blend of wit and wisdom, tackled each caller’s question with empathy and provided tailored solutions that left listeners inspired to take charge of their financial future.

One of the highlights of this particular episode was a segment on debt-free living. Ramsey passionately advocated for individuals to embrace a debt-free lifestyle by meticulously outlining the Baby Steps, his trademark approach to financial success. Listeners gained invaluable insights into how to budget effectively, prioritize debt repayment, build an emergency fund, and ultimately achieve financial independence. Ramsey’s articulate advice served as a beacon of hope for those trapped in the cycle of debt, offering practical strategies to break free and live a life free from financial worries.

Another noteworthy aspect of The Ramsey Show is the variety of expert guests featured, augmenting the breadth of knowledge shared with the audience. On this episode, Ramsey hosted renowned investment advisor, Chris Hogan, who discussed the essentials of retirement planning. Hogan outlined key principles such as disciplined saving, diversified investments, and the importance of setting realistic expectations for retirement. This expert-driven dialogue further solidified The Ramsey Show’s reputation as a reliable source of credible financial guidance.

Notably, while The Ramsey Show primarily focuses on financial matters, it also addresses the emotional aspects of money management. In this episode, Ramsey delved into the psychology behind personal finance, recognizing that money management is not solely about numbers on a spreadsheet, but also about the decisions and behaviors that shape our financial outcomes. His emphasis on the emotional side of finance resonated deeply with listeners and underscored the holistic approach he adopts in empowering others to attain financial freedom.

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In conclusion, The Ramsey Show’s August 3, 2023 episode proved once again why it continues to be a beloved source of financial wisdom for millions of listeners across the nation. With its engaging content, expert advice, and commitment to transforming financial lives, Dave Ramsey and his team have created an indispensable resource for those seeking to improve their financial well-being. As the show continues to touch lives and provide actionable guidance, The Ramsey Show stands as a beacon of hope and inspiration on the path towards financial freedom.

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  1. Jackson Brown

    Bring Jade to the lake house. She can stay with my wife and myself.

  2. Renee Staples

    Love them together!

  3. Susan Jean

    Finance student guy needs to study hardy.

  4. Kristen Trohkimoinen

    She married his best friend…. would that have made him happy? Kinda weird

  5. Grace Dawson Beatty

    That debt free scream story got me emotional.

  6. Bhil

    The callers numbers do not make sense.
    $69 per month 20 years paid, gets a policy way over $80k if started at 17 years old.
    If started at 1 year old it would be way way over 150,000 policy.
    And her cash value numbers do not make sense either. They would be higher as well. The guaranteed cash would be higher.
    >at 1:39:30, "that the lady put in $16200 in premiums which is more than the death benefit."
    Ignoring the points above that the death benefit would have started much higher, the caller stated that the current death benefit is 47,000. Listening is important part of financial advice. And Dave just agreed with her.
    Dave totally blows the explanation of the mutual companies.
    His explanation assumes the companies sit on their money and dont reinvest it.
    But Dave, the companies reinvest and can not tell exactly how much the growth will be this year before the year is over, and since the companies are setting rates for policies well into the future, they can not know what their returns will be 20 years from now, either,
    But they invest the money and the extra growth is paid back to the policies holders.
    Not because they over charged, but because they are honest and give back the the policy holders.
    But maybe Dave is the financial wiz and can tell me the growth in 2042.
    Dave throws around the 'average return of the market' numbers as though they mean anything.
    Back in 4th grade math class, you learned that you cannot average averages.
    Example: $100 invested and the first your you gain 50%, the second you lose 25% (.5 + -.25 = .25 .5/2 years = an average of 12.5% return) In this case the value you have after the second year is $112.5.
    But if Dave's words are used it would calculate 12.5% return per year and 2 years is 126.56
    The actual return is just over 6%
    Second, those calculations are all done without including the investment fee. When that is included the actual return is about 4%
    Dave's entire premise is that the S&P500 averaged XX%, which is not an actual return thus his premise is based on imaginary numbers. And if an actual, legitimate, financial advisor stated the same, the advisors compliance officer would be in contact with them. Dave has no regulatory agencies that he reports to. He can use imaginary numbers if he wants to. Some so called financial advisors repeat Daves words and hide behind Dave's words
    Dave is an 'entertainer'. That is how he avoids being regulatory agencies.

  7. Matthew Tangeman

    Hey Dave, are the Knights of Columbus out to screw people? Or are they the largest lay catholic fraternal insurer in the world whose surplus goes to dividends and charities? Do the Knights give more or less to charity than the Ramsey enterprise?

  8. Monica D Henderson

    Whole life insurance is NOT shady!! Their are people young & old cannot get term life insurance because they are sickly. Whole is good for whom needs it!!!

  9. christopher chance

    HOLY COW!!! I’ve been watching Dave’s stuff on & off for years and maybe decades…. I’m 52, almost a $m. I’ve disagreed on the debt & credit part of advice. Using those tools is credible. BBUUTT… what Dr Delony said about the underlying anxiety in just the first few moments of this show were life changing in prospective!!! Fortunately, I’ve positioned myself to be able to fix this relatively quickly but WOW! Changed my mind on how most can handle those dangerous tools!

  10. Kelly Tilghman

    Could be helpful to know anxiety in men often shows as anger.

  11. Nissan 350

    Stace in Louisiana. $25k pay out on the whole life policy. $69 a month over 20yrs. Had that money been invested properly would have over $40k. This is why whole life insurance is trash

  12. Nissan 350

    Jade's shirt game is on point.

  13. Susan Connolly

    Dave must be a trillionaire by now. Yet, he continues to sell, sell. I bought a class at his FPU and they continuously pushed more and more stuff to BUY. Jeez Louise, when is it enough money for you folks?

  14. Danielle Babb

    What happened to Christina??

  15. Amanda Keister

    Can someone please tell her that she doesn’t have to comment or respond to every single thing Dave says?? Especially when he’s not talking to her.

  16. Matthew Tangeman

    2 of 2 Don't like the return she mentioned? Did you address the appropriate risk for the age and stage or think about sequence of return risks? Blindly recommending mutual funds is your sound advice?

  17. Ricardo Garcia

    I hardly ever comment on things like this. But as someone that feels empathy for the young man that called about using student loans for short-term treasury bonds which I'm assuming he meant I want to say that. Don't let the people that place themselves high and mighty discourage you from asking questions and seeking mentorship. Dave Ramsey did a great job explaining things and taking you under his wing. As for some of the comments I've seen im disappointed to see them call themselves business owners etc talking down on you saying they would never hire you. A true leader does not place others down they pick them up. Don't let them discourage you from asking questions. I'm a business owner myself and I was a non-commissioned officer in the Army I have my fair share of mentoring and training. You are doing a great job keep it up. …….Side note for those of you that say it's unethical it's even been said in Dave's Videos that 90% of the student loans that were paused during covid were used to buy alcohol, drugs, and parties. Dont, act like you chose to pay taxes to fund these student loans because the majority of you if you were given the choice wouldn't pay taxes for that. And this young man that thought of using the loans to make a return even if small shouldn't be crushed like that. The man is in finance and instead of using the loans to piss and snort them away he would invest in the government make a return and pay the loan back. After all, isn't that what education loans are for to get a return…… Similar tactics are used by the biggest hedge funds in the world like BlackRock. Assuming he meant to buy treasury bonds that are backed by the government and he keeps it till maturity which he said short term 3 months is a good example he gets full face value plus interest paid. Your bond loses value only if you wish to sell the bond to buy a higher-paying bond in which this case you would sell the bond at what is called a discount. And to top it off many people call student loans a scam by giving young college students high amounts of loans in which these students never had any financial education on how to properly use debt. And then this is a kind of debt that can never be erased it will follow you even if you file for bankruptcy. It has screwed over many students and the profits generated through those loans are used for questionable actions themselves. The rich get richer some would say. But not you the taxpayers you get no return you never even had a choice. So is it unethical for a young man to make some money like this my opinion is no? If the return is only $3000 then I think he should just go work for it because he will appreciate the returns a lot more if it came out of some elbow grease. But would the government care about the profits he made if he were to use this strategy? absolutely not. They are too busy making big-boy money with wars, taxing the American people when they buy, sell, live, and die. Questionable foreign arrangements. Questionable sex education in schools. And yet people go ham on this young man looking for mentorship. Peter if you're reading this keep hustling in school keep learning and don't let others get you down. You're doing a great job and I hope you make a difference in this world for the better. SGT G out

  18. theclothingcottage

    The player guy is not going to change, he is more concerned about what everyone else sees him as, then in the best interest of his family. If she gets him to counseling chances are he's just doing it as a manipulation and to placate her, he doesn't think he needs to change. Eventually he will hit it big in his mind. I've had several people like this in my family.

  19. Ian Johnstone

    She paid in $16,000 and she got $47,000 in permanent tax free death benefit or $25,000 in cash…. Where is the rip off here?

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