“Bank Bailout Makes Hillary Uneasy”

by | May 21, 2023 | Bank Failures | 15 comments

“Bank Bailout Makes Hillary Uneasy”

Sen. Hillary Clinton, D-N.Y., explains to Harry Smith why Congress needs to rein in the Bush administration on the economic bailout so taxpayers themselves will see the benefit….(read more)


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Hillary Uneasy Over Bank Bailout: What does it mean for the economy?

Hillary Clinton, former Secretary of State and one of the major candidates for the US presidency, has expressed disquiet over the bank bailout. In an interview with CNN, she said that while the intention behind it might have been well-meaning, there was too much interference in the market that had caused economic instability, particularly in the banking sector.

The bank bailout, which was introduced after the 2008 financial crisis, was intended to rescue banks from going bankrupt, which would have caused economic collapse. The bailout program cost the taxpayers a sum of over $700 billion and was deemed necessary, given the scale of the crisis.

However, critics have said that the bailout was too big, too broad, and too focused on banks that were deemed too big to fail. This led to accusations of corporate welfare, with the government intervening in the market to save the banks from their own failures. It also created moral hazard, where the banks would take risks with the knowledge that they could rely on the government to bail them out in case of any failures.

Hillary’s comments echo the fears of many who believe that the government should not have intervened in the market to the extent that it did. She has stated that regulations must be put in place that prevent individual financial institutions from becoming too big to fail. But she also said that the market should be left to itself, and that the government should not have too much interference in the market.

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The fallout of the bank bailout has been felt in many sectors of the economy. The financial industry, for instance, has seen huge layoffs and job losses, while many banks have been forced to create regulatory compliance divisions to deal with increased governmental oversight. The bailout also led to increased borrowing by the government, which has created a large national debt.

Despite the criticisms, the bank bailout is seen by some as having prevented an economic collapse that could have been far worse than the one that was experienced. The banks, who were on the verge of bankruptcy, were prevented from failing, and the market was stabilized to some extent.

However, Hillary’s comments are a sign that questions are still being asked about the bank bailout, and whether it was the right response to the crisis. The US economy is still recovering, and there are still concerns about the level of risk being taken by financial institutions. As the 2016 elections draw closer, it is likely that these issues will be debated more extensively, and perhaps even lead to regulatory changes.

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  1. ATorkKh

    Banks got greedy and needed government assistance to get out the situation they found themselves in. Should have let them fail. That's real capitalism.

  2. Daniel Vickery

    I lost my f**** house over this s**. I don't want the federal government to tell me where my money is going anymore. You made me homeless. I don't give a s** if this f**** s*** is f**** 8 years old. I'm still pissed off. You should not be able to tell me where my labor goes.

  3. paralentor

    0:45 she simply states we have to intervene well the go with Dr. Ron Paul's recommendation of giving every American 300,000 dollars and fend for themselves.

  4. Thumper genepool

    Oh she's a smoothe bitch, lying through her fucking teeth, that's why America is fucked cause you fall for this convincing shit everytime.

  5. Letter

    @langleywil lol he doesn't even sound american

  6. Peter Charleman

    can you count the Trillions? lol. and his tribal name is mau mau kikiyu from his father tribal homeland of kenya. only the truth here mate.

  7. Peter Charleman

    obama mau mau kikiyu tribe member from kenya has spent more money than bush did. no good for america. no good for me.

  8. reallyDonB

    Hillary is brilliant. Everything would be more moderate and "in check" if she were President.

  9. reallyDonB

    VERY mature. *rolls eyes*

  10. imluckytlc

    The Lady knows her stuff!1
    O Hussien Needs her because all he wants to do bow to the Saudi King and shake hands hands and look like a fool with the ememy on forgien Soil!!!
    The guy is dangerous!!!

  11. philblunt420

    Hillary wants her share

  12. Richard

    why cant i see the video

    wanting new friends cI

  13. markclark5

    Could it be that the Banks are stealing hundreds of billions from the US tax payer? The meetings with the bankers were those purely altruistic to save the countries economy? or to stuff their pockets on the backs of the honest workers of America? The bankers are already using the bailout money to give their own employees huge bonuses AGAIN! Support the Kosinic investigation. Don't let them get away with this again.

  14. markclark5

    Could it be that the Banks are stealing hundreds of billions from the US tax payer? The meetings with the bankers were those purely altruistic to save the countries economy? or to stuff their pockets on the backs of the honest workers of America? The bankers are already using the bailout money to give their own employees huge bonuses AGAIN! Support the Kosinic investigation. Don't let them get away with this again.

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