Bank Failures: “I Believe This is Only the Beginning…It Has Now Gone Global”

by | Sep 12, 2023 | Bank Failures | 35 comments

Bank Failures: “I Believe This is Only the Beginning…It Has Now Gone Global”

More at The banking crisis is over. At least, according to Jamie Dimon of J.P. Morgan.

After First Republic Bank collapsed over the weekend and regulators sold the firm to J.P. Morgan, Dimon remarked, “this part of the crisis is over.”

If you trust big bankers like Dimon, Silicon Valley Bank, Signature Bank, and now First Republic Bank were simply bad apples that have now been weeded out. We’re being told that the issues plaguing banks are solved and that banks should experience smooth sailing going forward.

In today’s video, Mike examines the facts and exposes some troubling signs brewing in the banking system. We could see some other banks in trouble soon – and some of the big names might surprise you.
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BANK FAILURES: “My Feeling Is This Is Just Ramping Up…It is International Now”

The recent statement by an anonymous financial expert that “My feeling is this is just ramping up…it is international now” has raised serious concerns about the state of banks worldwide. The fear of potential bank failures has sent shockwaves throughout the global financial community, leaving economists and policymakers scrambling to understand the gravity of the situation.

While the details behind this statement are scarce, it underscores the increasing unease that some industry insiders have been voicing for quite some time. Many have long warned about the vulnerability of the global banking system, pointing to various factors such as inadequate regulatory frameworks, systemic risks, and mounting debt levels.

The COVID-19 pandemic has undeniably exacerbated existing vulnerabilities within the financial sector. The subsequent economic downturn has hit businesses hard, rendering them unable to fulfill their financial obligations and causing a ripple effect on banks. With a surge in bad loans and diminishing profitability, banks are now at risk of potential insolvencies.

However, it is essential to maintain a measured perspective and not succumb to panic. While the current situation does possess unique challenges, the global banking system has undergone significant regulatory reforms since the 2008 financial crisis. These reforms, such as enhanced capital requirements and stress tests, aim to enhance the resilience of financial institutions and mitigate the risk of bank failures.

Yet, concerns persist due to the interconnectedness of the global economy. Globalization has resulted in increased cross-border financial activities, making even the demise of a single bank potentially harmful to economies worldwide. The domino effect of one bank’s failure impacting others can be devastating, leading to financial crises that reverberate globally.

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This interconnectedness is also why the statement of “it is international now” holds such weight. Economic crises are no longer confined to national borders but can rapidly escalate into a worldwide catastrophe. Any weaknesses in one country’s banking system can quickly spread throughout the international financial network.

Furthermore, the statement underscores the importance of global coordination and cooperation. The fight against potential bank failures requires a collaborative approach, with governments, regulatory bodies, and financial institutions working in unison to address systemic risks and restore stability. A failure to do so could result in severe economic and social consequences for nations across the globe.

In conclusion, while it is crucial to consider the gravity of the anonymous financial expert’s statement, it is equally important to maintain a balanced perspective. The international banking system faces challenges, particularly in light of the ongoing pandemic, but past reforms and regulatory measures have improved its resilience. However, the interconnected nature of the global economy demands vigilance and collaborative efforts to prevent potential bank failures from denigrating into a full-blown international crisis.

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  1. RantzBizGroup

    We can now comfortably say that the information in this video was incorrect.

  2. RantzBizGroup

    Fact check here, this video was absolutely incorrect.

  3. Vinayaka H J

    All big investment banks are laying off employees, wht shd they do as per u ?!!! @goldsilver

  4. Nicky Masangu

    Mike maloney how can i reach out to you?

  5. Rodney Leon

    1:45 I like Mike's regrettably disagreeing voice

  6. David Lim

    Next biggie Deutche Bank.

  7. Gregory Sagegreene

    Jamie Dimon: "From my 100th floor topaz-colored panoramic clear view, business is good. I'm fine. Being ultra-wealthy, I'm endowed with 'smart' knowledge, and the right to tell you."

    … You really need The Devil to say you're fine?

    Totally Dumb Question: But did anyone ever consider that the idea of any asset 'appreciating', especially – dramatically – over time, might be the whole Pension / Ponzi investment scheme greatest lie ever told. Everyone forgot about investment for material productive growth alone, nothing else – not homes, not 'stocks', not art, not meme/NFT/token.

  8. Joe John

    The end is coming !

  9. Bob G

    This has been on ongoing process to end up with 4 banks in the US. Then the Digital Currency will be implemented.

  10. Some Guy

    Dimon eating banks LOL

  11. Michael Glenning

    Ownership shares in the Fed should be held by all banks in proportion to their size.

  12. Tatiana Starcic

    First Republic Bank was the 14th largest bank in the US, and it wasn't subject to the most strict controls. How many banks actually are subject to those controls, besides the big four? Any bank could suffer a run and fail, and if that happens to a community level or even state level bank it probably won't upset the national economy or ecosystem of banks, but any multi-state bank should be more closely watched.

  13. chriss4365

    Interesting banks cant loan themselves the currency to pay depositors but can print the dollar out of thin air for mortgages and other loans.

  14. Alfonso Alfonso

    JP Morgan is transferring profits over sea’s, to the hyper-rich and your children will die quickly.

  15. Arbaaz Sulema

    You are really a great teacher and explainer

  16. Phoenix Crown

    Maybe when the next financial crisis really hits, average idiots will need to get jobs that actually produce something, and my YouTube educational channels won't be so full of people hawking their "expert" financial advice.

  17. Michael McCotter

    Mike may have labeled this video, "How to make a big Bank Bigger and more powerful" This is the agenda of the Globalists Bankster's.

  18. Michael McCotter

    J Dimon is the Al Capone of the Big Bankster's.

  19. Rafa PB

    I think the majority of commercial banks are going to bankrupt… To let some few… The investment banks are safe with central bank protection… Just a point of view… Great information.

  20. Steve Fernandez

    Jp morgan today buys out first republic.

  21. h30202

    JPM is a cousin of FedRev. I bet some of their board members overlap.

  22. Nathan Hutton

    JP Morgan has 10% of the world's deposits??? There's no way the FDIC could bail out depositors in that institution. If JP Morgan or Chase falls, there's going to be a major panic and financial crisis.

  23. Nelson Alquino Join

    salamat sa pag share ng collection mo boss godblees po sa channel mo ❤❤❤❤

  24. Tony

    All planned to getting all the sheep into 5 pens were they control the massive slaughter…

  25. branden burks

    I hate that the sites like Zero Hedge always use insider terms that they know a regular person wouldn’t understand as well.

  26. Ready Oar Knot

    Jamie Die Man's banking system IS very sound. The f….er made billions on fraudulent metal manipulation.

  27. Clarence Hoover

    “The system is very very sound.” Yea. Sounds like 1000 metal garbage cans dropped from the sky.

  28. maxim me

    UBS has swallowed the poison pill….
    Just waiting for it to swell up and explode

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