Banking Bad: A Monologue on Real Time with Bill Maher (HBO)

by | Feb 12, 2024 | Bank Failures | 18 comments

Banking Bad: A Monologue on Real Time with Bill Maher (HBO)

Bill reacts to the top stories of the week, including bank failures, seaweed blobs and more in his Real Time monologue….(read more)


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Real Time with Bill Maher is known for its no-holds-barred take on current events, and one of its recent monologues took aim at the banking industry with a skit called “Banking Bad.” The segment was an unapologetic criticism of the failings and excesses of the banking system, and it didn’t pull any punches.

In “Banking Bad,” Maher didn’t shy away from highlighting the ways in which the banking industry has prioritized profits over people, and how it has often failed to serve the public interest. Maher pointed out that in many cases, the banking industry has taken advantage of consumers, whether through predatory lending practices, exorbitant fees, or exploitative financial products.

One of the key points that Maher raised in “Banking Bad” was the issue of overdraft fees. He pointed out that these fees disproportionately affect low-income and minority communities, and that they can easily spiral out of control for individuals who are already struggling to make ends meet. Maher also highlighted how banks make billions of dollars off these fees, at the expense of their own customers.

Maher also took the opportunity to criticize the lack of accountability in the banking industry, pointing out that even after the financial crisis of 2008, relatively few banking executives faced any real consequences for their role in the global economic meltdown. Instead, many of them were rewarded with hefty bonuses and continued to profit handsomely from their positions of power.

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“Banking Bad” also touched on the issue of corporate welfare, pointing out that many of the largest banks benefit from government bailouts and subsidies, while simultaneously lobbying against regulations that would hold them accountable for their actions. Maher argued that this kind of behavior is not only unfair to taxpayers, but also detrimental to the economy as a whole.

Of course, “Banking Bad” wasn’t all doom and gloom. Maher also offered some solutions to the problems he highlighted, such as advocating for stricter regulations on the banking industry, breaking up the big banks, and promoting alternative financial institutions that prioritize the needs of their customers over their bottom line.

The “Banking Bad” monologue on Real Time with Bill Maher was an unapologetic critique of the banking industry, and it brought attention to some of the most pressing issues facing consumers today. It’s a reminder that the banking industry should be held accountable for its actions, and that there are alternatives to the status quo that prioritize fairness and ethics. Whether you agree with Maher’s views or not, “Banking Bad” certainly got people talking about the state of the banking industry and the need for change.

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  1. @UberOwl

    2:23 the audience isn’t reacting cause Bill hasn’t made it entirely clear how they are supposed to react.

    Either that or nobody wants to admit that it’s batshit crazy.

  2. @JAHtony1111

    Hate much of ur stands, but ur still stupid funny. Salute.

  3. @alfredsinkllc4870

    As i said before im a hybrid paired version of all genders and pronoun variations.  And also race ethnicities and religious politcal and hot button viewpoints.  I have identified as this diverse human for quite some time if you know me and long ago recognized others based of such.  So a hate crime or social offense or language joke technically cannot be sanctioned esp as a handicap with learning and physical limitations.  I also recognize of various different body dismorpheous common to bullying thruout the day.  Sorry i offended you or anyone.   Off to apply to scholarships and business loans.  I only am programmed by nature to recognize logic not individual.  Combined with keyboard and sometimes peaceful phone tourettes.  But always calm and peaceful mutual in person.  That is all.  :O)

  4. @snakeplissken3063

    All the black people moving to San Francisco for reparations will cause Earth to fall off it's axis.

  5. @forthecountry7920

    Will Bill address his friendship with Kid Rock now?

  6. @straycat1674

    This is how you ensure that the elites get what they want. One global currency that is digital. No more tipping or paying in cash. Every transaction is recorded and monitored. Eventually your finances will be directed and dictated by the government. I don’t do what they say they take what they want automatically. Good luck Fighting the government. Americans can stand up and scream all they want. When baking institutions are failing, what are you gonna do? Screaming about it and protesting doesn’t stop that from happening. Call

  7. @susantully1533

    Does it count if I identify as black? J/k
    Seriously though. Where is that money coming from?

  8. @TheOJDrinker

    There's reparations, and then there's insanity.

  9. @spleenware

    It's crazy that citizens play by rules of fairness, but the behemoths of finance underneath EVERYTHING are in a Twilight Zone of fakery. It's amazing they've pulled the wool over everyone's eyes for so long.

  10. @duanepigden1337

    With the way things are going I think God doesn’t like USA.

  11. @eyesonly4451

    Yet SVB dismissed their VP of risk management months prior, while increasing their budget for DEI and other woke activities. So yeah, woke played a major role in their demise and subsequent taxpayer bailout. But hey, those depositors were major Dem donors.

  12. @neohippe1

    Banking bad,
    Growing hemp is better.

  13. @el_rey_gris9321

    He's in his own prison now watching the base he built clapping to the ridiculous reparations

  14. @billysunday7507

    I almost spit out my drink at that last joke…

  15. @aphroditesmith558

    Bill I admire you for your sharpens ❤

  16. @billybussey

    All money is imaginary money Bill.

  17. @MrLee-cy1pw

    But don't all the black people live in Oakland?

  18. @hollywoodslym

    Why do white ppl have a problem with reperations for African Americans?
    Everyone was allowed to heal from the terrible things done to them by America accept black folks…from slavery-reconstruction-Jim Crow-crack epidemic
    Black ppl have been told generation after generation to suck it up and stop being the victim….as white person why do feel like reparations is bad idea

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