Barry Bonds Swing Mechanics

by | Jan 4, 2023 | TIPS Bonds | 47 comments

Barry Bonds Swing Mechanics


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  1. Bjorn ulv

    The only man who can be punished for crimes he was found innocent in. Regardless of roids (and it's not hard to get that big naturally.) He still had to hit the ball.

  2. John Wilson

    Yes peds could add but bonds had less slumps and I believe better pitch selection when he did the toe tap thing I think it put into a more compressive stance a smaller zone to pitch to and enabled him to do what your just described very similar to babe Ruth and Ted Williams toe tap Stan Musial did that but people booed him when he tried to explain that was he the greatest t say no because no one is aside from ped should look at the work he had to put in to achieve that swing and guess what so did all of the so called greatest of all times

  3. James Lee

    Do ken Griffey jr.

  4. Evil Monkey Speaks

    Steroids or not, how many players had as smooth a swing as Barry Bonds ?

  5. patrick goodman

    Nah you nailed it Matt. It seems like he’s coiling in his sequence and not transferring weight. His balance is exact despite all of the movement with the hands. Amazing swing by one of the greats. Matt have you ever seen the clip with Willians and bonds side by side? I would love for you to break that down one day


    Nobody listens to Barry Bonds lol I don’t care if he shows up late every day/misses games/is difficult to deal with/blahblahblah, I would pay him TOP DOLLAR to coach hitting.

  7. A Rottie


  8. Mastermind Martial Arts

    What a great breakdown. Fundamentally, his swing is nearly perfect. I was never a Bonds fan ever, but the guy could play. baseball, with or without steroids

  9. jeremey draper

    what video editing do you use to break down bonds swing?

  10. EVilla-8

    When I would watch him hit I always remembered him crowding the plate a bit. He had one spot that he was looking at and when it was there it was time to eat. Such a smart hitter, definition of YES, YES, YES approach. The other thing that's noticeable is the tilt to be able to hit this pitch, which is a little out. If a hitter is standing in a normal spot in the box, this would not be a bad pitch. But to elite hitters with elite approaches makes for an interesting battle! Nice breakdown as always Matt!

  11. 1977TA

    What I learned is correct swing technique produces more bat speed than having a strong body does. You can be as big and strong as you can get but if your swing is slow because your technique is flawed all of those big muscles will be bark with no bite.

    What made Bonds superhuman level dangerous at the plate after he got juiced was he now had spot on swing mechanics with He-Man strength.

  12. Greg Diiamond

    Bat speed came when he started his "supplements".

  13. 9393baseball

    Focusing on mechanics to increase performance is a waste of time. Mechanics is the result of how your body completes a movement. You cant see a lot of things that are more important. You cant know if a player is tired or rested. Or if hes been awake all day. You cant measure bat speed or exit velocity. You cant measure flexibility or how much maximum strength he has. People tend to focus too much on mechanics and then they wonder why they dont improve. Bonds mechanics before ped are the same as after. So if mechanics are the same why he has more power after ped? Because he increased his musclemass, maximum strength, mantained flexibility and he increased the speed of his body as he makes his swing. Thats why he hit better. You have to be very dumb to think that mechanics is what makes you hit better. Stop wasting your time and start increasing muscle mass, increase flexibility, maximum and relative strength and have a good hitting program. Mechanics will come along the way.

  14. joshua farrell

    His hip rotation is very explosive.

  15. GilpexSD

    Great video. Would love to see a breakdown of Gwynn's swing to compare to Barry's since both were the best hitters of that generation.

  16. 3 Knives

    Barry Bonds was juiced to the gills! My problem is why he was never brought up on the steroid issue. It's because he's "BLACK"!

  17. KevinM_TV

    It’s true, you can’t swing a whiffle ball bat that fast. Pretty crazy.

  18. Bernie Stewart

    I saw him hit 676 at Camden and had never heard a ball sound like that off the bat before. Next closest thing is I saw Andrew Jones right before he got called up to Atlanta hit a line drive into the parking lot at the Diamond in Richmond Virginia.


    you cannot look at anything he did with the sf giants. the was completely on steroids. pittsburgh is where he is the normal player. it is easy to tell who was on steroids. look at who hit over 50 home runs since 1966 to 1989. george foster 1977 52 and cecil fielder 1990 51.
    check who hit over 50 and 60 after the steroid test they were not where close. that includes ken griffey jr, his body fell apart after he stopped taking steroids. you cannot use any of these players from thee steroid era to judge hitting

  20. Bernie Stewart

    The amount of torque is amazing.

  21. Jason Gregory

    Another great video… I really enjoy your analysis. I’m still waiting on somebody to point out that one of bonds’ advantages was how he choked up on the bat. What that did was create an automatic fulcrum that allowed the physics and bio mechanics to optimize… He had better control and more speed because of choking up. It’s amazing that no one really talks about this… But I really believe it was a key to his incredibly efficient, and optimized swing. Take care Matt

  22. hawlikd

    Let's admire the great athletes from East Germany eh?

  23. hawlikd

    Can you say HgH . . . The guy was a POS!

  24. gerard lancaster

    I saw bonds live against phili while Sosa and maguire were huge and in the hr race and bonds was still skinny. He gets up to bat and hits a laser of a line drive that hits the wall and looked like it never got more than 20 ft off the ground. I didn’t know anything about baseball at the time but I knew one thing… that guy was different than anybody else that put a bat on the ball that day. I later saw maguire hit 50 and 51 in a double header but that line drive from Barry really stands out.

  25. Steven Hicks

    Best swing I have ever seen. I love how quick and short his upper body is and how powerful his lower body is. I show my 10 yo son Barry Bonds videos and show him what the best swing looks like. Most people think Griffey, Jr.'s swing is perfect. To me it looks pretty but it is to.long and loopy. People can say what they want about Bonds but to me his swing was perfect.

  26. IG Farben

    He started @ 6'1" 180LBS. Retired at 6'4" 260lbs!

  27. Thomas Crowley

    Deserves a spot in Cooperstown

  28. Kevin McGrath

    His upper body doesn't move forward much,
    But he is getting into his Ass hard. It's tough to do dry swingin.
    That ball is way up too.
    His hands go up to start swing at 45-50 ft???? Hell no…..

  29. Alex Armstrong

    A couple things stand out; there’s no extra movement. His movement is efficient and clean. His head is still and his bat gets through the zone ridiculously fast and his balance perfect.

  30. Anthony LaSure

    How Bonds hit like that?
    It begins with a "ster" and ends in "iods"

  31. Sosua Pimp

    Matt,do a video on Sadahara Oh

  32. 187Overkillah

    Matt, you really have to react on Jose Canseco‘s Homer with the Yankees. He looks legit like a Videogame character with a tooth pick at bat and Clubs the shit out of the ball. This was straight up out of a Warner Brothers cartoon….

  33. Cedric Lee-carter

    Grew up swinging like Griffey then switched to barry

  34. Sir Mang

    How? Steroids and HGH. Bonds was already a good hitter with a solid swing but the PEDs made his strength even stronger and his bat speed even faster. He probably would have been a HOFer without the PEDs and a solid 30-30 guy until late in his career when obviously he wouldn't have been running anymore because, well, getting old sucks.

  35. Jordan King

    Barry Bonds puts an emphasis on choking up on the bat and utilizing the top hand. He gave Jennie Finch a BP listen how he'll execute his swings.

  36. mays316

    Barry always started with a great scalp load.

  37. mar- Qaeda

    Love your vlogs sir. More power to your channel

  38. José Figueredo

    Excellent analysis Matt
    You are so good teaching
    Could you do an analysis of Big Papi?

  39. Mike S

    Juiced Baseballs and roids?

  40. Cameron Roberts

    This is like a bob ross swing analysis. I like your voice, if you did more of these I would watch them to sleep, do some pitchers or fielding mechanics!

  41. Hayabusa0268

    People can say what they want about "steroid/supplements" use. But no amount of steroids/supplements can make your hand eye coordination and mechanics better. Bonds always had superb mechanics and superb hand eye coordination.

  42. Super Duty 455

    The correlation between his head increasing in size and his bat speed should be studied.

  43. dhos0082

    Not a Bonds fan but love your break downs. Thank you for sharing all your videos!! Always looking forward to your next one!

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