Batting Tips from Barry Bonds

by | Feb 25, 2023 | TIPS Bonds

Batting Tips from Barry Bonds…(read more)

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Batting Tips from Barry Bonds

Barry Bonds is one of the greatest baseball players of all time and a sure-fire Hall of Famer. He is also one of the most prolific hitters in the history of the sport. Bonds has a wealth of knowledge when it comes to hitting, and his advice can help any aspiring batter become a better hitter. Here are some of Barry Bonds’ top tips for batters:

1. Be patient: Bonds stresses the importance of patience when it comes to hitting. He believes that it is important to wait for the right pitch and to not swing at bad pitches. He also believes that it is important to be selective and not swing at everything.

2. Use your eyes: Bonds believes that the eyes are the most important tool for a hitter. He stresses that a hitter should focus on the ball and use their eyes to track the pitch. He also believes that a hitter should watch the pitcher’s release point and be able to anticipate the pitch.

3. Get your body in the right position: Bonds believes that a hitter should get their body in the right position before they swing. This means that they should be in the right stance, with their feet shoulder-width apart and their weight evenly distributed. He also believes that a hitter should have their hands in the proper position to ensure a smooth swing.

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4. Focus on the ball: Bonds believes that a hitter should focus on the ball from the moment it leaves the pitcher’s hand until it reaches the plate. He also believes that a hitter should use their peripheral vision to track the ball and to be aware of the entire field.

5. Have a plan: Bonds believes that a hitter should have a plan before they even step into the batter’s box. He believes that a hitter should know what type of pitch they are looking for and what type of swing they are going to use. He also believes that a hitter should have a plan for what to do if they don’t get the pitch they were looking for.

These are just a few of Barry Bonds’ top batting tips. By following his advice, any aspiring hitter can improve their batting skills and become a better hitter.

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