Beating Inflation with My Investment Strategy: Increasing Funds for Investing

by | Feb 12, 2024 | Invest During Inflation | 1 comment

Beating Inflation with My Investment Strategy: Increasing Funds for Investing

Howzit going guys? Hope you have all had an excellent week. Most importantly I hope you are all surviving this hectic inflation that we are feeling. Today I will be sharing an inflation survival kit that I’m implementing in my day to day that is helping us cut costs and most importantly have extra money to invest in beat up stocks. Before we get into that, I’m excited to share the new website with you. This platform will feature all my products and services to include videos, merchandise, my eBook and an app that is coming out soon. Be sure to check out the eBook, you won’t regret it! With that being said, let’s take a look at the inflation survival kit.

Step one is to get creative with your spending habits. Eating out can get expensive, but there are simple alternatives that can be just as delicious. An example is our pizza that we like to order every now and then. This pizza costs us around $30 with tax, however, we were able to find a really good alternative that we place in the oven for around $7. We even took it a step further and found a flat bread dough, that combined with mushrooms, onions and your favorite ingredients, comes out amazing. This cost us roughly $5 and we had a large flat bread pizza for 3. Another cost cutting hack that we discovered, is that instead of ordering coffee from Starbucks, we buy the K-cups, make the coffee at home for about 50c, we then get them in to go cups, go over to Dunkin Donuts and buy a donut for $1.19. Saved ourselves around $8. Self-discipline is required of course.

Step two is to consolidate high interest loans. is an excellent website to find alternatives that may offer a better deal when it comes to loans. They list all the rates industry wide, so that you can pick and chose a better rate. Lowering high interest can save you a lot every month. Also, try and avoid bad debt all together. Ask yourself if that thing is really important in you life and if you can live without it. You’d be surprised how much you can save by just asking that simple question.

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Step Three is to look for deals. Coupons are not cool, but I’m not asking you to be cool, I’m trying to help you save some money so that you can invest it! Keep an eye out for weekly deals at your local grocery store. Taking the time to find these deals will be worth it, as you will save a substantial amount every month. A lot of grocery stores will also add perks like gas points. We shop at Kroger and each time we spend, we accumulate gas points, which go towards lowering the cost per gallon. Many other stores like Costco and Sam’s Club will offer the same perks. Find them and take advantage of them.

Once you have a few extra dollars saved due to your genius cost cutting skills, you can now look to invest in beaten down stocks. Do your research and find companies with solid fundamentals that you see being around 100 years from now. Remember, wealth is made in bear markets, not in bull markets. Add to your investments and you will be grateful a year from now, or once the markets get back into bull territory. If you do not have an investing app, I recommend one like Robinhood. It is easy to use and the user interface looks clean. I have a link below to get access.

Well guys, that is all for today. Thank you for subscribing and liking. I’m extremely grateful for all of you. Keep investing, stay in the game, keep your head up and I’ll catch you on the next video. Cheers!!

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Recipe for that Flatbread
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LEARN ABOUT: Investing During Inflation

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Inflation is the silent killer of wealth. It erodes the purchasing power of our hard-earned money, making it more challenging to afford the same goods and services over time. For investors, this means that the returns on our investments need to outpace the rate of inflation in order to grow our wealth effectively. With inflation rates on the rise, it’s becoming increasingly important to have a solid strategy in place to beat inflation and secure more money to invest.

One of the key strategies I employ to beat inflation and have more money to invest is to focus on investments that provide protection against inflation. This means putting my money into assets that have historically outperformed during periods of inflation, such as real estate, commodities, and equities. These assets have the potential to increase in value as the cost of living rises, allowing me to maintain and even grow my purchasing power over time.

Additionally, I also look for investments that offer a steady stream of income, such as dividend-paying stocks, bonds, and real estate investment trusts (REITs). By generating a consistent cash flow, these investments can help offset the impact of inflation on my overall portfolio. This way, even if the value of my assets isn’t keeping up with inflation, I can still benefit from a reliable income stream that grows over time.

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Furthermore, I make it a point to diversify my investments across different asset classes and regions. By spreading my money across a variety of investments, I can reduce the risk of being heavily impacted by inflation in any one area. Diversification is a proven strategy for managing risk and can help me weather the storms of inflation while still growing my wealth.

Another important element of my strategy to beat inflation and have more money to invest is to regularly review and adjust my investment portfolio. As inflation rates fluctuate, certain investments may perform better or worse. By staying on top of market trends and economic indicators, I can make informed decisions about when to re-allocate my assets in order to maximize returns and protect against inflation.

Additionally, I pay close attention to the interest rates set by central banks. Higher interest rates can be a signal of rising inflation, and I adjust my investment strategy accordingly. I also keep an eye on the stock market, as certain sectors can be more resilient to inflationary pressures than others, providing opportunities for growth and protection against inflation.

In conclusion, beating inflation and having more money to invest requires a strategic approach that includes investing in assets that provide protection against inflation, generating a steady income stream, diversifying across different asset classes and regions, and staying informed about market trends and economic indicators. By employing these strategies, I am able to beat inflation and cultivate more money to invest, thus preserving and growing my wealth over time.

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1 Comment

  1. @Flex7370

    Love the video and will be keeping an eye out for more info. Great place and starting point for a noob like me to learn.

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