Best dividend stocks to hedge against inflation

by | Aug 31, 2022 | Invest During Inflation | 31 comments

Best dividend stocks to hedge against inflation

With the current inflation rate at a near 30 year high, there is no wonder many investors are starting to get concerned. People are talking more about inflation than ever before. In this video I cover four topics around inflation:

1) Inflation: Know your history
2) Inflation: How to prepare for the future
3) International REIT to watch
4) 10 dividend growth stocks to hedge against inflation

10 dividend stocks to hedge against inflation:

▸ Try M1 Finance:

▸ How to transfer to M1:

▸ Seeking Alpha Premium (get 50% off):

My dividend growth portfolios
▸ M1 Cash flow pie:
▸ M1 Real estate pie:

I’m not a financial advisor and the content discussed today is merely my opinion and intended only for your entertainment. The content expressed in this video should not be considered as professional financial advice. Some of the links above are affiliate links and come at no cost to you.
#DividendGrowthInvesting…(read more)

LEARN ABOUT: Investing During Inflation

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  1. Edgar Castrejon

    Hi friend! I wanted to ask for your opinion in investing into international companies is still valid this year? I’m a veteran and I’m invested in The Thrift Savings Plan (TSP). Currently I have about 80% investment on what is called the C fund and it’s investment objective is to match the performance of the S&P 500 index. There is a way to invest into international companies through the I fund. And the I funds objective is to match the performance of the MSCI EAFE (Europe, Australasia, and Far East) index. I’m trying to figure out if I should move at least half of that 80% to the I fund.

  2. Cris

    Great stuff man, just discovered your channel
    I agree with you on everything except for the energy stocks, I love those too, especially TotalEnergies

  3. SM Payback

    I don’t know much about stock but everything time I watch your videos, I learn something new serious.

  4. greg h

    if interest rates go to the 5% range im selling my stocks and buying cds

  5. Fulmetal

    Good to see some copanies i own and some that im seriously considering buying on the list.

  6. Tony Nelson

    I wish you could get your video's down to just about 10 minutes. I enjoy the content but don't always have the time. Thanks

  7. John Lund

    The recent trend is the fact that crypto currency traders can never be poor, crypto currency is the best form of investment anyone can carry out now. Sometimes when we have that specific money that we want to invest in a particular thing, we always focus on losing and then investing or spending money wrongly. One reason you need to invest in crypto and its technology is because; Crypto is changing the shape of the economy of any nation that approaches technology and that way being an early adopter gives you an edge over others that will buy into it late. Why not look into it and have a rethink about the particular investment you wish to make now. Bitcoin has changed my life because I invest in the right way and one thing that gives me joy is because I also learn the concept of trading from a pro to accumulate and hold more bitcoin. Notwithstanding the current bearish state I still make a lot of money buying and trading bitcoin thanks to signals I receive and implement from Edward Rowe, if you’d like to make extra income this December, he’s willing to assist with the best signals, he can be reached on Tele-gram (@EdwardRowe) for advice and enquiries

  8. Michael Vizzoca

    Why aren't you fond of utility stocks? Love your stuff man, keep up the great work!!

  9. Doris steve

    The stock market has been a really tough one this past year, but I watched an interview on CNBC where the anchor kept mentioning "VIVIAN KLAINE MORGAN". This prompted me to get in touch with her, and from May 2021 till now we have been working together, and I can now boast of $540,000 in my trading portfolio.

  10. Ana Smith

    Such good information! Thank you.

  11. Ludwig Afonso

    Are you reinvesting the dividends back to the same stock?

  12. delliott777

    The way some of the brokerages show Returns is frustrating to me, Vanguards app shows, capital appreciation on a rolling 1 year. Seeing Red might not be true Red. Plus, dividends aren’t included.
    So, you get a false sense of reality and might take action on that.
    For me, when I see red in my portfolio, it makes me wanna buy more!

  13. Russ Knopf’s Dapper Dividends!

    Really good video to share, Jake…. Especially the 10 DG ideas at the end…. I've been buying a share of PepsiCo every week until I hit 100…. 22 more weeks to go! Good stuff man!

  14. Ari Gutman

    Solid video and thank you for all the stock recs, I’ve found the most ideal hedge against inflation is real estate whether physical property or REITs, I am heavily invested in the latter, Realty Income and STAG are my go tos!

  15. SatanasVlogs

    Brother jake, do you consider crypto? Staking is similar to dividend

  16. TETrading

    Great that you don't want to rely on your day job to earn a living . You must be getting close with your portfolio and YouTube?

  17. J-Roc Geo

    Not so sure we can look back and make these assumptions, the world is so different now with Tech on an exponential growth curve. The world is completely different since the 70s. I have NO idea what's going to happen, but I cannot see a world where Apple and Microsoft drop like they world have in the 2000s. We are on a new path and its going to be crazy! Companies with a moat and pricing power with reasonable debt will do great in my opinion.

  18. The Neverending Highway

    It seems tricky. Some of those companies listed in VTI that are driving up the PE, like AAPL, MSFT, TSLA, AMZN, META, NFLIX, etc also have broad international exposure as well.

  19. Chris Topher

    I think healthcare in general will still do well due to the boomers. Theyre old and have high net worths as a population. Theyrw gonna be spending big on health and prolonging life over the next 20 years. Independent of inflation. Also I love MPW and OHI

  20. Joe E

    I've got 9 out of 10 of the stocks to protect against inflation in my dividend portfolio. I just cannot add PM to my portfolio.

  21. roen1ck

    great video

  22. Nick Does DGI

    I absolutely love my REIT’s! Am also long MPW.

  23. DobyDuke

    lets go brandon

  24. Leontoner

    4:00 the easiest self fulfilling prophecy ever simply because the corperations take the beliefs & expectations of inflation and make them a reality sourcing "hey that was inflation not us" and the bread man ain't gunna be the only sucker not raising his prices by 3%

  25. Billy Johnson

    Great video. I own six out of ten

  26. Ghost Dog

    Every headline now is "sell while you can the crash is coming." There has been lots out trouble in the last few months but all of that came from portfolios that was heavy on all those worthless stocks and SPACs that was heavy on hype. I also agree with staying away from the energy sector, it's just far too speculative and filled with maybe this and maybe that. The best performing investment accounts buy heavy into the blue chips and then forget their password or die. In other words, forget everything around you and try logging back in a decade or two later. I know a guy who placed 50k into Apple around 12 years ago and came back 10 years later and retired lol. Will the next 10 years see those same returns, probably not, but would you have a hell of a lot more than what you started with, probably so. Unless however, we finally see that zombie apocalypse that every zombie movie has been warning us about for the last 6 decades.

  27. SpielbaerLP

    I think it is worth taking a close look at companies that havent been around in the 70s when inflation hit big. Alphabet might be a winner in an inflationary environment because they have pricing power as far as ads are concerned. My Youtube revenue is going up even though i am not generating more views or put in more ad breaks. Youtube has been a big growth driver for alphabet in 2020 already. Semiconductor companies also have a huge pricing power. You can see it right now with the global chip shortage that the continously high demand for chips of all sorts is basically an inflation driver. Therefore i am a big fan of Lam Research, Broadcom and Qualcomm right now.

  28. william d

    The media is talkin about Inflation day and night! Michael Burry, Ray Dalio and so on announcing that the market will crush since 2016! Jeeeezzz!!!

  29. Dividend Driver James

    Great video Jake, I appreciate the information. Have a great week

  30. W Bru

    I'd say VIGI is the way to go for international exposure for the next decade.

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