Best investments During Times of Inflation

by | Mar 20, 2023 | Invest During Inflation | 12 comments

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DISCLAIMER: This information is for information purposes only. All information expressed in this video is based on my opinion. This is no recommendation to buy or sell a stock, ETF or financial asset. Please do your own research and consult a financial professional before making any investment decision….(read more)

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Inflation is a term that most of us dread to hear. It is a phenomenon where the prices of goods and services keep rising, resulting in a decrease in the value of money. During times of inflation, it can be challenging to maintain your purchasing power and preserve your wealth. However, there are some investments that can help you hedge against inflation and potentially safeguard your wealth. In this article, we will explore the best investments during times of inflation.

1. Real Estate

Investing in real estate is a popular way to hedge against inflation. Real estate prices tend to move in line with inflation, which means that they increase when prices rise. Additionally, when you own property, you can earn rental income, which may also increase with inflation. Investing in real estate can be a stable long-term investment and can help build wealth over time. However, it is essential to do your research and choose your property wisely.


2. Precious Metals

Investing in precious metals such as gold, silver, and platinum can also help hedge against inflation. These metals are tangible assets that have intrinsic value, which means that they maintain their worth even during times of economic instability. During times of inflation, the demand for precious metals tends to rise, leading to an increase in their prices. Investing in precious metals can be an excellent way to diversify your portfolio and protect your wealth.

3. Stocks

Investing in stocks can also provide a hedge against inflation. Companies that are well-positioned to increase their prices during inflationary periods can perform well. Additionally, when you invest in stocks, you are purchasing a small piece of the company. This ownership stake can potentially provide capital appreciation and dividend income, which can help protect against inflation. However, investing in stocks can be volatile and requires careful research and analysis.

4. Cryptocurrencies

Cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin and Ethereum can be an excellent investment opportunity during times of high inflation. These digital assets are decentralized and have no central authority or control. As such, they can act as a hedge against inflation, as their value rises when traditional currencies lose value. However, investing in cryptocurrencies can be volatile and requires a high level of risk tolerance.

5. Inflation-Protected Bonds

Inflation-protected bonds, also known as Treasury Inflation-Protected Securities (TIPS), are a type of bond issued by the US Treasury. These bonds provide protection against inflation by adjusting their principal value based on the Consumer Price Index (CPI). This adjustment helps protect against inflation, as the interest payments and principal payments increase with inflation. Investing in TIPS can provide a reliable and stable investment opportunity during inflationary times.

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In conclusion, inflation can be a challenging economic environment to navigate. However, there are ways to hedge against inflation and potentially preserve your wealth. By investing in real estate, precious metals, stocks, cryptocurrencies, and inflation-protected bonds, you can potentially protect your purchasing power from the eroding effects of inflation. As with any investment, it is essential to do your research and consult with a financial professional before making any investment decisions.

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  1. J J

    I invested in oil and gas

  2. Lover Maker

    I buy only reits

  3. brkbeat junkie

    1.9T was just the beginning. I think we are up to 6 trillion now with more money printing on the way.

  4. Mircea Crisan

    Bitcoin great way to handle inflation? I don't think so. Time will tell.

  5. Phillip Haubrock


  6. Taylor Restall

    I think I will just keep just getting growth stocks and average down on my favorites if they go down hard

  7. Taylor Restall

    Wow my orders for puts on UUUU never were able to sell. You were bang on. Massive move!

  8. Sean Sharklion

    Thanks Mike! what are your thoughts on profit taking one year after the coronavirus crash? Do you anticipate an institutional sell-off for client's long term capital gains from mid March through April a year after the bottom of the V shaped recovery? Cheers.

  9. Treasure Time

    Thanks for the video !!

  10. Deer infear

    I remember inflation…I was 6 and had no Christmas gifts. My father had to explain why he was laid off, economy, government and other cause/ effect. I learned Santa was not real and was taught the true meaning of Christmas. We did have Christmas dinner. You grow up quick when you're told this at a young age.

  11. Sugarmommyhelper Helpe

    Thanks to @zaincrypto on telegram I got my profit successfully completed thanks

  12. ⭕liver

    Thanks for these investment ideas!

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