Beware: Triple American Eclipse Prophecy Warns of New Madrid Fault Line Risk

by | Feb 8, 2024 | Bank Failures | 8 comments

Beware: Triple American Eclipse Prophecy Warns of New Madrid Fault Line Risk

In what has now become a 3-Part series on the Three American Solar Eclipse Omens from 2017, 2023, and 2024, we now need to talk about some new insights regarding the New Madrid Fault Line, also called the New Madrid Seismic Zone (NMSZ).

This region of the US also happens to fall right into the crosshairs of judgment, and it is important to shed light on what the US Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) referred to in a 2008 report as being “the highest economic losses due to a natural disaster in the United States.” Tens of thousands of structures could be destroyed in an earthquake event along with an estimated $300+ Billion in economic costs.

We will also review key concepts from the previous two parts of this prophetic investigation and make more sense of what appears to be a triple genocide judgment warning against America.

Watch Part 1 of this investigation here:

Watch Part 2 here:

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⚠️Triple American Eclipse Prophecy: New Madrid Fault Line DANGER

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In the world of prophecies and predictions, there are many beliefs and theories about potential natural disasters and cataclysmic events. One such prophecy that has gained attention in recent years is the Triple American Eclipse Prophecy, which warns of a dangerous event along the New Madrid Fault Line.

The Triple American Eclipse Prophecy is based on the occurrence of three total solar eclipses that will pass over the United States in the span of seven years. The first eclipse took place on August 21, 2017, and the subsequent eclipses are predicted to occur on April 8, 2024, and August 23, 2044. According to proponents of this prophecy, the alignment and timing of these eclipses hold significant meaning and point towards a major seismic event along the New Madrid Fault Line.

The New Madrid Fault Line is a seismic zone located in the central United States, encompassing parts of Missouri, Arkansas, Tennessee, and Kentucky. Historically, this fault line has been the site of major earthquakes, with the most notable being the series of quakes that occurred in 1811 and 1812, causing widespread destruction in the region.

Proponents of the Triple American Eclipse Prophecy believe that the alignment of these eclipses over the New Madrid Fault Line indicates the potential for a significant earthquake in the coming years. They point to historical patterns and celestial alignments as evidence of the validity of this prophecy.

However, it is important to note that many scientists and experts in the field of geology are skeptical of such prophecies and caution against jumping to conclusions based on celestial events. While it is true that eclipses and celestial phenomena can have an impact on the Earth’s tides and seismic activity, the relationship between these events and specific geological predictions is not well-established.

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That being said, it is undeniable that the New Madrid Fault Line poses a real and ongoing risk to the central United States. The region is densely populated and home to important infrastructure and cultural landmarks. It is crucial for residents and authorities in the area to take the necessary precautions and be prepared for the possibility of a major earthquake.

Regardless of the validity of the Triple American Eclipse Prophecy, it serves as a reminder of the very real threat that seismic activity poses to our planet. The New Madrid Fault Line, as well as other seismic zones around the world, require continued monitoring and preparedness efforts to mitigate the potential impact of future earthquakes.

In conclusion, the Triple American Eclipse Prophecy may raise concerns about the New Madrid Fault Line, but it is important to approach such predictions with a healthy dose of skepticism. While it is crucial to be aware of potential risks and take steps to prepare for natural disasters, it is equally important to rely on scientific evidence and expert knowledge when assessing the likelihood of future events. The focus should be on proactive measures to ensure the safety and resilience of communities in seismic-prone areas, rather than relying solely on prophecies and predictions.

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  1. @GardenisLife

    all 3 earthquake zones could go off, but at the same time? that would def be an act of God lol

  2. @Pionjaar

    Sorry for commenting even though I haven't watched this video. I just wanted to share an observation I made recently. It may not be new to you, but I'll tell you anyway.
    The signs really point on that day of April 8, 2024. In addition to this solar eclipse, the calculated new biblical year (Nisan 1) is predicted to begin on the exact same day. On top of that also the Muslim Ramadan is predicted to end on the same day. Three significant things on the same day doesn't seem like a coincidence.

  3. @LynnMoad-xo3vy


  4. @Yanel5795

    America is not a lost tribe but the Israelites are in america. Aka African "americans" they lost their identity

  5. @truthmatters316


  6. @williambraden3912

    I haven't forgotten the New Madrid Fault since there was a scare in '90/'91 an earthquake was going to happen kinda crazy how its a focus again

  7. @Isaiah54-22

    Bro it gets so much deeper than all this too…..are you familiar with "ezra's eagle" prophecy from the apocrypha? It calls Kennedy assasinated, calls Nixon step down, FDR's 4 terms, calls Trump getting outed by "secret combinations" and calls the anti christ and the presidents that lead to him. Also…where the eclipse crosses near new Madrid is sacred to LDS people. We believe that in the book of Mormon which took place here in the U.S. ; A huge earthquake happened in the same place just before Jesus Christ visited( 33AD) what is now the United States, after his resurrection when he said "other sheep have I which are not of this fold.."…..anyway he'lll be visiting here after this quake happens again within the next 7 years. You heard it here first. Within 7 years.

    Where that eclipse crosses will be the "new jerusalem" described in the Bible. Each ray goes over 7 cities named "salem" to signify this. If you think I'm crazy or not take notice and hear me on this why would 14 cities be crossed by 2 eclipses …7 each eclipse named "salem" in THESE days….wtf that's god homie!

    Now go re read Isaiah and consider that when he's TALKING TO Israel, he's not talking to the natural kingdom branch, but the grafted in one….he's talking Christians in the United states….tell me if Isaiah calls the state of Christianity today pretty well in isaiah 1 and 2 for yourself. ….he was talking to US in the united states today not people of the past or the secular israel, hes talking to the israelites who "enter through the waters of Judah" which is baptism. . We gotta wake up fam. Get with your local conspiracy theorist who knows Jesus christ and his doctrine and hold on. I'm not playing.

    The reason he's speaking to America in Hebrew is to only let his grafted people here who know who we are; those who are looking for him. most people have e no clue this is brewing fam. Consider yourself blessed and loved by God today if your heart knows this is coming SOON.

    Heed the ability to know the dangers we face ahead of time. It is a mercy for his children. People who think they're getting raptured, first gotta find that word in the Bible and THEN kiss their butts goodbye cause there isn't a rapture, and plenty of Christians will get squished by buildings drown in the sea sunk in the earth etc. Go read 3 Nephi in the book of Mormon and hit me up if you see this and for some reason it makes you say ok, that hits real.

  8. @ravenr876

    I agree something is going to happen. You can feel it.

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